The Daily News February 17



MICHAEL JACKSON is set to be honoured by New York City transit officials with an artistic tribute in the subway station where he filmed the promo for BAD with MARTIN SCORSESE.

A proposal to rename Brooklyn's Hoyt-Schermerhorn station and erect a plaque in Jackson's honour was rejected last year (09), amid fears commuters would be confused by the name-change.

But now organisers at the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership (DBP) local development corporation have agreed to have a mural designed to highlight the significance of the station in the 16-minute music video, which was shot in 1987.

Partnership President Joe Chan confirms: "We see this as a great opportunity to potentially establish Hoyt-Schermerhorn's role in American pop culture and as a tourist destination to attract people to a part of Downtown Brooklyn already rapidly growing."

DBP has yet to select the artist who will create the music tribute, which will replace the subway station's blank facade.

Chan adds of the planned work: "The art could be the size of a huge mural and possibly rely on lights and projection at night time."

The Bad video featured Jackson dancing with pals, and also starred a young Wesley Snipes at the start of his Hollywood career.

Was Michael Jackson Part of the Cause and Clearly the Victim of a Perverted Doctor-Patient Relationship?

The death of Michael Jackson was both unnecessary and deeply troubling. The thought of a well-trained cardiologist divorcing himself from the realm of sanity and performing general anesthesia in someone's bedroom defies words. This rogue physician's lack of integrity cost a man his life, his family a loved one and the world a prodigy.

Unfortunately these actions underscore a potentially dangerous and far too common trend occurring in doctor's offices throughout America: patient-mandated care.

I am all for patient education and the benefits of the internet but there is an appropriate manner in which to utilize this information. Direct marketing of drugs, procedures and surgical implants to patients has significantly altered the doctor-patient relationship and the dynamics of the interaction.

It is virtually impossible to watch the evening news without being bombarded with the latest celebrity endorsed osteoporosis drug. Watching the TV commercials during a major sporting event is far better than an actual office visit to diagnose and treat one's erectile dysfunction. And if the erection lasts more than 4 hours, consider yourself blessed!

A person walking into a doctor's office and demanding various treatments and/or medications often before the doctor has completed their greeting is a common example of what I call patient mandated care. "Hello Mr. Smith, I'm Dr. Benjamin. I understand...yeah nice to meet you doc. I'm here for some pain medication". No history and physical examination, no review of prior treatment or medications, just give me what I want.

Information is empowering and useful. A patient demanding specific care is potentially dangerous and often a tremendous waste of resources. Truly, a version of this scenario plays out everyday in virtually every doctor's office in America.

The correct answer is for the physician to merely say no; many do, which invariably sparks a confrontation. It only takes one doctor to acquiesce and take the easy road and write that prescription, order that unnecessary test or perform that procedure.

Unfortunately, as in the case of Michael Jackson, the world has painfully learned how horribly wrong the perverted doctor patient relationship can go. The moral to this story is to be very careful of what you demand and beg for in a doctor's office, because you may be just one questionable physician away from serious heartache and pain.

Today in
Michael Jackson History

1990 - Janet Jackson's single "Come Back To Me" hit #20 in the U.K.

1998 - It was announced that Michael Jackson was planning a benefit called "We Are The World 2" for starving children in North Korea.

2003 - "Dateline NBC" aired a segment entitled "Michael Jackson Unmasked."

2003 - ABC repeated an airing of "The Many Faces of Michael Jackson."

It's been reported in the other forum (The State Of California v's Dr Conrad Murray) but I'm going to post this particular article here as well:

Conrad Murray's Timeline 'Error'

Michael Jackson's personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray has changed his story of events surrounding the death of the late 'King of Pop'.

Dr. Conrad Murray has changed his story of events surrounding the death of Michael Jackson.

The physician - who has pleaded not guilty to the involuntary manslaughter of the pop star - has claimed he made "a mistake" during his first interview with the Los Angeles Police Department and admitted he was wrong about what happened following the death of the late 'Thriller' singer.

His lawyer Michael Flanagan said: "Dr. Murray's timeline of events that day when Michael Jackson died is wrong. Doctors make mistakes, and that is what he did, and it was simply just that, a mistake."

