The Concept of Having a Guardian Angel


Proud Member
Aug 12, 2012
I was wondering about the concept of Guardian Angels. Being a Christian I do believe in guardian angels, but I thought about researching what other religions say about them. While I was doing this little “research”, I found many interesting points of view about guardian angels from the perspective of different religions. However, what really got my attention was this picture I stumbled upon:


This made me think. What if guardian angels are just people (humans) that are assigned to take care of other people by fate? At various points in our life we meet people that are really nice and kind to us and we get close to them and that’s normal. But what if there is this one person who is just bound to be there for you because he/she is chosen to be your guardian angel? Oh and what if this person does not even realize why he/she is doing this? What if there is a force of nature that’s compelling them to do this for you, and just seeing you happy makes them happy (lol, maybe that’s going too far :p it’s starting to sound like a movie). Anyway, this picture got all these “possibilities” in my head. If this really could be true, have I met my guardian angel yet? Umm...Maybe not lol I don’t remember anyone being THAT nice to me haha. However, Considering/imagining that this could be true, have you guys met/known your guardian angel? :)
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:angel: Lovely thread :agree:

I Believe I have one... I even believe that some people can see him...
For me, it has nothing to do with religion though... I was raised as a Christian too but I take on the more Buddhism/ Spiritual way of living now...

It's quite a relief when you find out and trust your Guardian Angel :angel:
Happy funny and most of all Magical things happen when you put your trust in your Guardian Angel... It radiates in your aura or simply you feel 'protected' and maybe others see your guardian angel too (I guess only light workers can spot him)

HOW did I 'meet' my Guardian Angel?

I 'discovered' him through Meditation... He's a Bright Yellow star and he's HUMAN form is Michael :blush: