"the curious case of mj"

Sony is airing television specials on international networks in Europe saying that Michael has blanched his skin....
by Phonchrist Manhattan-Mj on Thursday, 25 November 2010 at 12:52

i heard this.

Sony is boycotting MICHAEL'S legacy!!Attention!! Sony is airing television specials on international networks in Europe saying that Michael has blanched his skin, entitling the special "The Curious Case of MJ", saying that the ......marriage with LMP was only a dummy marriage for child abuse allegations suffered by 93, menta...l instability, countless surgeries cosmetics, and died because he took painkillers and drugs, the moonwalk was a proceed of his life to back, saying that ONE MORE CHANCE is a video of the song that can sum up his whole life, ending with a clear propaganda for the Album Michael sponsoring clearly the exit . This documentary is a clear propaganda sales from $ony ... as mentioned in the subtitle. Attention because it is an advertising campaign that will be able to affect other countries. Urgent international word of mouth about what is happening to stop the airing of these specials, first aired last night in Italy on the national network "RAI DUE"
and they said "he was dancing as possessed by the devil"


ATENCIÓN: Sony esta emitiendo especiales en las TVs internacionales de Europa diciendo que Michael blanqueba su piel,titulado " El Curioso Caso de MJ " , diciendo que su matrimonio con Lisa era solo una farsa para acallar las acusaciones de abuso a menores sufridas en 1993, que tenía inestabilidad mental, incontables cirujias estéticas, y que murió por el consumo de calmantes y drogas, el moonwalk era el proceso que tuvo su vida ( caminar hacia atrás) diciendo que ONE MORE CHANCE es un video de una canción que puede resumir su vida entera , y termina con una clara propaganda del album Michael.

Este documental es una clara propaganda para las ventas de Sony, como se menciona en el subtitulo.

ATENCIÓN porque es una campaña publicitaria que afectará a otros paises. URGENTE QUE ESTA INFORMACIÓN PASE DE BOCA EN BOCA para decir lo que está pasando y que se paren de emitir esos especiales, el primero fue emitido anoche en la TV Italiana "Rai Due".







Aquí lista de medios españoles:
Podeis entrar a sus webs y dejad ahi los mensajes, si podeis conseguir telefonos mejor, y si no yendo a las webs de aquí de sus paginas en FB, dejadles en su muro vuestra absoluta repulsa a este documental.

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-Canal 9
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-La Cuatro
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-La 7 ( segundo canal de T5 )

Gianna Domanico

what?! :bugeyed:

can anyone translate this from the Official Michael Jackson site -

I hope to god this isn't true. :( I don't understand. What does Sony have to gain by destroying MJ's legacy? If it hurts album sales and future projects, then how does that help them?
WTF ????

You have got to be kidding me! This is endorsed by Sony ? This is awful!
Disgusting.I can't believe Sony is endorsing and promoting this.

I just watched the entire docu on youtube.I couldn't understand everything,so it's possible I can be mistaken about some things,but from what I could gather I didn't like it one bit.
It acknowledges Michael's artistic talent and success.It also mentions his sweet nature and how he sang about peace,poverty,nature and racial issues..this,only a moment after saying how he bleached his skin.It's tendentious and it paints a very distorted picture of his personality,constantly reiterating how he was never able to grow up or be "normal" and behave like an adult (they compare him to Benjamin Button).He's pictured as a sad and lonely human being that just didn't fit and the program features extracts of Moonwalk,imo taken out of context,to help give authenticity to what the narrator is saying.
As it's been said,they also talk about the marriage,surgeries and the narrator "wonders" about the cause of his death.She mentions Murray and propofol,but also addiction.
At least they make clear his relation with children was totally innocent. Edit : Scratch that,judging by the fanmade video below I got this wrong :doh:
There was also this guy talking about Thriller and how it was violent and something about the Beatles catalogue a bit later on,but I couldn't understand him.Maybe some Italian fan can give us a clearer account.

