The Daily News July 28 - Spike Lee, tribute song and more


Spike Lee defends free speech on Venezuela visit

Filmmaker Spike Lee championed a free press Friday during a visit to Venezuela, where broadcasters are under pressure to avoid criticizing President Hugo Chavez's leftist government.

The director didn't directly refer to the dispute in Venezuela, but he said there are "no circumstances" under which news media should be silenced.

Visiting to screen his 1989 film "Do The Right Thing" and met with fans to discuss race relations, his career and the late Michael Jackson, Lee said he is "a firm believer in freedom of speech." "It's my opinion that there are no circumstances where the media should be shut down," he said to loud applause. "I'm not talking about any country specifically, but globally."

Chavez has increasingly clashed with Venezuela's private media, endorsing plans to revoke the licenses of 240 radio stations after officials said they didn't update their registrations. Regulators also have begun a series of investigations into Globovision-the only strongly anti-Chavez TV channel on the open airwaves-that could lead to its closure.

Lee has never been one to sidestep controversy. Many of his films make bold statements about race relations in the United States, and 20 years after the release of "Do The Right Thing," a film about a race riot in Brooklyn, the message still rings strong. "The United States has made great leaps in race relations-the biggest one being the election of President Barack Obama," Lee said.

But there is still a way to go, he added, citing shootings by New York City police officers involving blacks, including the May death of a black undercover cop killed by a white officer.

Lee said he has struggled in his own career as a black film producer, director and actor, but added he is grateful that from an early age his parents impressed on him the need to face challenges. "It was drummed into my brain that in order to be successful in America you had to be ten times better than white folks," he said.

Lee also reminisced about making the music video "They Don't Care About Us" with Michael Jackson in Brazil. In the video, the "King of Pop" performs in a Rio de Janeiro shantytown as the Brazilian group Olodum beats drums in the background.

Street vendors in Venezuela's capital have been playing the video regularly since Jackson's death June 25. "I'm one of the billions of people who miss him dearly," Lee said.

City singer Jackson tribute wins fans around world

A GLASGOW singer-songwriter's tribute to Michael Jackson is winning praise from the King of Pop's fans around the world.

Louis McBeth penned the song Neverland after thinking about the impact Jackson's death had on people and uploaded it to YouTube.
And now several Jackson fan clubs, as well as many individual fans, have sent messages to the local singer about his latest work.

Louis said: "The reaction has been amazing, I've had people from the Phillipines, Egypt, Canada and Denmark all praising it."

He told how his son had helped him focus on the song.
Louis said: "I was actually a bit sceptical about the whole thing, but my son pointed out just how important Jackson's music had been, and that was the most important thing. So I tried to write a song from the point of view of his fans, and how they were feeling.

"I just wanted something that focused on his music, because that's something that will stand for years and years.

"It's quite different from my other songs, as my output is quite varied in style!"

And he moved quickly to record the track, which only features his vocals and an acoustic guitar.

"I came up with the melody while walking my dog in the park, and whistled it down my mobile phone! The lyrics followed soon after, and I played it to Paul Doogan, who's the bassist in my band.

"He then said that you have to record it, so I phoned up Stealth Studios, in the East End, and went in the next day.

"I got it recorded in two takes, just me and the acoustic guitar.

"I could have tried to put strings on it, but I wanted to avoid that over-blown feel that many songs like that sometimes have.

" I'd love to try and put it out as a single at some point, but as an unsigned artist that can obviously be difficult.

"I really want to take it beyond YouTube though."
The comments left on YouTube include a posting from one fan that states; "That is actually best tribute I have seen so far. Different in style, however touching really deeply."

Another fan, going by the username SkoopieDK left apost saying: "Wow ... this went directly in me. I started crying.

"Absolutely a beautiful song."

And Brian Mercurio, the administrator of a memorial page to Jackson, wrote to Louis to say: "I just have to say how much we were impressed with you tribute song to Michael entitled Neverland.

"We felt the emotion you put into it and it was so heartfelt."
Publication date 28/07/09

Hear the song here*****_tribute_wins_fans_around_world.php

Today in
Michael Jackson History

1979 - Michael Jackson's single "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" was released.

1995 - Michael Jackson's video "You Are Not Alone" was premiered on ABC-TV.

1998 - Michael Jackson announced the creation of a new company, Michael Jackson Japan Co. Ltd. The company was intended to build theme parks and sell toys throughout the world.

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Re: The Daily News July 28 - Spile Lee, tribute song and more


MICHAEL JACKSON's fans have launched a campaign to land the late superstar a Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

Websites have been bombarded by Jackson followers who are signing petitions to support the campaign because they feel he should be honoured for his "lifelong dedication to the well being of humanity".

More than 2,000 people have added their names to the list, which was started by a Los Angeles student who wants 100,000 to sign up.

In order for the King of Pop, who died from a cardiac arrest last month (25Jun09), to receive a nomination for the coveted award his name must be suggested by a Nobel Prize official - not members of the public.

But fans are refusing to be put off - and have until September (09) to convince organisers to accept a nomination for Thriller hitmaker.

The winner will be announced in October next year (10).
Re: The Daily News July 28 - Spile Lee, tribute song and more

Reggae Sumfest Honours Michael Jackson; Brother Tito Jackson Performs (I don't know if it has been posted before. Oh well, great article though:))

Minister of Youth, Sport and Culture, Hon. Olivia Grange, (centre) presents a copy of the official condolence book that was opened at the Institute of Jamaica in honour of the late Pop idol Michael Jackson, to his brother Tito Jackson for his family. The presentation was made during this year's SumFest International Night 11 at the Bob Marley Entertainment Centre in Catherine Hall Montego Bay on Saturday (July 25).

Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, Hon. Olivia Grange, on Saturday (July 25) presented a copy of the Condolence Book, opened at the Institute of Jamaica in tribute to the late acclaimed King of Pop Music, Michael Jackson, to his brother, Tito, who received it on behalf of the Jackson family.

The presentation was made during the final night (International Night 11) of the annual Reggae Festival, Reggae SumFest, in Montego Bay, which drew the biggest attendance in the history of the event.

"It is one month since Michael Jackson passed away, and tonight we celebrate his life and we celebrate the Jacksons family being a family that has contributed so tremendously to the world. We love the Jackson family," Miss Grange said.

She then presented Tito with a copy of the book, which has the signatures of thousands of Jamaicans who went to the Institute of Jamaica, downtown Kingston to pay tribute to Michael Jackson by entering their condolences after his death on June 25 in Los Angeles, California.

Miss Grange then requested that Tito sign a copy of the Condolence Book, which will be kept at the Institute of Jamaica in Michael Jackson's memory.

Accepting the book on behalf of his family, Tito expressed appreciation for the warm hospitality shown by the Jamaican people and Government.
He also presented Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, with a gold clock on behalf of his family.

"This presentation is from my family and it says, 'To the people of Jamaica, thank you. In memory of our loving brother, Michael Jackson, from all the Jackson family, 2009.' Thank you very much," Tito said.

"On behalf of the Prime Minister and people of Jamaica, the Jamaican family would like to say thank you to the Jackson family. This gift represents a symbol of the solidarity between the Jacksons and the Jamaican people," Mr. Bartlett responded.

Robert Russell of Sum Fest Productions presented the Jacksons with a 'Life Time Achievement Award', honouring the memory of Michael Jackson, which was also received by Tito Jackson.

"Sum Fest Productions, like the rest of the world, was inspired by the over 40 years of exceptional entertainment that Michael Jackson provided. In recognition of his outstanding talent and inspirational example, Sum Fest Productions presents to his family a Lifetime Achievement Award, honouring Michael's memory as the greatest entertainer that this world has ever seen", Mr. Russell stated.

Tito Jackson then led his band in a rendition of the first verse of Bob Marley's famous song 'One Love."
Re: The Daily News July 28 - Spile Lee, tribute song and more

(28-7-2009) A shopping mall in Berlin (Germany) is hosting a sand sculpture tribute to Michael.

The impressive sand sculpture at the Hallen am Borsigturm tracks the various stages of Michael`s career, from his Jackson 5 days to the Thriller years to the HIStory era. Included is artwork from various album covers, MJ-related imagery mixed in with the forms of Michael and his brothers, a sign declaring Michael as "The King of Pop", and an image of Bubbles the Chimp. The centerpiece is Michael's form towering above the rest of the piece.

The entire structure consists of 200 tons (400,000 pounds) of sand. Artists started creating it July 20 and hope to finish it July 30. It is planned to become the largest indoor sand sculpture in the world.

Like many of the worldwide MJ memorials set up since his death, the sand sculpture has become a hub for fans who want to leave remembrances and mementos of his life and career.

For more info please visit the website of the Hallen am Borsigturm (in German).

Source: MJFC / MTV / Hallen am Borsigturm
Re: The Daily News July 28 - Spile Lee, tribute song and more

Thanks for the news.
Re: The Daily News July 28 - Spile Lee, tribute song and more

thanks for the news... wonderful articles
Re: The Daily News July 28 - Spile Lee, tribute song and more

and AEG were sending out texts saying they have MJ merchandise for sale, how inappropriate.
Re: The Daily News July 28 - Spile Lee, tribute song and more

did anyone see ET and Access Hollywood..they had the interview with Tito and home movies with Michael and his children...

I think the Jackson family let them have the tape to show Michael as a loving humanizes him...........and his kids really loved their dad.......

heart wrenching...

they are stretching the story to it will be on tomorrow..