The Daily News Sep 30


Michael Jackson Boots Sold At Auction Hosted By Janet, Attended By Kanye West

The biggest event at Fashion Week in Milan wasn't the debut of a new line or the arrival of the next great designer. Rather, it was a star-studded auction hosted by Janet Jackson for the benefit of the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR). All told, the auction raised a total of $1.1 million for the charity, which is an organization that funds scientific inquiry and research in to HIV and AIDS.

The first highlight of the event — which cost anywhere from $2,200 to $11,500 just to get in the door — was the sale of a pair of Swarovski crystal-studded boots that were owned by the late Michael Jackson. Janet's brother had planned on wearing the footwear on stage at London's O2 Arena during his planned residency there, and they fetched a total of $14,650.

The second highlight came later in the evening, when Kanye West (with girlfriend/model Amber Rose by his side) got into a bidding war with Diesel designer Renzo Rosso over a custom-made leather jacket produced by the DSquared2 label. Rosso ultimately prevailed with a winning bid of $52,740. (Luckily, Rosso didn't have to take the stage to formally accept the jacket.)

Janet Jackson has been in Milan for a week working at a number of events for amfAR. But she hasn't forgotten about her day job, as her new single "Make Me" is now for sale via download. Meanwhile, sales are already through the roof for "Michael Jackson's This Is It," the film culled from the hours of footage recorded during rehearsals for Michael's O2 residency. That film comes out on October 28 for two weeks only — and tickets are clearly going fast.

Michael Jackson's This Is It Is Already Breaking the Box Office

This Is It, aka the Michael Jackson movie, doesn't open in theaters until Oct. 28, but the late music icon's loyal fans are already securing their seats. The film is breaking records for advance ticket sales, with hundreds of shows selling out in North America and all over the world since Sunday.

LA, San Francisco, Houston, and New York mark strong showings in the States, while Japan, Holland, Sweden, Belgium, and New Zealand represent impressive sales overseas. Many of you said you were planning on seeing the movie, but did you already buy your tickets?

Michael Jackson’s Music Pirated

Michael Jackson’s Music Pirated
Police raid Manurewa store, arrest proprietor

Police have raided a Manurewa store and arrested its proprietor for selling pirated copies of Michael Jackson CDs.
Acting on information from a member of the public passed on to the Recording Industry Association, the police executed a search warrant at Indian Sweets & Snacks, Videos & Spices on 30 September 2009.

Today in
Michael Jackson History

2003 - It was reported that the song "One More Chance" was being considered for Michael Jackson's album "Number Ones." The song was written by R. Kelly. The album was planned as the last Sony release by Jackson.


I L.O.V.E this remix of One More Chance!!
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Re: The Daily News Sep 31

Thanks for the news. Only, it's Sept 30 :)
Michael's kids have been spotted out and about with their cousins. Am I allowed to post that here? Its a news article with new pix of the children.
I respect the rules here but the thing is, the whole world will see those new pics and the Jackson family aren't worried so what is the point of not posting them here? (Over a billion people saw them at the memorial service and the pix of the children at the memorial were allowed here).

It just doesn't make sense because fans will go and see them anyway, just not here. One fan forum is not going to limit the amount of people who will see those pictures.

I get it, I understand you want to respect Michael's wishes but the Jackson family are fine with it, so I think its time this forum will be fine with it too. I think its a beautiful thing, watching his children grow up. Fans are the last people on earth who would disrespect them, fans genuinely care about their well being, esp since Michael's passing.

Seeing that they are doing ok reassures people. They are apart of Michael and were the biggest, most important part of his life, I find it sad that they are ignored here. Again I understand but I hope you understand what I'm saying too.

Anyway I won't mention it again and will respect the rules but it gives the mods something to consider or bring forth to the owner of this great fan site and forum.
Thanks for the news about the auction and I was not aware Janet's single was available. I am gonna download it on my next break.

Good to see the cops on the ball when it comes to the pirated mj cd's. Again t4p.
I respect the rules here but the thing is, the whole world will see those new pics and the Jackson family aren't worried so what is the point of not posting them here? (Over a billion people saw them at the memorial service and the pix of the children at the memorial were allowed here).

It just doesn't make sense because fans will go and see them anyway, just not here. One fan forum is not going to limit the amount of people who will see those pictures.

I get it, I understand you want to respect Michael's wishes but the Jackson family are fine with it, so I think its time this forum will be fine with it too. I think its a beautiful thing, watching his children grow up. Fans are the last people on earth who would disrespect them, fans genuinely care about their well being, esp since Michael's passing.

Seeing that they are doing ok reassures people. They are apart of Michael and were the biggest, most important part of his life, I find it sad that they are ignored here. Again I understand but I hope you understand what I'm saying too.

Anyway I won't mention it again and will respect the rules but it gives the mods something to consider or bring forth to the owner of this great fan site and forum.

We have allowed pictures of the funeral because the family put them on the spotlight that day; paparazzi pictures are completely different, they are not authorized by anyone and are invasive.
These CHILDREN have the right to the privacy we never gave Michael (and by we I mean everyone who ever gawked at a pap pic of MJ).

Either way it makes no difference that the family is ok with it, Michael wasn't and that's the end of it.
I see no point in not posting the kids pics anymore, they are with the jacksons now , the family is gonna expose those kids and exploit them as much as possible, everytime one of the siblings feel the need for some attention from the media he/she is gonna take them on a trip , so they are and will always be in the spot light , MJ is gone . we can't protect them from their family . their pics are eerywhere.
We have allowed pictures of the funeral because the family put them on the spotlight that day; paparazzi pictures are completely different, they are not authorized by anyone and are invasive.
These CHILDREN have the right to the privacy we never gave Michael (and by we I mean everyone who ever gawked at a pap pic of MJ).

Either way it makes no difference that the family is ok with it, Michael wasn't and that's the end of it.
Fair enough, that makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately though not allowing the pics here will not limit the amount of people who will see them, which is everyone who picks up a mag or visits celebrity gossip sites.

At least not doing so here gives Michael and his children the respect they deserve from at least his fans. So looking at it from that way, it makes a lot of sense.
Unfortunately we can't control what everyone else does, but we can do our part in here.
i have tickets for 28 oct-I just can't wait to see the movie:) it is sad but happy in the same time...strange feeling...
I see no point in not posting the kids pics anymore, they are with the jacksons now , the family is gonna expose those kids and exploit them as much as possible, everytime one of the siblings feel the need for some attention from the media he/she is gonna take them on a trip , so they are and will always be in the spot light , MJ is gone . we can't protect them from their family . their pics are eerywhere.

Thats just nasty. Some of you just need to stop it already. That entire family grew up in the damn spotlight not just Mike. You don't even hear the Jackson grand- kids being hollywood brats like half of these damn hollywood kids whose parents, who didn't even have half of the JACKSON's fame.
Why Is This Michael Jackson Movie Stressing Us Out, Anyway?

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Buzz up!

And what's with all the rest of Fall 2009's hype getting under our collective skin? One particularly anxious cultural observer gets to the bottom of the American man's Twitter-speed burden.
By S.T. VanAirsdale