Here's the link to part one ( the following are in the same account) :

(warning : there's a part about 25J at the beginning,I skipped it)
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As for the translation, it just says a new music series is airing, and the first episode is apparently this one (It doesn't get in to specifics). It then says they'll premiere the One More Chance video. I highly doubt this backed by sony, guys.
Thank you Selene for posting the youtube links
We have to find someone who could translate now
Thank you Selene for posting the youtube links
We have to find someone who could translate now
Glad I could help.

As for the translation, it just says a new music series is airing, and the first episode is apparently this one (It doesn't get in to specifics). It then says they'll premiere the One More Chance video. I highly doubt this backed by sony, guys.
I'm not saying Sony was involved in the production,but they chose to premiere One More Chance through this program in Italy and posted its airing as news on the official MJ page there.Wouldn't that mean they approve of it? :scratch:

On another note,where did the news that this is part of a spreading campaign over Europe originate from and what is the base for that theory? The docu features Italian speakers (promoters,producers,etc),footage and data related/relevant to MJ's history with that country.I think it's only meant for Italy.
I say this because of the mention of contacting other countries TV channels ; it may do more damage than good as it may spark their interest if they smell the blood.Unless it's certain something similar is planned for other countries,or we have knowledge the piece is going to be translated and exported or whatever.
I just found this other video and I thought I'd post it here cause it adds some outrageous details I forgot/didn't understand when I watched it :

My thoughts about the special aired in Italy on national TV (RAI2) "Emozioni: The Curious Case of Michael Jackson" (from an italian fan)

They could have chosen a fan randomly in the fan base and he would have put together something better than this. But this is what sells more, lies and gossip, even now that he's dead. I just would like to know what this man has done to deserve all this crap. His life turns back time like the moonwalk. Yeah! Probably the brain of the producer of this "special" is far from the reality and correct information. They just added fuel to the fire. He bleached his skin with some kind of plastic surgery, he paid Chandler an undisclosed amount and after that he marries Lisa Marie Presley because he wanted shout down criticism. David Zard, that brought Michael in Italy for the Bad Tour, said that he doesn't know if Chandler really lied and that probably the kid saw Michael's penis because sometimes between kids they play the game "mine is bigger than yours". Blinded by drugs and detached from reality he dangled his baby out of an hotel window in Berlin. The plastic surgeon in the backstage during the concert, ready for Michael, in case he needed to "readjust something". They never mentioned his skin disease vitiligo nor lupus or other ailments Michael suffered. They did mention his skin problem acne and we discovered why at the end... they tried to destroy his pride, because they even questioned if he really was proud to be a black man, proud of his race. "He was a kid in a 30 years old man body", said Zard. "He was in his hotel room in Rome, lying on the bed, watching cartoons and tons of other cartoons on the floor" And so what?? He was not an extraterrestrial just because he liked cartoons!
Why they never mention the humanitarian work, the charities he supported?
He was a massively talented musical prodigy but most of all an extraordinary human being, a true humanitarian and an example to us all. His unconditioned love for the children and for the world is like a testament, that's why I consider this special just disrespectful to the memory of the greatest enterteiner that ever lived and I think that $ony is behind all that. This is a promotional campain for the new album and most likely it will air all around Europe with the same format.
Please don't feed tabloids junk, don't watch this shame, don't buy the new album.
They really think Michael Jackson fans are stupid but we're not and we'll show them how to respect the Man and his legacy. We'll keep him alive in our hearts burning all the tabloid junk and boycotting this kind of television garbage and the new album because, as Will.I.Am said, this probably will be a Michael Jackson album but it's not Michael Jackson's album.
Michael we love you, we miss you, may God be with you and your children forever
It seems they are broadcasting the program again.From michaeljackson.com/it (google translation) :
For those who missed the special episode of "Emotions" dedicated to Michael Jackson, during which aired the video for "One More Chance", the appointment with the replication of the program is Saturday afternoon at 15:30 at the end Top Of The Pops.
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