The Daily News Sep 9


Michael Jackson to Be Honored at Disneyland

Michael Jackson will be honored at one of his favorite places in the world--Disneyland.

Bosses at the Californian theme park are considering bringing back "Captain EO," a 17-minute 3D movie starring Michael, which was originally shown at the venue in the 80s and 90s.

The short film was about a space crew who were on a mission to take a present to an alien leader and stars Michael, who also performs two songs in it.


Apparently Michael fans have been writing letters to Disneyland bosses asking that they bring the famous attraction back as a tribute to him. An official statement about the attraction is expected to be made on September 10th.

Stay tuned

Michael Jackson Opus Reaches Global Audience

Opus Media Group announces plans to produce the Official Michael Jackson Opus for fans all around the world.

Due to the overwhelming pre-order response via Ticketmaster, the exclusive retailer partner for the Official Michael Jackson Opus, we will be offering an initial selection of 12 different languages read more

Each Opus will be printed in English and, on request, a manuscript will be made available to each owner for download in their chosen language.

We will offer the following languages initially:
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Japanese
  • Mandarin (Chinese)
  • Hindi (Indian)
  • Russian
  • Hebrew
  • Arabic
  • Portuguese
  • Swahili (African)
  • German
The Official Michael Jackson Opus will be specially priced at £109/$165 so that Michael Jackson’s fans from all around the world will have the opportunity to own this special keepsake. All orders placed from now until September 30, 2009 will be delivered during the holiday season.

Pre-order the Official Michael Jackson Opus

If you have ordered the Official Michael Jackson Opus and would like to request a manuscript in your chosen language, find out how to do this here.

Happy birthday

MJKing985 and mjl63

Today in
Michael Jackson History

1992 - A live performance by Michael Jackson was broadcast via satellite to the ninth annual MTV Video Music Awards. Jackson performed the song "Black and White."

1995 - Michael Jackson's single "You Are Not Alone" hit #1 in the U.K.


The Beatles Vs. M.J.: A New Battle For No. 1

NEW YORK -- The Beatles vs. Michael Jackson.

It's a clash of show-biz heavyweights, as juicy in theory as such sports smackdowns as Ali-Frazier, Duke-North Carolina and Yankees-Red Sox.

The Beatles are about to re-release all their British albums on remastered CDs, to coincide with a new "Rock Band" video game featuring their songs. Music from the late Jackson, meanwhile, is enjoying renewed popularity since his death on June 25.

So the question is: Who will be No. 1 in the entertainment world this year and proceed to take charge of the Christmas season?


When Jackson died, pundits promptly predicted that he would be the pacesetter in sales. As the theory goes, the work of newly dead icons becomes all the rage with consumers.

At the time of Jackson's death, he was preparing to make a major comeback. He had been rehearsing intensely for a long concert engagement in London, to be followed by a world tour. Because Jackson hadn't performed extensively in many years, the public and the media had an enormous anticipation for his return to prominence.

Jackson's death created new business opportunities for the managers of his estate and other people who had planned to capitalize on his fame. That would include his record distributors at Sony Music Entertainment. (SNE: 26.63, -0.24, -0.89%)

Presumably, new Jackson albums and such hot products as theatrical and home-market movies, television shows, documentaries and videos were in the offing. The footage of Jackson's supposedly white-hot rehearsals, filmed shortly before his death, could also be worth a fortune since they represent the last Jackson performances.

Jackson's commercial potential from the grave is formidable: The New York Times estimated in an August piece that he had already reaped $100 million from a movie deal and merchandising arrangements.

"The executors expect another $100 million to roll in by the end of the year," the Times pointed out.

Jackson's commercial prospects down the road also look promising. The Times and others -- such as this columnist -- have noted, the long-term business model for the Jackson estate's galaxy of financial opportunities is Elvis Presley. Presley's estate produced about $55 million in revenue in 2008, according to Billboard magazine.

Observers have said disgustedly that Presley has become identified with Americana at its most grotesque, as his managers have wrung every nickel possible from his legacy. They have a point, of course, but so what? If you think Presley was exploited, get ready for The Michael Jackson Circus.

Jackson should be able to eclipse that in years to come, considering he had greater crossover appeal than Presley. Jackson has also benefited from other factors. He is a staple of blogs and tabloid media, which keeps his name fresh everyday. He was also an early superstar on MTV, which propelled him in the 1980s.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Even with Jackson's potential for riches, the Beatles look even more promising.

The process begins on Wednesday -- 09/09/09 -- when Viacom's (VIA: 26.75, 0.16, 0.6%) "The Beatles: Rock Band" video game hits stores. Plus, the set of re-mastered albums will be available from the group's Apple Corps. and its distributor, privately held EMI. The retail price for the much-in-demand video game ranges from approximately $60 to $250, depending on accessories, Bloomberg noted.

Discussing the huge appeal of the video product, Seth Schiesel wrote in the New York Times: "'The Beatles: Rock Band' is nothing less than a cultural watershed, one that may prove only slightly less influential than the band's famous appearance on 'The Ed Sullivan Show' in 1964.

"By reinterpreting an essential symbol of one generation in the medium and technology of another, 'The Beatles: Rock Band' provides a transformative entertainment experience," Schiesel went on to say. "In that sense it may be the most important video game yet made. Never before has a video game had such intergenerational cultural resonance."

Bloomberg pointed out that the Beatles' remastered catalog sold out on (AMZN: 81.22, 0.32, 0.4%) "and record stores from California to Liverpool say fans are eager to pay $300 or more for impeccable versions of favorites like 'Love Me Do.'"

"Love Me Do?" Not, say, "Hey Jude" or "She Loves You?" OK, you get the point. The Beatles are hot!

Maximizing the commercial strength of the Beatles music, the remastered albums will be available in both mono and stereo formats. Music industry people who have heard the remastered sounds rave about the quality. Many disc jockeys have been saying it is almost as if they were hearing the well-worn recordings for the first time.

The Beatles, naturally, also have another advantage: the band's surviving members, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, can make public appearances and go on TV shows to help promote the new releases. McCartney recently concluded a well-received concert tour of the United States, underscoring his popularity and that of the Beatles.

It's worth remembering that Michael Jackson's estate will also win when the Beatles go gold or platinum. The estate now controls about half of the publishing rights of much of the Beatles back catalog.

It will be a fun battle waged between the wares of the Beatles and Michael Jackson. I'd put my money on the Beatles. They will truly be here, there and everywhere.

MEDIA WEB QUESTION OF THE DAY: Would you prefer to spend your money on stuff featuring the Beatles or Michael Jackson?

Copyright © 2009 MarketWatch, Inc.
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Michael deserves in the year of his death to have the #1 spot not the Beatles! And I'm certain he will. The media are over hyping this band as per usual.
These people forget that Michael win's either way, with him having the publishing rights to the beatles in the Sony ATV catalogue
questionable....but, I guess possibly true.

For nearly 20 years, only Michael Jackson, along with his friends and guests, had access to the variety of rides and activities at his Neverland Ranch. But now, according to a report in the New York Post, the private amusement park may go public.

Apparently, private equity firm Colony Capital, which owns the land, and the King of Pop's brother Jermaine Jackson, are in talks with plans to turn the property into an amusement park and museum sometime in 2010, preferably by Christmas.

While plans to make Neverland Ranch a public attraction are in motion, another property formerly occupied by Jackson will remain a private residence. Jackson was renting a house in Holmby Hills, CA when he died, and French designer Christian Audigier purchased the home with the intent of turning it into a museum. However, local authorities have denied approval for making the house a public space.
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Michael deserves in the year of his death to have the #1 spot not the Beatles! And I'm certain he will. The media are over hyping this band as per usual.
The Beatles are SOOOO OVERRATED, i dont get it!!! i mean they had some good songs yes, i mean Yesterday is wonderful, but how many bands had wonderful songs as well, there are so many good bands, yet is like The Beatles is the only one, and i dont get this whole competition the media is making between Michael who was a solo artist and and a completely different thing like band from the sixties, is like a competition all the time, since Michael died all i hear is oh Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley, or Michael Jackson vs The Beatles, or Michael Jackson vs Prince, i mean competion is good, but the bad thing about these competions is that most of them are started by Beatles or Elvis or Prince fanatics who cant stand Michael's attention, and they just try to bring Michael down, Michael's talent is the one thing they cant touch, i mean they are defenetly going to loose on that Michael's talent is just undeniable, he is loved by people who really know about music, i mean wtf???
don't stress over the Beatles is all a big win win monetarily for Michael's estate...anyway you slice it.,,,
The Beatles are SOOOO OVERRATED, i dont get it!!! i mean they had some good songs yes, i mean Yesterday is wonderful, but how many bands had wonderful songs as well, there are so many good bands, yet is like The Beatles is the only one, and i dont get this whole competition the media is making between Michael who was a solo artist and and a completely different thing like band from the sixties, is like a competition all the time, since Michael died all i hear is oh Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley, or Michael Jackson vs The Beatles, or Michael Jackson vs Prince, i mean competion is good, but the bad thing about these competions is that most of them are started by Beatles or Elvis or Prince fanatics who cant stand Michael's attention, and they just try to bring Michael down, Michael's talent is the one thing they cant touch, i mean they are defenetly going to loose on that Michael's talent is just undeniable, he is loved by people who really know about music, i mean wtf???
Prince is a very talented artist and I like quite a few of his songs, but he comes no where near Michael.

Now Michael isn't around anymore, Prince is the next best thing I guess when it comes to talent. I guess I'll go to see him perform live sometime when I have the chance.