The coroner has not met with the DA or the LAPD


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Jackson's Coroner Hasn't Met With Authorities

Don't expect charges to be pressed against anyone in connection with Michael Jackson's homicide-ruled death in the near future, as has exclusively learned that the Los Angeles Police Dept. and the Los Angeles District Attorney's office still haven't met with the city's Coroner's Office to discuss further details of Michael Jackson's death.

"This is still very much an ongoing investigation," a law enforcement source told "It could be weeks -- or months -- before the case is formally turned over to the DA's office."

In the majority of homicide cases, the DA meets in-depth with Coroner's Office authorities before deciding whether to pursue further action against a party. Los Angeles District Attorney's Office spokesperson Sandi Gibbons confirmed to that a meeting had between the parties had not yet taken place.

"There is no scheduled meeting on the books for anyone from the LA County Coroner's Office to meet with the LAPD and DA together," a source close to the situation told "When the cops and DA's office are ready to meet with the coroner, they will let them know and the coroner will go over the findings of the death investigation into Michael Jackson. It's still under a security hold placed by the LAPD."

Jackson died after suffering a sudden cardiac arrest June 25 in Los Angeles.

I posted this item in the

"why no news" thread under "investigative" forum.

TMZ says that there is a lot of undercurrent going on but the LAPD will not release any info.

And until the LAPD does not release the case, the District Attorney cannot indict any suspects.

Two scenarios could be at play here:

1) They do not have enough evidence (which is bullcaca)

2) They feel Dr. Murray is the just a hit man and there are more people involved in Michael's death, and want to gather as much evidence as possible.

Either way, I feel it's time us fans put the pressure under the LAPDs behind and at least start by arresting Dr. Murray.
This is a sham and it is taking to to long. the LA PD alway wanted to get Michael any way I think they are sitting on this to long..
Please allow me to quote Dick Gregory:
"Doctors make the best assassins."
Are these the same people who leaked every single detail about the autopsy to the media, but now they can't talk about it to the people they are supposed to talk about it with ????????????????

I hope they are working on something or this should go to the feds.
um IF the coroner hasn't met w/ anyone, how were warants given to docs and subpoeana's given then? there had to be communication. the fact that someone gave their name as the 'source' doesn't make it official.

they gave the lapd the first results. im sure the family gave theirs as well from their indep. autopsy.'s time to build a case. theyhave what caused the death and what was found in him as well as propofol.

to put that along w/ what murray said he gave mj the morning leading up to his death is the key.

problem is, there were several bottles, labels removed, that were in his room. so they need to connect bottles to docs. prescriptions to doctors and pharmacies as well as to mike and show that they're not included in what killed him. the process of elimination is hard.

they also have to find out where the propofol came from. cuz murray can't get meds in cali. he didn' tpurchase any under his licence number so who gave it to him? cuz that's illegal as well. if i can't get a certain drug either due to the type of doc i am or cuz i can't get it in this state, then there's a reason for it. so if another doc helped me...there's a problem.
It is sad that Mj is dead and should be alive. WHat a sensless death. I hope justice come soon.
I just hope justice is done and it's taking so long because they're doing a proper job on this. I don't trust them for shit. Thanks for posting.
I posted this in the other thread about this subject. So I thought I'd post it here too.

The way this is going is very disturbing IMO. It's been nearly three months and all we're hearing is constant delays. Why haven't the authorities scheduled any kind kind of meeting with the coroner? That should have been done at least three weeks ago. The whole investigational effort has stunk from the beginning. And it keeps getting worse.
b/c of the leaks, theyhave to overcompensate.

u can'thave it both ways. u can't have all the info out in the public but then an easy case to put together. every case has mistakes. this one is no different but now theyneed to prove w/o a doubt that he did it cuz he can easily write it off and blame someone else, or even mike. so theyneed to remove that ability for him
Maybe I've misread something along the way, but an abbreviated coroner's report was made public, and I would have to assume that the DA and LAPD have something to go on just by that and have at least one/several angles to investigate without talking with the coroner yet. And it certainly would not seem out of the realm of possibility that DA/LAPD also have a copy of the report from both autopies.

There's possibly further testing results still not final yet, but they have enough to be doing the investigation behind closed doors.

Just a thought on my part.
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If the LAPD does not bring charges against A LOT OF PEOPLE in the near future you know they either:

WERE PAID NOT to and/or


If I were American, maybe living in L.A. I would be heading out to their offices PROTESTING, HOLDING SIGNES etc.!!!

THIS IS A SCANDAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a protest? so what about elvis fans? did they get their justice? it's called waiting. justice is not always swift.
well .....maybe because they know the world is watching.......maybe they are trying to make sure they get this right....I know...I know ...I am trying to have just a tiny bit of faith in them for Michael's sake. He deserves justice for this.....So LAPD...get it right.!!!
it'scuz of the leaks. we loved the leaks cuz we felt we knew what ws going on and we had more info. the leaks were bad cuz the more info that ws out, the easier for murray to make a defense. so now they have to prove there was no way that mj did this to himself, another med from another doc didn't contribute to this, and that murray is guilty

IF it has to deal w/ benzo's then murray is on the hook cuz he admitted to giving mj several different benzo's prior to giving him propofol. so let's wait it out. now if it's this time next yr...then yea

but the cops are in front of this dude's house. they're watching him. they're not making it a secret...he's gonna get arrested.

Build the case slow and silent and plug any holes in your case now rather than later. Once they have a rock-solid case, they'll strike.
My question is, who's interest did it serve to have info being constantly leaked to portray Michael as this 'addict' which totally became the focus in the media?

But now, conveniently all is quiet......they did the damage they wanted to do, there will be no justice for Michael here I'm afraid......well not the justice we the fans and people who loved him are hoping for.
it'scuz of the leaks. we loved the leaks cuz we felt we knew what ws going on and we had more info. the leaks were bad cuz the more info that ws out, the easier for murray to make a defense. so now they have to prove there was no way that mj did this to himself, another med from another doc didn't contribute to this, and that murray is guilty

IF it has to deal w/ benzo's then murray is on the hook cuz he admitted to giving mj several different benzo's prior to giving him propofol. so let's wait it out. now if it's this time next yr...then yea

but the cops are in front of this dude's house. they're watching him. they're not making it a secret...he's gonna get arrested.

Forget about the leaks. It is not the point. I think LAPD screwed up from the beginning. I do not expect from them that they gonna do something good for Michael because very powerful people were involved. They will move their asses only if people will start protesting or at least will send them a petition signed by thousands of people .We really have to do something. It is why I started a new thread in investigative unit. People have to wake up from dreams that LAPD is working hard building the case. If it was not MJ I would believe it. I won’t be satisfied if they will charge Dr. Murray only.
Forget about the leaks. It is not the point. I think LAPD screwed up from the beginning. I do not expect from them that they gonna do something good for Michael because very powerful people were involved. They will move their asses only if people will start protesting or at least will send them a petition signed by thousands of people .We really have to do something. It is why I started a new thread in investigative unit. People have to wake up from dreams that LAPD is working hard building the case. If it was not MJ I would believe it. I won’t be satisfied if they will charge Dr. Murray only.

although I agree with your post as far as some powerful people being involved in Michael's death....I doubt protest or petitions will make a difference to the LAPD. IMHO...I have NO faith in the LAPD now they NEED to prove that they DO care..BECAUSE of the track record that they have had in the past with Michael.
who do u think was leaking a lot of this? take a long hard guess.....

and the addict angle means nothing if he didn't die fromsomething HE took himself
I'm glad they are taking their time. Esp. considering the LAPD's reputation. . .

Don't want repeat to OJ.
b/c of the leaks, theyhave to overcompensate.

u can'thave it both ways. u can't have all the info out in the public but then an easy case to put together. every case has mistakes. this one is no different but now theyneed to prove w/o a doubt that he did it cuz he can easily write it off and blame someone else, or even mike. so theyneed to remove that ability for him

That is right take your time and do it right. This is not just an incident on the street and if heads need to roll make sure it is the right heads from top to bottom.
My question is, who's interest did it serve to have info being constantly leaked to portray Michael as this 'addict' which totally became the focus in the media?

But now, conveniently all is quiet......they did the damage they wanted to do, there will be no justice for Michael here I'm afraid......well not the justice we the fans and people who loved him are hoping for.

Please stop as this case is far from over and some of the fans and the people need to back off and let the LAPD do their job because it would be some overzealous fans/people to mess things up.
I'm glad they are taking their time. Esp. considering the LAPD's reputation. . .

Don't want repeat to OJ.

Nobody is taking their time away. Nobody wants to know private details of the investigation process. But in the end the result could be wrong because some shady ppl may have insiders in LAPD. They are not sitting there and waiting till LAPD will create strong allegations against them. They are working too.
although I agree with your post as far as some powerful people being involved in Michael's death....I doubt protest or petitions will make a difference to the LAPD. IMHO...I have NO faith in the LAPD now they NEED to prove that they DO care..BECAUSE of the track record that they have had in the past with Michael.

Public effort can push them to build a proper case. Nobody wants publicity and scandal if few thousands of fans will be protesting in front of LAPD building and CNN will show this great picture. It is still bit early to do it. We do not know the result yet. I would start with petition just in case.
Or do an email campaign and bombard the media & LAPD & DA in combination with all the MJ websites.

There are a lot more us than them.

Public effort can push them to build a proper case. Nobody wants publicity and scandal if few thousands of fans will be protesting in front of LAPD building and CNN will show this great picture. It is still bit early to do it. We do not know the result yet. I would start with petition just in case.
Or do an email campaign and bombard the media & LAPD & DA in combination with all the MJ websites.

There are a lot more us than them.

100% agree. we can start it without waiting till they show up on TV with final result.