The Daily News - July 7 - Larry Nimmer shares his thoughts to us fans


Larry Nimmer, who worked with Michael Jackson during the trial, shares his thoughts about our great loss exclusively to MJJC.

I was at my desk when I got an email about Michael having a heart attack and being rushed to the hospital. While shocked, I also wasn’t that surprised, knowing the type of stress that he was under. But then I went numb a few minutes later when it was reported on TV that he had died.

I was planning on releasing my documentary, “Michael Jackson: The Untold Story of Neverland” to be sold as a DVD the week after Michael died. I felt guilty about the timing but, I went ahead with my plans and now it’s for sale on my web site at and it includes the Messages to Michael, before and after he died along with scenes of his memorials.

I believe there is some good in his passing. I am pleasantly surprised at how the media is treating Michael reverential. It’s a little late but, but late than never. It took Michael’s death to focus on the good parts of his life and even give him the benefit of the doubt for his occasional bad judgment. Michael is now being appreciated as the humanitarian, musical genius that he was and will continue to be.

In the last few days when I’ve been stressed, for the first time, I’m using the spirit of Michael to put things in perspective, to hum a tune to myself of childlike innocence, to smile and not judge people and to make my little attempts to heal the world.

In the last few days, I’ve visited Neverland, Hollywood Blvd, Havenhurst in Encino, The UCLA Hospital and the Holmby Hills home. Now, I’m about to leave for L.A. to as close as I can be to the Staples Center for his memorial. I’ve been videotaping everything and I hope to share it soon.

I feel proud to have briefly known Michael and to have also communicated with his fans, before he died, and got to know the global community of people he inspired, before he died, and now afterwards. My love to you all.

Larry Nimmer

USA- Star funeral

Jackson memorial service to eclipse Obama's inauguration

Michael Jackson's memorial service is poised to be a global Internet-viewing event with the online websites of CNN Live, ABC, E! and even facebook are offering free streaming of the star studded event. Organisers still fear hundreds of thousands will take to the streets with Los Angeles reinforcing security around the venue.

Los Angeles has gone into lockdown as Hundreds of millions of fans are preparing to bid a poignant farewell to the King of Pop.

Jackson's family and close friends will attend a private funeral service for the iconic singer at 8:00 am (1500 GMT) at the picturesque Forest Lawn mortuary nestled in the Hollywood Hills above Los Angeles.

A lavish public memorial service will then be held at 20,000-capacity Stapkes Center sports arena. 1.6 million people applied to win free tickets for the event which will see stars such Stevie Wonder,Lionel Richie,

Smokey Robinson and Mariah Carrey take part. The full details of the event are still still being kept under wraps and tickets were allocated via an online lottery over the weekend.

City blocks surrounding the venue have been sealed off and an additional 1,400 police officers will be on duty to provide security.

Organizers of the memorial have appealed to ticketless fans to watch the event on television on Tuesday at 10:00 (17h GMT), fearing chaos if hundreds of thousands take to the streets to mourn.

Major networks accross the world will be broadcasting the 90 minute memorial service. Social networks such as facebook and myspace, who have seen an important rise in pages, commentary and reactions to Michael Jackson since his

Facebook Connect, the technology used to stream CNN's coverage of Obama's inauguration will enable people to watch the Jackson memorial in CNN Live video players. Facebook users will be able to to stay linked to their social net-working profiles and friends.

Marketing director of Facebook, Randi Zuckerberg said they were preparing for numbers that easily outweigh the inauguration of Obama "There is so much global reach for the star; something about him or his music has touched people around the world."

Today in
Michael Jackson History

1997 - Michael Jackson's album "Thriller" was certified 25 times platinum by the RIAA.

1998 - Michael Jackson and his financial partner Don Barden announced their intentions to build an entertainment Neverneverland called "Majestic Kingdom" in Detroit.

1998 - Michael Jackson's father, Joseph Jackson, was hospitalized after suffering a mild stroke.

2002 - Michael Jackson signed a will that named Jackson's longtime lawyer John Branca and John McClain, a music executive and a family friend as executors of his will. It also gave guardianship over his children to the singer's mother and left all his assets in a trust fund.

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I don't know if this is allowed here but I found this on the BBC wesite.

LA countdown to Jackson memorial

Fans have begun to gather outside the Staples Center in Los Angeles for Michael Jackson's memorial concert, amid strong police presence.

The show, which begins at 1000 local time (1800 BST), will feature Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie and Stevie Wonder.
Concrete barriers have been erected outside the concert hall, where Jackson had been rehearsing a comeback show before his untimely death on 25 June.
The memorial will be broadcast in the UK on BBC Two and Sky Arts 1.
Other people due to take part in the service include Motown boss Berry Gordy, Lionel Richie, Jennifer Hudson, and Britain's Got Talent finalist Shaheen Jafargholi, who has played the young Michael Jackson in the musical Thriller - Live.

More than 1.6 million people applied for one of the 11,000 passes issued for the event, with an additional 6,500 issued for a screening at the nearby Nokia Theatre.
A total of 8,750 people were chosen at random to receive a pair of tickets to attend the ceremony.
But many ticketless fans have arrived in Los Angeles hoping to get into the Staples Center, including Briton Vikkie Spencer.

"We just wanted to come and there's going to be loads of people around anyway and we're just going to be part of it," she said.
Fans have been leaving tribute messages outside the Staples Center

"We're just going to go and wait outside and hope to buy some [tickets]".

The Los Angeles Police Department, trying to avoid a mob scene, have warned those without tickets they will not be able to get close to the venue.
Assistant police chief for Los Angeles, Jim McDonnell, told CNN he did not anticipate any trouble.

"It will be a crowd that gathers for the right reasons and keeps the reason they're there in mind," he said.
One person who will not be attending is Jackson's former wife and the mother of two of his children, Debbie Rowe.
"The onslaught of media attention has made it clear her attendance would be an unnecessary distraction to an event that should focus exclusively on Michael's legacy," her lawyer Marta Almli said in a statement.
"Debbie will continue to celebrate Michael's memory privately."

Jackson's long-time friend Elizabeth Taylor has also declined the opportunity to speak at the memorial.

"I cannot be part of the public whoopla [sic]," she wrote on Twitter.

"And I cannot guarantee that I would be coherent to say a word."


"I just don't believe that Michael would want me to share my grief with millions of others. How I feel is between us. Not a public event."

About 50 cinemas across the US are planning to broadcast the memorial live, for free.
It will also be relayed to big screens across the UK, Australia and Hong Kong.


Stevie Wonder (pictured)
Mariah Carey
Lionel Richie
Kobe Bryant
Jennifer Hudson
John Mayer
Martin Luther King III
Rev Al Sharpton
Smokey Robinson
Brooke Shields
Shaheen Jafargholi
Berry Gordy
