The Computer Tech Q/A thread


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
We've all got a thousand and one PC questions particuarly since we're on them right now.

We had a Tech thread but lost it when General Discussion v3 was kidnapped earlier in the year so here we are back at square one :p

I have a PC question :)

My PC is buzzing and I'm fairly sure it's filthy fans which I have vacumed etc but are still a little dusty.... so my question is... do you replace the fans (relatively cheap to do too) OR do you take them off and clean them properly?

I have a PC question :)

My PC is buzzing and I'm fairly sure it's filthy fans which I have vacumed etc but are still a little dusty.... so my question is... do you replace the fans (relatively cheap to do too) OR do you take them off and clean them properly?


noise is a major problem for me, especially when dealing with acoustics in a room that needs to be as quiet as pos.

my PC back home sounds like a Boeing 747 and i had a lot of trouble isolating the sound for a long time. turned out the buzzing, hissing, fizzing, wooing whatever was coming from all over the place: both the CPU fan, power fan and even the mini fan on my graphics card along with a dying hard drive whose constant weep keeps you on the brink of myocardial infarction 24/7. oh and one of my bloody monitors has a constant buzz too

my solution: leave home and use a Mac

now my question is: why is Windows so bloody crap? they have trillions of money for Gate's sake.
ahahahaha I can't afford to leave home and I've never liked Mac's :giggle:

I'm looking at some silencing stuff for my PC but I keep getting distracted by the bright shiny things (I have an ongoing love affair with LED and UV stuff :rofl:

Maybe it's time for new Hard drives as I'm convinced the sound is coming from them along with my CPU fan..... blah my whole system needs up grading maybe I can build mums and mine at the same time :scratch: ...*eyes purse* hmmm maybe not :rofl:

I don't think Windows is crap.... oh wait Vista is a bit feral for anyone who doesn't have more than 2GB of ram at least to run it successfully, and then all those "are you sure you wanted to" prompts

But I actually like the look and feel of Windows as opposed to Mac, but I do believe it's in the need of an overhaul.
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hmmm if we're talking look and feel - it's Mac for me. but overall, Mac is crap unless you're into pro multimedia which it would then be worth it. otherwise, Windows is still obviously leading the way.

re: the hard drive sound... it killed me. i used to constantly back stuff up on DVDs in case of one of the drives having a stroke. and i'm very sure the problem with hard drive sound is because of overheating from the bloody crap fans in the first place!!! so better cooling all the way..

and those alien-style LED and gangsta boy chasis whatever are so tacky lol what are you thinking? o_o
I like a creepy green light pulsating out from under the door... it scares away intruders :giggle:

I've been perving over at and I've decided I want to upgrade.... how depressing my hard drive is 50Gb and they have like 500 Gb for $99 o_O

Imagine all the movies I can fit on there... opps I mean imagine all the school work I can store on there
LOL well i hope you don't get too carried away with it - over the course of 9 years, i've been broke, exhausted, violated :ninja: and depressed from trying to find what's best for my computer. this all led me to one golden rule: working with the absolute minimum resources required usually yields the best work. of course i don't play PC games, which are mofos in hypnotizing you in upgrading to the point of bankruptcy. so i'm ok there, but yeah people need to be much more satisfied with what they've already got.
Oh no I wont be going broke :shifty: *races into bank* :shifty: *runs out with suspicious looking bags* :ninja:


I don't game so I'm not too worried about having the greatest top end stuff I just want more ram :wild: more CPU :wild: more storage space :wild: and new fans!!! :rofl: