The cold...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How long has anyone's cold lasted for?? Im asking because i've had the cold for a week now and it hasn't went away yet.. :angry: I've tried taking cold medicines, cough drops,nasal sprays..nothing works. And now today i developed a cough grrrrrrrr. I went to the doctors yesterday but they didnt give me anything, they said there is nothing for a cold. just rest, to be honest i felt better yesterday, but now i feel worse.. maybe it got worse from being in the doctors office. Because there were other people in there coughing. But im soo annoyed with my cold. I hope its normal to have a cold longer than a week. I cant miss work though,i dont know what to do. But has anyone ever had a cold for a long time?
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Aaw, I feel for you... I also have a cold right now :(
My colds usually hold on for a week or so, I never take medicines - I just make sure I always keep myself warm, especially the feets.
It's good to drink a lot of water when you're sick to clean out the body.
Other than that it's good just to rest, don't burn your energy on moving around too much, the body needs the energy to get rid of the virus.
I like taking baths also, but don't get your head (especially your ears) wet, or it can just worsen the cold if your ears are already affected by the cold.

I hope you get well soon! :better:
awww I hope you feel better :hug: I guess we are going through the cold together then. Thanks for the info on how to get rid of the cold. :) :flowers: i guess its ok if the cold is still around for a week or so then.. Hopefully we feel better soon! :)
my cold lasted two weeks this past september..bad sour throat too..eek.the first week is the sneezing and stuffing nose..and secound is cough..which means to me you are getting over the cold. take halls medicine so the cough isnt embarrasing at work or take it anyway so the cough wont go on forever!! mine was bad! but i think your fine..maybe if it gets to three weeks ask a doctor. i think also some people think they cant get any sicker if they are out in the cold with a cold already..but keep warm theres still the flu going around if you didnt get a shot yet or pnemonia. i eat alot of chicken soup and orange makes me feel better even if its not a cure. medicine never worked for me..unless its for headache.hope you feel better mjbabe. :better::sun:
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i just caught a cold from my bf and he had it for about a week and was MISERABLE... congested, tired, coughing, etc.

the MINUTE i thought i was getting it i started using zycam... it is now day 3 and i'm almost 100% over it. idk if it works or its just a placebo effect but it seems to have helped
i just caught a cold from my bf and he had it for about a week and was MISERABLE... congested, tired, coughing, etc.

the MINUTE i thought i was getting it i started using zycam... it is now day 3 and i'm almost 100% over it. idk if it works or its just a placebo effect but it seems to have helped

Even though I was sceptical at first, Zicam actually does seem to either halt or lessen the common cold if taken at the very earliest sign. Being around my 2 grandsons ages 2 and 5 is a challenge with them always having some virus brought home from school or story hours at the public library.

I didn't catch the latest "exposure" in time with the Zicam though in December, and that cold lasted over 2 weeks, the last week being mostly the coughing and feeling tired.

Hope you feel better soon.:)
OH MAN! I get the WORST colds, that's why me and my ZICAM attack the colds when they first start. I'll catch a cold, and I'll have it forever, so I was soooooo happy when zicam came out (shout out to those who mentioned zicam in this thread, lol) It really gets rid of colds :yes: