The Daily News Jan 19


Michael Jackson Propofol Expert, Barry Friedberg MD, Spoke at Pan Pacific Surgery Meeting


Michael Jackson's choreographer eyes 'big number' with Cebu dancing inmates

After making their tribute to the late "King of Pop" Michael Jackson following his death last year, inmates at a Cebu penitentiary got to meet - and learn from - the superstar's choreographer, who is supposedly planning a "big number" with them.

Radio dzBB's Cebu affiliate reported on Tuesday that Travis Payne was in the city for a two-day visit.

The report also cited Byron Garcia, Cebu capitol consultant on security matters, as saying that Payne is planning a "big production number" with the inmates.

However, Garcia did not elaborate on the matter.

DzBB's report also said that the dancing inmates of Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center learned "The Drill" from Payne for two days.

"The Drill" was the last choreography Payne and Jackson collaborated on before Jackson died in June 2009.

Shortly after Jackson died, the inmates performed a tribute dance number based on Jackson's hit "Thriller." The video of the dance was uploaded to video sharing site YouTube.

The inmates gained fame for their choreographed dances of many hit songs. Videos of their dances are uploaded to YouTube. - LBG, GMANews.TV

Uri suing CNN

Uri Geller, the spoon-bending mentalist who was friends with Michael Jackson, is suing CNN for reporting he betrayed Jackson for $200,000. Geller, who filed in Britain, where libel laws favor the plaintiff, claims CNN ran an interview with Jackson's dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, in which Klein asserted Geller had been paid to talk to Martin Bashir for the 2003 documentary in which Jackson admitted he slept with boys. Geller's lawyer, who denies Geller was paid, told the court,

"Dr. Klein made a number of false and grossly defamatory allegations about our client."

Today in
Michael Jackson History

1980 - Michael Jackson's "Rock With You" hit #1 in the U.S.

2002 - Michael Jackson won the title of Best International Male Singer of the year at the NRJ 2002 Awards.

2005 - The judge in the Michael Jackson child molestation case agreed to allow Jackson to make a statement in response to grand jury documents that were leaked to ABC News. The statement was read during an interview with Geraldo Rivera.

It goes to show that Michael was had. He was so trusting that he had agreed to talk to Bashing Bashir and Uri played his role well. All of this with the 2003-2005 mess should not have even happened. Now Michael is not with us and Greed and Sensationalism played it's evil role. Sigh.... All responsible with the sudden Death of our Michael will pay the price sooner or later.
Peter Andre to dedicate part of tour to Michael Jackson

Aussie singer Peter Andre is to dedicate part of his tour to late star Michael Jackson.

The 36-year-old is currently in rehearsals for the new tour and has made no secret of his love for the King of Pop, who was found dead in LA in June last year.

Andre said: 'Rehearsals have started for my tour, which starts next month.

'I don't want to give too much away, but there will be a section of my show dedicated to Michael Jackson.

'I'm working with a choreographer who did some of the late singer's videos, and Britney Spears' last tour, so I'm in capable hands.
'Now I just need to build up my stamina!'

here is link:

Michael Jackson theme park planned for singer’s hometown


Work is expected to begin this year on a 100-acre Michael Jackson entertainment complex that would include a museum, performing arts center, hotel, golf course and theme park inspired by the pop singer’s Neverland Ranch.
“Everything is in the planning stages at this point, but we’re moving on a fast track and we’re looking forward to actually breaking ground sometime in 2010,” said Odie Anderson, president of the Jackson family project in the pop singer’s hometown of Gary, Ind.
Anderson said the theme park would include rides found at Jackson’s 2,700-acre Neverland Ranch near Los Olivos in Santa Barbara County.
In addition to a zoo, aviary and nature preserve, the Neverland theme park included a carousel, Ferris wheel, bumper cars, passenger train and classic carnival rides such as the Zipper, Sea Dragon and Octopus.
A roller coaster with a “Thriller” theme would be part of the planned theme park, the Daily Mirror reported.
The $1-billion project would be built over a 10-year period, starting with the museum, art center and hotel before breaking ground on the golf course and theme park

here is link:

Janet Jackson Craves 'Escape' On New Album

Janet Jackson is coming to terms with the reality of her brother, Michael Jackson's death but, not without a desire to simply escape the complexities of "life after" through music.

Speaking of her as-yet-untitled follow up to 2008s "Discipline," Jackson admits the album will be a bit different from previous efforts, due to reality.

"It’s going to be a little different. The writing is about life experiences," Jackson tells Gotham. "There’s a part of me that’s craving escapism, which is a sense of wanting to keep on moving with my work but also of coming to terms with reality. So I think it will be upbeat and light."

While much of the project remains under wraps, Jackson has enlisted the help of Rodney Jerkins, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. A release date has not been set.

here is link:

Byron’s guest: US danceman of Michael Jackson

Were they evicted from the Sinulog grandstand or did they just leave to avoid a scene?

Whether it was a forced departure or just a “misunderstanding”, Capitol consultant Byron Garcia, who was escorted out of the VIP section of the grandstand last Sunday, said he and his party chose to go down for a closer look at the dancing contingents.

The guests included the US choreographer of the late Michael Jackson and a top Hollywood executive of Sony Pictures.

Travis Payne is in town to meet the “dancing inmates” of the Cebu provincial jail and, according to sources, he hopes to teach them new moves for a special production.

“We are going to work with inmates. They have become avid fans (of Michael)... We are instantly thrilled that Michael Jackson and his music have reached the prisoners,” he said.

Payne and Fritz Friedman, senior vice president for worldwide publiclicity of Sony Pictures Entertatinment made a courtesy call yesterday at the office of Gov. Gwen Garcia.

Byron, in an interview, insisted he had six VIP passes for his guests, but decided to leave the grandstand because his guests wanted to move below to the rubber track to get better shots of the dance performances.The governor’s younger brother said he talked briefly with the mayor's elder sister Minnie Osmeña at the grandstand before he left.

“We had a great time watching the Sinulog because the people from Sony Pictures wanted to document the festivity,” said Byron.

He denied reports that the mayor shoved him out of the area.

“He (Osmeña) is the biggest liar in Cebu City. I challenge the mayor, let him shove me. Nobody can push me around,” he said.
CDN earlier reported that Mayor Osmeña told usherettes to escort Garcia out of the VIP section because he didn’t have a VIP pass.

Yesterday, the mayor said that aside fom having no VIP pass, Garcia and party stood in front, blocking the view of those seated in the section.

The mayor was seated in the front row near the VIP entrance at the time. Osmeña said he recognized one of the guests as an old friend from the US and greeted him.

“There were eight of them. They were standing there in front and they were blocking the view... I don't care who you are but we have to maintain order,” Osmeña said.

Payne has two days with the inmates before heading to Hong Kong to help promote the film “This is It”, which shows footage of Jackson’s rehearsals for his aborted world tour.

The group included two of Jackson's dancers and Filipino American actor/model Will Devaugn.

Payne was Jackson's choreographer for his aborted London tour, having worked with the singer for 18 years.

“It's such a pleasure to be here to share his (MJ's) message of love and peace and to feel the love of all the Filipino people.”

here is link:

Michael Jackson’s Children Already Richer Than You Will Ever Be

After a parent dies, it can be hard for everyone to get over the fact that they’re no longer around.

For the children of Michael Jackson, life is going to be difficult now that their father is now moonwalking in heaven. After all, being swung off a balcony just won’t be the same if it’s being done by somebody else. They won’t be able to get that feeling of love whilst assuming that imminent death is about to occur.

But hey, the death of a family member isn’t all bad. Especially when your dad was a global superstar. Prince Michael, Paris and Prince Michael II can now lead the life of luxury, though they’ll still curse their dad for giving them stupid names. However, would you care when you get £45,000 pocket money per month? Apparently so – the little tykes want more cash to spend on stuff we can only imagine will be limited edition and00 has a pattern resembling vomit.

During his own lifetime Michael Jackson squandered his own money away on all sorts of rubbish. This comes despite the fact he literally earned billions of pounds with fans buying records, even if they weren’t as good as the earlier output. But how do you blow all your cash? We’d forgive him if he’d blew it all on booze and wild nights with hookers. But he just disappointed us all.
What he really should have done is invested in a mirror. Over the years, it looked like he decided to spend his musical royalties on morphing his face into something out of a B-movie horror flick. Towards the end of his lifetime, his nose pretty much looked like one of his children had moulded it out of putty and stuck it back on his melting face. A tragic site for all to see. But a money saver when Halloween came round.
As someone once said, money doesn’t buy happiness. Though we need to take that quote in proper context. Going out on a night can cost an arm and a leg, so we won’t call Michael Jackson’s kids spoilt little brats for demanding more money. For all we know they’re smart and have an in-depth knowledge of the housing markets to guarantee a place on the property ladder. Or they’re going to be just like their dad and spend strange amounts of money on chairs and lamps made out of denim until they end up horribly in debt. The Daily Star reports:
“A judge has agreed a £10,000 boost to keep the youngsters in the style they are used to. Lawyers acting for the children appealed to increase the amount to £55,000 a month, say court papers. They had argued that the current sum paid to *****’s mum Katherine, 80, was not enough to make ends meet.”
Urgh, imagine only getting a normal person’s salary of possibly around £1,500 per month or, shock horror, being on a minimum wage job. To the Jacksons that would seem like physical and mental torture. Where would they put their 1000” TV and pillows stuffed with Dodo feathers? They’d have to fight with tramps in order to survive.
If anyone from Channel Five is reading, would you take us up on our new Jackson TV show that involves taking a member of the Jackson family and putting them in a normal situation? It could be amusing to watch them break down as a failed door to door salesperson.

here is link:

Dickens play with a Michael Jackson twist


YOUNGSTERS put on a show with a difference and entertained the masses with their adaptation of a Dickens classic.
Using modern culture such as Michael Jackson's Thriller dance, rapping and some R'n'B moves from hip-shaking Beyonce, the members of Youth Street Beats, based at the Priory Community Centre in Acton, performed Mr Skint-Flint.
More than 200 parents and family friends came to watch the performance which was based on A Christmas Carol's Scrooge and which included around 40 children aged 5-17.
Through the art of self expression, the youngsters were able to put on a fun show while also learning a deeper, moral message in terms of money and happiness.
Collette Noel, director and co-ordinator of Youth Street Beats which was founded in 2002, said: "When the children first watched the film, they found it quite slow and so we wanted to adapt it using modern language and dance.
"The children learnt that there is more to life than money, such as being with friends and family and the influence of money on Scrooge which made many people dislike him.
"Everyone who came to watch said they were amazed at how much they achieved in such a short space of time and it's so rewarding to see the children's confidence grow as this may not necessarily come through at school."
For more information, visit

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his amazing stuff about this is it DVD release
here is link:

Cebu dancing inmates still moonwalk with MJ


Pictures of the inmates in ‘The Official Michael Jackson Opus.’ (Photo by DAY CABUHAT)

After having made their mark internationally in a YouTube video showing them dancing to the beat of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” the inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) extend their 15 minutes of fame by continuing their association with the late pop star.
The dancing inmates are among those featured in a recently published book dedicated to Jackson, “The Official Michael Jackson Opus.”
Byron Garcia, Capitol consultant on security, and the man credited to have started the showbiz career of the prisoners, said a friend from abroad informed him of the book.
According to Garcia, his friend told him that pictures of the inmates dancing “Thriller” were in two pages of the book. “I still have to purchase the book so I can see it,” he told a leading Cebu daily.
In appreciation of the international recognition, Garcia asked the inmates to do another Jackson song, “They Don’t Care About Us,” during their Sinulog presentation on Jan. 16.
Although Garcia considers it quite an honor to be featured in Jackson’s book---enough for it to be considered an apex for his inimitable dance crew---he aims to continue reaching greater heights.
“I will continue to think of new dance steps so we can move one more step forward,” he said.
In a related report ran by Radio dzBB-Cebu, it was revealed that Travis Payne, Jackson's choreographer and associate director for 18 years, visited the inmates to work on a "big number."
Radio dzBB said Payne taught the YouTube sensations a new dance routine called "The Drill," as seen in Jackson’s recent “This Is It” hit concert movie during his two-day visit.
Although the news proved thrilling to fans, Garcia refused to validate the notion.
However, Sunstar Cebu confirmed that Payne did come to Cebu and even paid a courtesy call to Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia.
Payne's visit coincided with what the paper called a "Peace Tour," which Payne's group is conducting in conjunction with the worldwide release of the “This Is It” concert on DVD and will be featured on CNN exclusively.
In an interview with the daily, Payne said Cebu is important because of the “fame that has come to the inmates dancing to [Jackson’s] music.”
As for the alleged collaboration with the inmates, Payne was clear about his plans.
“It is a wonderful partnership in just spreading love and peace. I think that with Jackson at the center of everything. It is really a blessing to be here,” Payne added.
Garcia kept mum on the subject.
It is Garcia who decides the dance routine that the CPDRC inmates perform on the jail's monthly open house. He is also the one who uploads video copies of the performances on YouTube.
Garcia said that so far, the inmates already know the dance steps to about 40 songs. Just recently, they collaborated with the Sexbomb Dancers for a new video of the election awareness song, “Bilog.”
“Bilog” is a project of network giant GMA-7 that aims to teach voters how to properly shade the circles provided in the official ballots to be used in the still-controversial automated voting system.

here is here:

MJ’s Choreographer Trains Dancing Filipino Prison iInmates

MJ’s Choreographer Trains Dancing Prison Inmates

January 19, 2010, 6:05pm

CEBU CITY – Following their instant fame on online video-sharing website, YouTube for their rendition of Michael Jackson’s Thriller dance steps, Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) inmates got a surprise visit recently from the King of Pop’s official choreographer.

Travis Payne, Jackson’s choreographer, was not only in Cebu last Sunday and Monday, for a two-day visit. He also spent some of his time during his two-day in the city to share some dance moves with hundreds of CPDRC dancing inmates, whose hit video of their synchronize dance steps to the tune of Thriller is considered among the top 10 most popular video on Youtube, with over 20 million hits.

Payne, who had earlier paid a courtesy call to Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia, spent two hours a day for two days at the CPDRC teaching the inmates dance moves which he said will be included in a production to be released worldwide. No details on this matter, however, were given by the choreographer.

Capitol consultant on security matters, Byron Garcia, the man behind the dancing inmates, confirmed that Payne is planning a big production number with the inmates. Byron, however, said details of the production remains confidential.

Payne taught the CPDRC inmates dancing moves of “The Drill,” the last choreographed number he and Jackson collaborated on before the King of Pop died in June last year. Shortly after Jackson died, the inmates performed a tribute dance number based on Jackson's hit "Thriller." The video of the dance was uploaded the video sharing site, YouTube.
The inmates gained fame for their choreographed dances of many hit songs, videos of which have been uploaded to YouTube.
They were even featured in the 404-page Official Michael Jackson Opus, which is the definitive tribute publication approved and endorsed by Jackson himself and by his estate. The Opus, featuring over 300 photographs, is the definitive publication on the “King of Pop.” The inmates reportedly have four pictures in the book showing them go through their paces while dancing their version of Jackson’s famed “Thriller” number.

Garcia, who is apparently excited about this latest development, said the efforts of the inmates and his staff at the CPDRC have paid off.
The said Jackson Opus states that “Michael’s fans are as diverse as the population of Earth, from Israeli teenagers to Filipino prison inmates to American soccer mums.”

Byron introduced the dancing activity to the inmates of the provincial jail as a means to get them busy during their spare time and to help promote discipline.

Meeting with some resistance initially, the activity went on to become a famed, worldwide hit.

After making their tribute to the late "King of Pop" Michael Jackson following his death last year, inmates at a Cebu penitentiary got to meet - and learn from - the superstar's choreographer, who is supposedly planning a "big number" with them.
Radio DZBB's Cebu affiliate reported on Tuesday that Travis was in the city for a two-day visit.
The report also cited Byron Garcia, Cebu capitol consultant on security matters, as saying that Payne is planning a "big production number" with the inmates.
However, Garcia did not elaborate on the matter.
DZBB's report also said that the dancing inmates of Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center learned "The Drill" from Travis Payne for two days.
"The Drill" was the last choreography Payne and Jackson collaborated on before Jackson died in June 2009.
Shortly after Jackson died, the inmates performed a tribute dance number based on Jackson's hit "Thriller." The video of the dance was uploaded to video sharing site YouTube.
The inmates gained fame for their choreographed dances of many hit songs. Videos of their dances are uploaded to YouTube.
Source: GMANews.TV

