The Daily News July 21


Missed Larry King Live with Joe Jackson last night? Go to

Michael Jackson's Thriller Set To Become Top-Selling Album Of All Time

RIAA says Jackson classic is poised to surpass Eagles' greatest-hits collection in U.S. sales.

In the weeks since Michael Jackson's death, his posthumous sales have gone through the roof, regularly outperforming the top new releases on the Billboard albums chart. Jackson's Number Ones has done the biggest numbers, but demand for his classic Thriller isn't far behind. In fact, sales have been so robust that the Recording Industry Association of America is reporting that it's about to surpass the Eagles' Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975) as the top-selling album of all time.

Their Greatest Hits was certified platinum for the 29th time back in 2006, meaning that sales of the compilation surpassed 29 million copies in the United States. Meanwhile, Thriller was last certified in March, when it passed 28 million. Demand for physical copies of Jackson albums (an estimated 82 percent of his sales have been actual CDs) have ramped up the number of copies of Thriller in circulation, and the RIAA believes that said demand has brought the number up to 29 million.

That does not necessarily mean that Thriller has sold 29 million copies, as the RIAA's certification process is based on the number of albums shipped to stores, not necessarily the number actually scanned and sold. But based on the rabid consumption of Jackson's music in the past few weeks and the hard numbers released weekly by SoundScan, it's doubtful that there is much distance between the number of CDs shipped and the number sold. If the pace continues, Thriller will become the first album to go triple diamond, meaning 30 million albums sold.

The RIAA's certifications are simply a formality, though, as Jackson's Thriller is already recognized as the top-selling album according to worldwide sales. Though numbers vary, it's reasonable to estimate that the album has moved 110 million copies worldwide since its 1982 release. As a comparison, the Eagles' Their Greatest Hits has moved an estimated 42 million — a formidable number for sure, but less than half of Jackson's total.

Today in
Michael Jackson History

1995 - A Los Angeles Superior Court judge dismissed a suit against Michael Jackson. The suit had been filed by five former security guards.

1998 - Janet Jackson was a guest on the "Late Show With David Letterman."

2003 - Michael Jackson said that he believed that the U.S. Congress should make no laws that would put people in jail for illegally downloading songs over the Internet.


Picture taken from - Sihame​
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Jackson Death Probe Zeroes In on Source of Drugs

Jackson Death Probe Zeroes In on Source of Drugs

Tuesday , July 21, 2009
By Jana Winter


EXCLUSIVE: The investigative team heading the probe into Michael Jackson’s death conducted interviews with physicians and personnel at medical facilities in Las Vegas on Monday, a law enforcement source close to the investigation told

Lead investigators from the Los Angeles Police Department’s Robbery and Homicide Division, along with several field agents from the Los Angeles Drug Enforcement Administration office, took a day trip to Las Vegas to follow up on leads indicating that at least one drug believed to have contributed to Jackson’s sudden death on June 25 originated in Las Vegas.

Sources could not tell what drug was the focus of the probe, who was questioned or which medical practices were visited, but Jackson’s personal physician Conrad Murray runs a cardiology practice in Las Vegas.
FULL COVERAGE: Click for's complete coverage of Michael Jackson's death.
Murray is believed to currently be staying at his family's home in Texas. It is unclear if he was part of Monday's investigation, but it was reported that the doctor canceled his third interview with LAPD last week. A spokeswoman for Murray's legal team has denied those reports.

Police questioned Murray twice shortly after Jackson's death, which is being treated as a homicide.
The law enforcement source told that investigators are using the results of preliminary toxicology reports, which have not yet been released to the public, to track down the sources of the drugs found in high concentrations in Jackson’s system.

Investigators have also been tracking down all drugs recovered from Jackson’s rented Holmby Hills mansion in the days following the death of the King of Pop.
The investigative team received assistance from members of local enforcement and spent the day conducting interviews at medical facilities, the source said. The team was expected to return to Los Angeles by Tuesday morning.
Re: Jackson Death Probe Zeroes In on Source of Drugs

Police questioned Murray twice shortly after Jackson's death, which is being treated as a homicide.

First TMZ, now Foxnews. It was denied by MSNBC. I'm so confused now. TMZ posting bs is the norm, but Foxnews?
Re: Jackson Death Probe Zeroes In on Source of Drugs

First TMZ, now Foxnews. It was denied by MSNBC. I'm so confused now. TMZ posting bs is the norm, but Foxnews?
Yeah, I note that too and Fox News is not attributing that statement to TMZ.... interesting...

If this is to be believed, then the investigators already know what killed him and they are making a case for the DA...

My thinking.
If this is to be believed, then the investigators already know what killed him and they are making a case for the DA...
I agree with you.
They have known what killed him for a couple of weeks now, and so do the family, Tito and La Toya's comments about his drug taking pretty much confirm that. I think they are investigating with a view to bringing charges, and it looks like it might be more than one doctor involved, I hope they are checking Murrey's bank account to see if he got paid by anyone, or who he is connected to. We never heard any more about an investigation into accountants and lawyers who were said to be coluding to bankrupt him.

The timing of this is suspicious, he was all set to earn hundreds of millions, more than enough to pay off his debts and retain his catalogue and I think someone wanted to prevent that, maybe not anticipating that he would die but certainly disabled from performing these concerts due to drug abuse, and would he ever have got insurance to be able to do another concert? and if he was just overdosed and having to cancel wouldn't AEG have maybe sued him into bankrupcy? I don't think AEG were involved.
I don't trust AEG, either.
They are a corporate entity with too much to gain from
Michael Jackson, whether he was alive or dead.
I wouldn't be surprised if one day, soon, way before there is
a trial, Dr. Conrad Murray ended up dead.
Michael Jackson's Thriller Set To Become Top-Selling Album Of All Time

RIAA says Jackson classic is poised to surpass Eagles' greatest-hits collection in U.S. sales.

In the weeks since Michael Jackson's death, his posthumous sales have gone through the roof, regularly outperforming the top new releases on the Billboard albums chart. Jackson's Number Ones has done the biggest numbers, but demand for his classic Thriller isn't far behind. In fact, sales have been so robust that the Recording Industry Association of America is reporting that it's about to surpass the Eagles' Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975) as the top-selling album of all time.

Their Greatest Hits was certified platinum for the 29th time back in 2006, meaning that sales of the compilation surpassed 29 million copies in the United States. Meanwhile, Thriller was last certified in March, when it passed 28 million. Demand for physical copies of Jackson albums (an estimated 82 percent of his sales have been actual CDs) have ramped up the number of copies of Thriller in circulation, and the RIAA believes that said demand has brought the number up to 29 million.

That does not necessarily mean that Thriller has sold 29 million copies, as the RIAA's certification process is based on the number of albums shipped to stores, not necessarily the number actually scanned and sold. But based on the rabid consumption of Jackson's music in the past few weeks and the hard numbers released weekly by SoundScan, it's doubtful that there is much distance between the number of CDs shipped and the number sold. If the pace continues, Thriller will become the first album to go triple diamond, meaning 30 million albums sold.

Thank you for the news I was actually going to search for this info!

It’s been said that Thriller will surpass the Eagles in the USA but when will the RIAA publish the official sales figures to prove it?
Thank you for the news I was actually going to search for this info!

It’s been said that Thriller will surpass the Eagles in the USA but when will the RIAA publish the official sales figures to prove it?

and I am shock that they are acknowledging Thriller has sold 110 mil worldwide since 1982...where are the pigs..
I checked here:

"Certification is not automatic; for an award to be made, the record label must request certification and pay a fee to have the sales of the recording audited. The audit is conducted against net shipments after returns (most often an artist's royalty statement is used), which includes albums sold directly to retailers and one-stops, direct to consumer sales (music clubs and mail order) and other outlets."

So this has to be done by Sony or Epic!

What they are waiting for!! :angry:
US fans exorcise Jackson's ghost in God's Own Country

Don Sebastian / DNA

He spent his hugely-successful life searching, albeit in vain, for peace. Nearly a month after his death, a group of US nationals gathered on the banks of Nila river in Kerala to perform Hindu rites to put singer and performer Michael Jackson's restless soul at eternal rest.

At the crack of dawn on Monday, Ganesh alias George Evans, a fashion designer from Florida, performed rites, posthumously, for Jackson following reports that people had seen thesinger's ghost.
Accompanied by Kyle Webster and Anne Mary Mulloy, Ganesh came to Nava Mukunda temple -- dedicated to Lord Vishnu -- on the advise of an holy man of Indian origin in Santiago, US.
The trio, who produced certificates from the Arya Samajam testifying their conversion to Hinduism, followed the rituals and recited Sanskrit versions of the mantras under the watchful eyes of a local priest. The worshippers took part in the 20-minute ritual after a dip in the river. Webster and Mulloy, who are directors of a Hindu ashram in Santiago, said they loved and respected everything about India.
The new moon day in the Malayalam month of Karkkadakam is a public holiday in the state.Several people visit the famed temple at Thirunavaya in Malapuram district to perform last rites for departed souls. On Tuesday, Thirunavaya and other holy spots in Kerala were teeming with devotees performing annual rituals for the dead.