In Murray's initial interview with police, he claimed he gave Michael the powerful sedative Propofol at 10.50am, left the house for a couple of minutes to visit the toilet, and returned to find Michael unconscious.

After trying to revive Michael with CPR, Murray left it over an hour to call emergency services at 12.21pm - during which time he telephoned another patient of his, Bob Russell, to discuss the results of a heart scan.

However, according to Flanagan, Murray has admitted he made a mistake about the sequence of events, and is keen to rectify this before he is in court.

Murray's timeline of events are expected to be the basis of his upcoming court case, and these changes are significant to both prosecution and defence.

Michael died on June 25 from an acute Propofol intoxication.
Although the changes made to Murray's account of events have not been revealed, it is being speculated he will admit he didn't check on Michael two minutes after giving him the medication as previously claimed.
Website Radar Online said:

"If Murray did administer Propofol to Jackson at 10:50 am as he initially told police, it would be natural for cops to assume he did not come back and check on Jackson until several minutes after mid-day, when he rushed off the phone to go to Jackson's aide. That would mean he most likely left Jackson alone for approximately 73 minutes - not two minutes as he claimed - after administering Propofol, which would be extremely damaging to his defence.

"Murray's calm phone call to a patient at 11:54 am would fit a police theory that he did not check on Jackson after administering Propofol."
Happy wednesday everybody :D

[SIZE=+2]Today in[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+2]Michael Jackson History[/SIZE]

1975 - Jackie & Enid are on the cover of Jet Magazine.

1975 - "We're Almost There" is a 1975 song released on february 17, 1975, as a single, by Michael Jackson, and which was the first release off his final Motown album, Forever, Michael. The single showcased Jackson's tenor more prominently than in previous releases the past year. The song is a soul-type of ballad that sparked a departure from the singer's previous material which had included bubblegum pop. As Jackson's voice matured, Motown found it difficult to find material to suit Jackson, who had sung in a higher voice for most of the duration of his Motown (1969-1975) tenure. With the return of the Holland brothers Brian and Edward, Motown had the duo write a collection of songs to fit Jackson's age. The duo composed this song and the modest hit, "Just a Little Bit of You", which became a top forty hit after this single was released. Performing more modestly, the song eventually peaked at number fifty-four on the pop chart while hitting number seven on the R&B chart. These two singles would end up being the last Jackson released as an active Motown artist though the label would release more Jackson singles until 1984.

1979 – The Jackson performe their Destiny Tour in Manchester

1981 - Paris Hilton was born on February 17, 1981 in New York City into the Hilton family and, along with her three younger siblings, is heir-apparent to the vast Hilton hotel and real estate dynasty. Her childhood was spent in palatial dwellings in the priciest neighborhoods on both coasts and featured a brief flirtation with the educational system, including high schooling at the ultra-exclusive Dwight School, from which she dropped out and ultimately earned her high school GED.

Kathy Hilton, Paris's mom, who first met Jackson when they were teens, went to school along with him, and is known that she was close to in a friendship [that lasted] many years.

Hilton, who lived next to Michael Jackson at the Bel-Air Hotel for several months, has fond memories of her former neighbor. "He was so much more normal than people know. He really was. He loved to giggle and have fun. I spent time with him, had dinners," she says. "He was the best father. He devoted the last 14 years to being with his children. He was a wonderful, kind, thoughtful, caring person. He would be there for people and he was so generous with his time and money."... she remembers the singer up early frolicking with his children at the hotel. "There was a big garden there. [My husband Rick] would leave for work at 7:30 a.m., and Michael would be out playing with his children..." And there are certain things Hilton says she'll never forget about Jackson. "People think that they knew him and they didn't," she said. "His generosity, sense of humor, the mischievous giggle, the laugh."

1983 - Michael is on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine With exclusive photo and an interview by Gerri Hirchey.

1992 – Michael Jackson is on Jet Magazine, from United States. The main article in three pages is entitled:”Michael Jackson`s new video “Remember The Time” when blacks were kings and queens.

1997 - Michael Jackson is on Tele Loisirs Magazine, from France. The main article is entitled: “Michael Jackson divorce, mais veut la garde de son bebe”.

2006 Michael Jackson's Katrina Song Said Ready on this date. Eight days after Hurricane Katrina hit, Michael Jackson announced he would release an all-star charity single ... Sheik Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, The Bahranian prince who has been Michael Jackson's host and musical collaborator, says the pop star's long-planned charity song for victims of Hurricane Katrina, will be released by the end of February, nearly six months after the August 29 disaster.

2007 - Over the NBA's All-Star weekend, Michael, Will I Am & Chris Tucker attend a performance of Prince at his club 3121 in Las Vegas.

Jehovah`s Witness faith helps Michael Jackson`s kids: Jermaine


The Jackson family including Tito, Joe, Jermaine, Katherine and La Toya, arrive at the Los Angeles Airport Courthouse where Dr. Conrad Murray to be charged with his connection in the death of Michael Jackson. - Deano/Benassi/Splash News

Michael Jackson's three children are attending a Jehovah's Witness church, his brother Jermaine said.

The frequent visitor to Australia made the comment in Sydney. 'They go to the [Kingdom] Hall with my mother. We want to keep their feet on the ground. We want to make sure that this success doesn't go to their heads.'

Paris Jackson and her brother Prince Michael I wowed at the recent Grammy Awards when they stepped up to receive an award for their late father. Jermaine said the kids were in counselling for the loss of their father. He also said they played with his son, Jermajesty, every day and with his brother Tito's grandchild, Royal.

He added that his mother, Katherine, 79, was coping well with Prince Michael II, 7, Paris, 11 and Prince Michael I, 12. 'It's easy for her – she brought us up. My mother is very much alive, she's very smart. She knows the name of every type of tree.'
Jackson is in Sydney to promote The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty which is screening on Foxtel's Arena channel.

here is link:

The phone call will be key here as it proves that Murray has continually lied to police to save his own ass.
Sorry but -

Do Michael Jackson's Kids Finally Have a Normal Life?

It's been just over six months since Michael Jackson's untimely death (which was recently ruled a manslaughter), but already the singer's children are showing incredible resilience in the aftermath of tragedy. People magazine reports that the three Jackson kids -- Prince Michael I, 12, Paris, 11, and Prince "Blanket" Michael , 7 -- are flourishing under their grandmother Katherine Jackson's care, and may even be experiencing a normal life for the first time.

The children, who accepted their father's lifetime achievement award at the Grammys earlier this month, are now free from the constant circus that surrounded life with their superstar dad. That means no more constant travel, no more clusters of bodyguards surrounding them, and most importantly, no more masks in public. "They like not wearing the masks," an anonymous source within the family tells People. "It's a different experience for them."

The children have a strict but loving parent in Michael's mother, who arranges for tutoring, karate lessons, and regular trips to the library and church, but is careful to keep them out of the spotlight (Prince and Paris attended the New Moon premiere without her knowledge). Katherine's attorney Adam Streisand says that Katherine "really listens to the kids" and "wants to give them a sense of freedom when she can." And her approach is paying off: The kids, already a "tight-knit group," have become more confident in the past few months. "It would have been hard to imagine them going out in public or showing up at someone's house hanging out and playing video games before," the family source admits. "And now, not so much. It feels much more normal and they've adjusted really well to that."

I don't like that at all, and that last part is not TRUE. Why are they feeding this to the public :( :(

Also I'm wondering how Prince and Paris attended the New Moon premiere without Katherine's knowledge....??
Sorry but -
I don't like that at all, and that last part is not TRUE. Why are they feeding this to the public :( :(

I deleted this article from the post.

Rockstar; please do no post all kinds of crazy articles, ok?
His lawyer Michael Flanagan said: "Dr. Murray's timeline of events that day when Michael Jackson died is wrong. Doctors make mistakes, and that is what he did, and it was simply just that, a mistake."

Sorry Mr. Flanagan, but people do not make MISTAKES when they are speaking with the authorities, unless they have something to hide. Folks ain't stupid!

That's exactly what happens when a person lies, they have to continually revise their statements, because one lie only leads to another lie and before you know it, you have lost track of all of your lies.

In my opinion, their ship is sinking and they know it!