The Michael Jackson documentary "This Is It" is a prime example of a film created mainly in the editing suite -- a fact validated by the nod two of its cutters received last week from the Motion Picture Editors Guild for best edited feature documentary.
Kenny Ortega and his team not only overcame major technical obstacles to put together a cohesive film; they also had to fight grief and fatigue.
When Jackson died on June 25, less than three weeks before the first of his 50 scheduled "This Is It" comeback concerts, Ortega knew he was in for "a rough emotional journey." As director of the concerts, he had spent weeks in rehearsals with Jackson. After the performer's death, promoter AEG Live sold the footage from those sessions to Sony for $60 million, and Sony hired Ortega to transform it into a feature film.
The challenges were daunting. The footage had been shot only as reference for shaping the concerts, not for public exhibition. "We really didn't have a lot of film of Michael," Ortega says. "We had footage from cellphones, the Red camera, 35mm… we weren't lighting. In audio, sometimes the sound in the camera was all we had."
Nevertheless, Ortega and his team of editors put together a film that won praise from critics and grossed $256 million worldwide.
The editorial process was crucial," says Ortega. Working at AEG, editors Don Brochu, Brandon Key and Tim Patterson took only a week to produce five hours of rough cuts that Ortega was happy with. The three cutters then took their work to the Sony lot, where they were joined by a fourth, Kevin Stitt.
We had a little factory going," says Ortega. "I could jog from one building to the next, visit with each editor. I'd send in (choreographer) Travis Payne and (composer) Michael Bearden when there were questions about the dancing or music." The team worked at four Avid edit bays seven days a week from the end of July until three weeks before the film's October 28 release.
It wasn't easy. "People would sometimes hit a wall and needed a break from the emotion of it all," says Ortega, "but knowing we had a limited amount of time for post, we really focused on the end result: telling the story of what might have been."
Source: Variety

In a recent interview for Gotham Magazine Janet Jackson said that she feels almost selfish for moving on without Michael. The singer and actress admits that it has been difficult to come to terms with her brother's death.
“When you hear people say life goes on, it’s really the truth. You can’t stop living. It becomes a part of you. I feel a bit selfish because there are times I feel I shouldn’t be doing this, but I enjoy my work and I have to keep doing it. I have to keep my life going. There are days that are harder than others."
Janet will grace the cover of this month's issue of Gotham. During the interview she also speaks about her New Year’s resolutions which include learning a new language and getting closer to God.
Janet is very busy these days. Her new book “True You,” is about weight loss, self-esteem, confidence and more. The superstar says that it’s not an autobiography but give glimpses of her childhood to the present which she believes will be helpful and interesting to share.
Jackson will also be returning to her role as Patricia, a self-help psychologist in the sequel to Tyler Perry’s “Why Did I Get Married,” titled “Why Did I Get Married Too?” The movie stars Tyler Perry, Tasha Smith, Jill Scott, Malik Yoba, Keyshia Cole and Monica Arnold and is scheduled for release on April 2, 2010.
Police in a small US city are investigating the deaths of two giraffes from Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch.
Freddie and Tom Hancock of Page, Arizona, acquired the giraffes as part of a plan to build a wildlife preserve on city property they leased in 2008 which also would house exotic birds, reptiles and a camel.
Those plans unravelled as the Hancocks and the city engaged in a legal battle over terms of the lease agreement for the 175-acre property in southeast Page.
City Manager Bo Thomas said the Hancocks never posted a required 100,000 US dollar (£61,000) bond or irrevocable letter of credit, while the Hancocks argued the city failed to act in good faith and did not provide them with a bond form.
A judge last week ruled in favour of the city, and Mr Thomas said a timeline for eviction is being prepared.
Meanwhile, the animal rights group Peta is calling on authorities in Page to confiscate and relocate the remaining giraffes, fearing they are mistreated. The group also asked police to determine whether the Hancocks violated animal cruelty laws in relation to the deaths of the other giraffes.
Page police Chief Charlie Dennis said it is unusual to have two giraffes die within a short period - one died on November 20 and the other on January 2 - but nothing at the scene was cause for suspicion. Post mortem results are pending.
"There's nothing for us to give justification to remove the giraffes at this time," he said.
The wildlife preserve likely would have provided a boost in tourism for the city of about 7,000 that sits near Lake Powell and is about 110 miles north of Flagstaff. Mr Thomas said residents had mixed feelings about the idea, but the city council wanted to give the Hancocks an opportunity to make the venture work.
"Unfortunately, it isn't going to work," he said.
Source: The Press Association

Entertainment Tonight will be showing behind the scenes footage from the THIS IS IT concert rehearsals on tomorrows show. The footage I saw seems to be from the upcoming DVD.