The Conviction of Jerry Sandusky in Light of the Clueless Condemnation of Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Oct 28, 2010
The Conviction of Jerry Sandusky in Light of the Clueless Condemnation of Michael Jackson

“Stop judging by the way things look, but judge by what is really right.” John 7: 24

With the conviction of Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky just three days prior to the third anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson, there are bound to be comparisons between the sexual abuse cases brought against both-as there have been since the Sandusky allegations came to light. While there are some key similarities (multiple accusers, the leaking of the grand jury transcripts, the excessive pro-prosecution media coverage), the verdicts were polar opposites for very good, legitimate reasons.

The main thing that sunk the Jackson back in 2005 was lack of credibility. The accuser (Gavin Arvizo), his brother (Star) and mother (Janet) told three different versions of the alleged molestation-every single time they were asked to recall it-whether it be to the police or on the stand. For instance, in an interview with Santa Barbara police, Gavin Arvizo irrelevantly claimed his grandmother told him that if men don’t masturbate, they might rape a woman. Yet during his direct examination two years later, he credited this identical quote to Jackson. His erratic mother claimed she saw Jackson licking the top of her son’s head during a flight on his private jet-something she could not have seen considering the seating arrangements on the plane, according to her own son.

The third party witnesses that testified to seeing Jackson molest other young boys were either fired, sued or hated by the man and almost all had sold their stories to tabloids before speaking to authorities. One of the women making such claims was a former employee who had sifted through Jackson’s garbage and sold a painting he’d done of Elvis Presley for $30,000 and had subsequently been fired. Jackson’s former chef and butler, Philip Lemarque, was caught on tape saying that for $100,000, he would allege he saw Jackson touching Macauley Culkin’s crotch, but for $500,000, he would say he saw his hand going down the boy’s pants. What’s more, these other alleged victims-Culkin, Wade Robson and Brett Barnes-had all testified for Jackson’s defense and denied the man ever touched them.

In the Jerry Sandusky case, the defense had a hard time crashing down on witnesses’ credibility. Mike McQueary, the graduate assistant who claimed to have seen Jerry Sandusky anally raping a 10 year old boy in the locker room back in 2001, reported this to his immediate supervisor-as required by his contract-Joe Paterno, the next day. While he was criticized for not going to the police, he did what was required of him, and had no personally vested interest in destroying Sandusky. In the Jackson case, people claimed to have seen things going on in the arcade and swimming pool at Neverland years ago only after the first molestation claims against Jackson surfaced.

But what possible motivation did the 10 boys in the Sandusky case have for making false allegations? A $20 million out of court settlement on the part of his insurance provider for “global claims of negligence” who wanted to see him finish his world tour and not spend 5 years in a courtroom? A $60 million dollar record deal so they could sing about the sexual abuse to refute his claims of extortion?

That’s precisely what happened to Michael Jackson in 1993, when a Beverly Hills dentist by the name of Evan Chandler accused Jackson of molesting his then 13-year-old son, Jordan. Chandler had hired the “nastiest son of a b*tch I could find” (his lawyer, Barry Rothman) before reporting the incident to police. Chandler had also reportedly been thousands of dollars behind child support payments, and in divorce papers while battling for custody of his son, said he wanted his son to keep his distance from a male known as “Michael Joseph Jackson”.

Perhaps Chandler feared an inappropriate relationship between his son and Jackson. Why, then, could he only get a confession out of his son after administering to him a drug that is known for planting false memories? Why, then, did he file a litigation against Jackson right before the case was to go to a grand jury? Shouldn’t prosecution of this pedophile be his number one concern? Why, then, did his son refuse to cooperate with the authorities once Jackson’s insurance providers settled the civil part of the case? Why, then, did his own son file for legal emancipation as soon as it was permissable from his parents and tell at least three people, including a former University classmate, Josephine Zohny, that he hated his parents for making him turn on Jackson and that he never touched him? And why, if Evan was so concerned about his son’s safety, did he attempt to try and kill him in 2006 with a dumbbell and some mace? Of course we will never know the answers, because five months after Jackson’s death, Evan Chandler committed suicide. While over one billion people around the world tuned in to watch Jackson’s televised public memorial service, Chandler was quietly cremated, and no one attended his funeral.

Around the time of the Chandler allegations, another boy, Jason Francia, who testified against Jackson in 2005, claimed to have been tickled outside his jeans-which could very well have been an accident-when he was seven years old and received settlement money from a civil suit against Jackson after his mother, Blanca, had been fired as his maid and appeared on tabloid news show Hard Copy for a fee of $20,000.

While this doesn’t prove that Jackson is innocent, it doesn’t give one reason to believe he is guilty.

But when allegations surfaced exactly 10 years later, many thought that where there was smoke, there was fire. After all, Jackson had infamously said in a documentary by British “journalist” Martin Bashir, “The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone”. Of course, what Jackson meant was giving your bed to someone else to sleep in while he was on the floor, but who bothered to listen? The Arvizos didn’t allege any abuse until afterJackson made these statements and was already under investigation by the Santa Barbara Police Department and the Department of Child and Family Services! Interestingly enough, weeks after the Bashir film aired, someone leaked Jordan Chandler’s declaration to, in which Jordan alleges the same hair licking incident that Janet Arvizo claimed happened to her son. These two events started the ball rolling that eventually made the Gloved One the Cuffed One.

Similarly yet differently, it was a televised interview that put Jerry Sandusky’s case in jeopardy. He claimed to have been naked in a shower with boys after being questioned about McQueary’s allegations in an interview with NBC’s Bob Costas and hesitated before saying he wasn’t sexually attracted to young boys. While Michael Jackson vehemently denied any wrongdoing and emphatically stated, “I would slit my wrists before I ever hurt a child”, in an unaired portion of the interview, Sandusky inadvertently admitted guilt by stating, “I didn’t go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I’ve helped. There are many that I didn’t have — I hardly had any contact with who I have helped in many, many ways.’’ In other words, he’s innocent because he raped some, not all.

Jordan Chandler wasn’t ready to testify and didn’t have to since Jackson wasn’t indicted, but boy, was Gavin Arvizo! The Arvizo boys had taken acting lessons for years. In fact, their own mother would coach them and give them “scripts”, according to thier father. A couple of years before they wound up with Jackson, the boy had stolen from JC Penny, and his mother claimed that while they were being caught, security guards had tweaked her nipple about 25 times. (This, in broad daylight in a parking lot, but nevermind that). These allegations were proven untrue . The district attorney had brought a case to court based on accusations from proven liars-liars who had blatantly lied about the same sort of crime the man they were now prosecuting had been exonerated from by two independent grand juries ten years before!

The actions of the district attorneys in both trials was deplorable. In the Jackon trial, you had a guy who was beyond obsessed with seeing the music mogul go down, to the point where he sent 70 sherrifs to raid his ranch to find child porn and hired nine fingerprint experts all at the expense of California tax payers. He also falsified evidence in the grand jury room in 2004 by having the accusers touch magazines without gloves on and then sent them out to be analyzed for fingerprints. On the other hand, the district attorney investigating Jerry Sandusky had ignored prior allegations and deemed them as unfounded years before this trial. There had been allegations against Sandusky for decades .

Sandusky’s accusers never fell apart in cross examination as Jackson’s had. They hadn’t made false claims before, nor had they tried conning other coaches the way the Arvizos had conned other entertainers including Chris Tucker, George Lopez, Jay Leno, Louise Palankar, and Vernee Watson-Johnson. They didn’t waver from their telling of events and some of these same boys claim no interest in filing civil suits despite the man’s conviction. Their weepy testimony had the court in tears for several days, while several key prosecution witnesses in the Jackson case-including Francia-were literally laughed out of the room. Sandusky’s adopted son, Matt, claimed his father had molested him, but was only to take the stand if the defendant would. What possible motivation would this young man have to turn in the only father figure he knew to authorities, thus dissolving all ties to his adopted mother and siblings, if this weren’t true?

But it wasn’t just the lack of credibility that got Sandusky convicted on 45 of 48 counts. There was simply too much incriminating evidence. Why does a grown man need to shower with young boys? The defense used the “hygiene” excuse-that most of these young men were from low income background and didn’t know how to wash themselves. But why does Sandusky need to be naked himself to teach another how to lather?

While there was talk of loveletters between Jackson and his accusers, the notes are anything but scandalous. Sandusky’s defense couldn’t explain away the note their client had written to a young boy except to say it was due to histrionic personality disorder.

Compare this:

“Jordy, you’re not only my cousin but also my best friend. I can’t stop loving your mother and sister. I have found true love in all of you. If more people were like us the world would change instantly. I have such golden dreams for you. I want you to be a giant in the industry. You are my new inspiration. I love you. Doo doo head. Applehead. Disneyland soon.
Love, doo doo.
Call soon, bye, doo doo head. Tell Mom I love her.”

To this:

“I write because of the churning in my stomach when you don’t care. I still hope there will be meaning to the time we have known each other.”

Sounds more like the first man is enamoured with the mother of the child he is writing to, while the second is talking to a mistress he has just broken up with.

And yes-the first man is Jackson, while the second is Sandusky.

While this doesn’t prove Sandusky is guilty, it sure makes it hard to believe he is innocent. His accusers could very well be lying, but there was nothing to prove this.

Jerry Sandusky’s trial was over before many even knew the opening statements had been read, whereas the Jackson trial lasted nearly five months, feeding a media frenzy unlike any we’ve seen before, and hadn’t seen since until June 25, 2009. There was more accredited media covering People v. Jackson than OJ Simpson and Scott Peterson combined. And despite the overwhelmingly exculpatory evidence presented in court, most of the media coverage was self-serving and biased, alleging that Jackson would soon be trading his sequined glove and socks for orange prison garb. As his attorney Tom Mesereau recalled, the journalists in the courtroom were running out after direct examination to report the salacious tellings and completely missed out the cross examination that proved it all to be false.

Even though Sandusky was convicted in the minds of nearly every person who tuned into the media coverage, reporters were quick to point out that many considered him guilty until proven innocent. It seemed as if the embarassment they faced in their poor coverage of a similar, but much more high profile, case seven years ago had finally caught up with them. Several shows, including Anderson Cooper’s and Bill O’Reilly’s, brought Mesereau on as their expert source, where he detailed the way his client was railroaded by people jumping onto the false-claim train. Just a few weeks ago, O’Reilly, in his coverage of the Sandusky trial, listed the McMartin preschool and Jackson trials as examples of cases “where kids lie”. (Ironically enough, Dr. Stan Katz, the psychologist who examined both of Jackson’s accusers, was a key player in the McMartin incident.)

Three years after he left us, it’s refreshing to see that his legacy won’t be living on in just T-shirts and iPods, but that it also managed to change the media that scandalized and tortured him at every given opportunity. Perhaps now that there is a man that was rightfully convicted, people will be open minded enough to see why 7 years ago, another was rightfully acquitted.

To read court transcripts of the Michael Jackson trial of 2005, please visit to see the evidence for yourself

Some great stuff in here. Bound to really make any idiot stop in their tracks and think for a minute when they have ignorantly labelled Michael a paedophile. I'm sharing this on Facebook. Thank you for posting.
MJ trial changed the media.? The media still convicts every high profile defendant before they enter the court room.
The media always has & always will be the same as it was : lying & cheating just to make $$$$$
Thanks for posting this. It really sickens me that the media will forever compare [h=2]Jerry Sandusky to our beloved Michael. Michael was always innocent, Jerry wasn't. :perrin.[/h]
^ Actually with the exception of crazy obsessed people, like Diane Dimond, I don't think they compare him with Sandusky. It's actually refreshing that, as the above article mentions too, Bill O'Reilly mentioned Michael's case and the McMartin case as as examples where kids lied, as OPPOSED to the Sandusky case. Slowly, but maybe there is progress.
Good article it puts Dimond to shame! And if O'Reilly really said that then...:swoon: I am surprise considering he was sayin quite the oppsosite in 05. :beee: Perhaps him talkin to T-Mez changed his mind? But, I ain't holdin my breath cause these people are so wishy washy. Reminds me of Sawyer when she was talking to a Vitiligo and Lupus expert AFTER MJ died.
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Many good points. But as for the media changing, I just don't see it. I still see, too often, in articles about MJ that they bring upp the trail... and not as oftan write that he was found not guilty....
Bill oreily. wtf!! is that a pig flying as i look outside my window

Certain ppl in the media or ppl like nikki six will never stop with their agendas just like the deathly silence as you wait for apologies over mjs vitiligo
What? That big, loud mouthed racist Bill o Reilly said something in MJ's favor? I'm shocked!

I still don't trust Bill o Reilly though
[B said:
The Conviction of Jerry Sandusky in Light of the Clueless Condemnation of Michael Jackson[/B]
]... While there are some key similarities (multiple accusers, the leaking of the grand jury transcripts, the excessive pro-prosecution media coverage), the verdicts were polar opposites for very good, legitimate reasons. ...


There is a HUGE, HUGE difference between the few extortionists that had whatever twisted and sick agendas to accuse an innocent Michael- and the gigantic occurrence of molestation that Sandusky was found guilty of.
Sandusky was the 'abuser profile come to life' of every profiler- abused after abused, after abused.

It is both a slap into the face of Michael- and Sandusky's victims to make that a "key similarity". Sandysky was convicted of over 40 (!!!!!!) accounts of molestation.

Little tidbits like that do sit in the public's 'court of opinion' because Sneddon tried very hard to find this mass of accusers- and never found them. Sneddon tried extremely hard to play the 'mass abuser' card- it's time any inference of mass abuse is nipped in the bud when it comes to Michael. A lot of people are walking through the world with this "why was he accused so often" - Sneddon must be pouring himself a beer in celebration of that.

While I appreciate the general conclusion of this article- I still walk away feeling the general approach of wanting to equalize, appease and wanting to be appear 'neutral' in MJ's case - when I read articles that flat out state the truth without the aftertaste of not wanting to appear too sympathetic to Michael- then I will applaud it whole heartedly.
And I completely understand if I come across as the party spoiler - but it's this 'similarity' stuff that makes makes me sad. First it was the sick OJ comparison and now it's Sandusky. Michael has absolutely nothing more in common with them that all of them were male. Nothing more.
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Great article...Refreshing not to read the usual false garbage crap!

Thanks for posting
Is there any transcript or clip of this - I'd be interested to have a look. Sorry to go off topic.

While I appreciate the general conclusion of this article- I still walk away feeling the general approach of wanting to equalize, appease and wanting to be appear 'neutral' in MJ's case - when I read articles that flat out state the truth without the aftertaste of not wanting to appear too sympathetic to Michael- then I will applaud it whole heartedly.

^I totally agree with this! To many don't want to be seen as having a bias for MJ and seen as a fan or being accused of seeing him as some saint. I seen even fans perfer these type of "not really an MJ fan neutral reportings" more. Only because they want it to be taking more seriously. SMH I say doesn't matter who writes it, a fan or not. As long as they get the facts right then all should be worth reading and spreading around.
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It´s a good article although I feel sad to see Michael and J.S in the same article.
There is a HUGE, HUGE difference between the few extortionists that had whatever twisted and sick agendas to accuse an innocent Michael- and the gigantic occurrence of molestation that Sandusky was found guilty of.
Sandusky was the 'abuser profile come to life' of every profiler- abused after abused, after abused.

It is both a slap into the face of Michael- and Sandusky's victims to make that a "key similarity". Sandysky was convicted of over 40 (!!!!!!) accounts of molestation.

Little tidbits like that do sit in the public's 'court of opinion' because Sneddon tried very hard to find this mass of accusers- and never found them. Sneddon tried extremely hard to play the 'mass abuser' card- it's time any inference of mass abuse is nipped in the bud when it comes to Michael. A lot of people are walking through the world with this "why was he accused so often" - Sneddon must be pouring himself a beer in celebration of that.

While I appreciate the general conclusion of this article- I still walk away feeling the general approach of wanting to equalize, appease and wanting to be appear 'neutral' in MJ's case - when I read articles that flat out state the truth without the aftertaste of not wanting to appear too sympathetic to Michael- then I will applaud it whole heartedly.
And I completely understand if I come across as the party spoiler - but it's this 'similarity' stuff that makes makes me sad. First it was the sick OJ comparison and now it's Sandusky. Michael has absolutely nothing more in common with them that all of them were male. Nothing more.

Hi, I'm Alicia, the author of this article. I disagree with some of your criticism.

It is not a "slap in the face of Michael" to call that a key similarity. I started it off that way because that's how the public perceived the two trials. In the rest of the article, I explained why those perceptions were wrong. Like you said, there were a couple of moneyhungry extortionists after Jackson and innocent young boys telling their mothers what Sandusky did to them.

I am not a Michael Jackson fan. I'm 19-too young to be a fan. That's why i appear neutral. I have no reason to defend him other than the fact that he was innocent, not because I like his music. There are some things about him that I, quite frankly, don't like, but that's besides the point. It might not matter to you whether or not it's written by a fan, but I didn't write that blog post for MJ lovers. I run a blog on Christian music and I happened to have researched the Jackson allegations out of curiosity ever since he died, and more recently, since the Sandusky allegations. I know I get a lot of Conservative visitors, which is why I wrote this and posted it on my blog as opposed to sending it to some MJ fansite to post up. those people know me and they know I'm not a Jackson fan. If they read a fellow Christian's view, they might change theirs. I never intended for this article to become so widely read by people around the world (I got clicks from many different countries), though I am flattered by people's compliments. I have had people ask me to send it out to the media (someone even Tweeted it to Stacy Brown), so being neutral would have it taken more seriously. I read a critic's review of Aphrodite Jones' MJ documentary and they said it sounded like a "love letter", so I kept that in mind while writing my article. I didn't want those same comments directed at me. Besides, if you read the little prelude I wrote, I mention that I wanted to be a journalist. I was trying to hone those skills. What's missing in journalism today is objectivity.

"Michael has absolutely nothing more in common with them that all of them were male. Nothing more." I couldn't agree more. I wasn't comparing Michael Jackson as a person to Jerry Sandusky. I was comparing the trials. Grand jury transcripts leaked? Check. Media frenzy? Check. Guilty until proven innocent? Check. There is no comparison between Jackson and that vile pedophile. I know there were some morons saying they both had charities and were around kids, etc, so this should prove those people wrong that despite those *cough cough* similarities, there was nothing else to pin the same title on the two. As for OJ Simpson, I was in diapers when that happened, but I don't see any sense in comparing a murder case where there is forensic evidence to a molestation case where the case is based on witness credibility.

To the other commentators: I never said "MJ changed the media"-even though that could be argued. Bill O the clown of all people said Jackson's accusers were LIARS. O'Reilly's show is the number one news show in America. Imagine how many people heard him say that, got curious, and Googled it. What I actually said was that several people in the media were quick to point out that no one entertained the possibility that Sandusky might be innocent. Why would they point that out? Because no one gave Jackson (the most high profile sex abuse case ever) the benefit of the doubt (other than Geraldo, Taibbi) and he was acquitted on all counts. Surely they had to have realized their "mistake" especially now that the general public's opinion of Jackson has changed greatly. I think the ball has started rolling, but I agree, lies and greed beat out truth.

Sorry, I felt the need to defend myself because I don't want any misconceptions about my intentions or views in that article. Someone first posted a link to it on this forum on July 5th, and since then, it has gotten over 1000 views, so that's what I'm specifically on THIS site. I appreciate the support and I do not mean to make anyone sad or offend them by talking about Jerry the criminal alongside Michael. I actually thought it would be a great way to show people that Jackson really was innocent by showing them an example of someone who was guilty as sin. And now that Diane Dimond has written an article arguing the opposite (I haven't read what she wrote and don't plan to-I don't read trash), I'm glad this is out there for people to see.

Thanks for reading and please leave a comment. :)

Thank you Alicia for clarifying your points in the article and welcome to MJJC :)

I really appreciate your article, so do many other fans and people who believe in truth and justice.
I can handle when people say to me they are not a fan of Michael's music and style. I don't know why lol but you know everyone likes who they like and that is fine. But what I can't handle or take is when people call Michael a child molester or other nasty and vile comments of him like that. I just want more people to see the truth and that Michael never hurt anyone.
Yes, thank you for that Alicia. It's good to see a blog like this from a self confessed 'non fan'. Too often the media read articles like this and condemn them because a long time supporter has made the report.
What's missing in journalism today is objectivity.

And now that Diane Dimond has written an article arguing the opposite (I haven't read what she wrote and don't plan to-I don't read trash), I'm glad this is out there for people to see.


Hi Alicia,
I wanted to thank you for your article, very well written.
I agree with you about objectivity missing from today's journalism.
I have a question for you. As future journalist, how hard it is to keep you personal opinions to yourself and write objectively?
For example, you have to write a piece of something/someone that you really hate/dislike, how do you keep yourself open for being objective? You mentioned D Dimond, in my opinion, she is as closed up as they come for any other possibility other than MJ was child molester and her reporting goes with that.

By the way, I loved the way you wrote that you don't read her trash, that is exactly what she writes:D
I am not a Michael Jackson fan. I'm 19-too young to be a fan.

Hi alicia just wanted to say you are not too young to be a mj fan- mj fans are all ages young & old from all generations :)
Good article overall. People who think that Michael is guilty should read this.
Thank you for sharing. I truly believe that Michael will be truly vindicated once and for all in every sense. It looks like it is already happening. Very good news.