I think the buzz had pretty much stung me in the brain by last week, when I awoke shaking from a dream — a pop-cultural nightmare of sorts, its Freudian impulses be damned — in which I fought with a cab driver who wouldn't take me to Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch. He refused to believe I had loaned Jackson a bunch of DVD's that would soon be liquidated in his estate sale if I didn't reclaim them. Creepy, sure, but random, too. Except that a few hours later I sat down to the news that tickets for Jackson's upcoming concert documentary This is It would go on sale September 27 in L.A. — and that people would line up to get them a full three days earlier.
Dream and reality collided in an atomizing, wind-sucking jolt I hadn't experienced since, well, maybe a week-or-so earlier in Canada, when dozens of allegedly Oscar-worthy selections at the Toronto Film Festival crippled me with anxiety. I came home to the award shows (Kanye-fied and otherwise), the pennant race, the NFL kickoff, the UN General Assembly, the new TV shows, and all the other mega-hyped phenomena that flood the zeitgeist all at once every September.
Only this year the expectations of the culture feel more intimidating, with that tautological tapestry known as hype becoming emotionally reinforced. Maybe it's all these trending topics on Twitter we're told to keep with along (lest we overlook all these republic-is-burning news headlines), or the multimedia marketing that can choke a man in a single two-minute warning (Lie to Me premiere! Whip It opens Oct. 2! New York Mega Millions jackpot is at $88 million! Some terminally ill smoker will be dead in a week!). But we're no longer just meant to shake off summer's languor and get "serious" about pop — we're supposed to get nervous.
In other words, hype is the new anxiety. And it's killing us — or at least prompting some severe indigestion. Instead of responsibly discriminating between what's necessary, what we might enjoy, and what is beyond reproach (your results may vary), we've started sucking it all down without so much as chewing. We don't even ask ourselves what we want from such moment-to-moment cultural consumption, be it entertainment, enlightenment, or escape.
With that uncertainty affecting even me, whose job is partly to remind you of the literally thousands of options at hand, I called up Dr. Carole Lieberman, a self-described "media psychiatrist" in Beverly Hills. "It's more of a pressure to know what's going on as opposed to being entertained," she told me. "There is pressure to watch things. The latest movie — 'Have you seen this?' It's like if you haven't seen these things, people don't know what to talk about. And there are so many other things we should be talking about.
"It's a collusion. We're colluding with the media providers to live in la-la land."
But that collusion — that silent partnership in hype — also poisons America's ideological well, tainting those "other things we should be talking about" just as much as your decision to tune in or TiVo each episode of Mad Men. It even explains a lot of why the 2008 presidential campaign was such a pop-culture circus: The electorate never perceived John McCain as more ideologically out-of-touch than when he stood up David Letterman. The real leaders of the American right, meanwhile, aren't necessarily those heckling President Obama from the Senate floor so much as the media zealots spewing the most salable extremes. Having fallen for the hype of The Great Orator himself, we now get to witness the consequences: the politics of fury, where consensus and rational debate find no quarter on either side, and where he (or she, for those on the Palin 2012 tip — if there are any left) who hypes last hypes loudest.
And by way of that collusion, it necessarily informs and reflects how we respond to culture, stripping the middle ground from discussions about perfectly fine pop from Jennifer's Body to Michael Jackson. The anonymous authors of the fascinating, notorious 2005 French tract The Coming Insurrection foresaw such destabilized democracy, characterizing it as "a rhythm that imposes itself" anticipating how an alienated culture might respond to that rhythm — by aligning itself, one person at a time, to "the ensemble of dependencies I've contracted as the price of my identity."
Which is to say, Avatar. And Glee. And Sunday Night Football. And The Lost Symbol. And, if densely compounded anxiety is your thing, try out the Seinfeld cast reunion on Curb Your Enthusiasm beginning this weekend. And so we are diagnosed with good ole "crippling anxiety," the one that has evolved from the realm of cliché to those of "fall previews" and "little gold men," from idle presence to dream-expropriating menace, from myth to capital-M Madness. Would I be taken any less seriously for believing This is It could be just a movie, or that Yankees-Red Sox be just another game, or that the white-hot ends of the political spectrum comprise mere mortals? Or that I can break the collusive cycle? Scary stuff, but I still think it's worth a shot.
S.T. VanAirsdale is a senior editor at His film criticism and industry analysis have appeared in the New York Times, Vanity Fair, New York, the Huffington Post, Defamer, and The Reeler, which he founded.
Thats just nasty. Some of you just need to stop it already. That entire family grew up in the damn spotlight not just Mike. You don't even hear the Jackson grand- kids being hollywood brats like half of these damn hollywood kids whose parents, who didn't even have half of the JACKSON's fame.
That is so true.

All the cousins are all well behaved children, mannered and grounded despite their uncle being the most famous and biggest celebrity of all time. This makes me feel at ease and happy to know that Michael's children will be just fine.
I see no point in not posting the kids pics anymore, they are with the jacksons now , the family is gonna expose those kids and exploit them as much as possible, everytime one of the siblings feel the need for some attention from the media he/she is gonna take them on a trip , so they are and will always be in the spot light , MJ is gone . we can't protect them from their family . their pics are eerywhere.

How are these kids being exploited?? Other than seeing them on stage at the public service, they haven't been launched infront of the cameras... All the pics that are posted of them now, come from the paps following them around. They are doing normal everyday things, like going to a museum or the store... They did it with their dad only difference is they are without the masks now, there were times when they didn't wear the masks when they were with MJ... So by them going out places they are being exploited? Well I guess we all need to be pissed at their dad for taking them out places and what have you.. Man I guess Mrs. Jackson shld keep them locked up on the family compound and never let them see the light of day... Hell they aren't even with any of MJ's siblings, they are with their cousins and nannies.. I guess Taj and 'em aren't good enough.. smh at how some of you know what's best for MJ's kids and the rest of his family...

ok. sorry for my rant... still luv u all:wub: