The Christmas spirit


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2009
Is anybody else getting in a Christmas mood? It's already on TV, all over stores and everybody's getting ready for it - but it's still over 2 months way! I'm already in the mood, I just LOVE Christmas :D :wild:
I just love christmas, my favourite tiem of year. I love the whole look of christmas, the decorated houses, the shops, fairy lights everywhere, the season of good will and all that. I love giving out christmas cards and little gifts, I love seeing chrismassy adverts on tv, and chrismassy magazines. I just love eveything about it! When I get a house of my own, my house will be the brightest house in the whole world, your gonna be able to see it from space. My best part of christmas are the christmas songs! I just loooove christmas music! You know Last Christmas, All I want for christmas, I wish it could be christmas everyday, all those classics.
This year I'm gonna put Michael on top of the tree, cause he's the angel, my angel, our angel.
:cry: Still can't believe that he's gone:(

For me this year the season of good will, will be in remembrance of Michael, he taught us to love and be kind, so I'm going try and make Michael proud by showing a huge amount of generousity.
Though I love Christmas, I can't believe the stores have already decorated for it, and we have not even had Halloween yet.
I get in the spirit right after Thanksgiving. We always put our tree up right after that and get out all the Christmas CDs and just LOVE it!!!! Right up to Epiphany!

I think it's a bit early. Yes, some of the stores around here already have Christmas decorations up, and it's not even Halloween yet!

I love, love, love Christmas!! :D
I get in the spirit right after Thanksgiving. We always put our tree up right after that and get out all the Christmas CDs and just LOVE it!!!! Right up to Epiphany!

I think it's a bit early. Yes, some of the stores around here already have Christmas decorations up, and it's not even Halloween yet!

I love, love, love Christmas!! :D

Jaye, that's when my family decorates too! I love that time of year, though my grandfather died on Christmas Eve 1996. Took me a long time to enjoy it again, but I do, and that's what he would want.
I'm just having my autumn holiday and at first it actually felt like it's Christmas holiday! :lol: My sister came to visit just like on Christmas..
I love Christmas time, can't wait til December :give_heart:
The big Christmas tree has been put up in my city :)

Christmas feelings are starting up!
Sorry for bringing the thread down but,

Haven't been in the mood for the holiday since 2003, I hate it actually. I go into the worst depression ever! And this year would not be any better, for many reasons. :cry: Can't wait till Christmas is over. :mat:
I no longer have the Christmas spirit. In fact Christmas is the one time of the year I no longer look forward too. I hate Christmas with an absolute passion now. I lost my Christmas spirit when I lost my favorite aunt about a week before Christmas of 2001. I prefer Halloween over Christmas now. And what is going to make this Christmas worst for me. Is that my birthday comes 10 days after Christmas. I will be 30 years old. But I really can no longer be happy that I am going to be that old. Not when I no longer have Michael in my life to make me happy on my birthday. My birthday is just going to be another depressing day for me. Just like Christmas is going to be for me. Not only did I lost my beloved Michael this year. I also lost my grandfather as well. Even though he had wanted to go. Christmas day is the kind of day that I totally can't wait for it to be over and done with.
I love Christmas but I cant seem to be in the mood this year.. Its the first year for me without my cat, my grandpa, my ex, and Michael. So its not the same. Our store is decorating already. Its the first year I will be very lonely.
I love Christmas. It is such a magical time and I truly feel there is something so special about it. As a child I enjoyed Christmas a great deal and that feeling is very much alive today. It just feels like the world comes together.
Its snowing out alot here today... We have enough snow to make a snowman! lol!
Its snowing out alot here today... We have enough snow to make a snowman! lol!
Wow where do you live? We don't have snow yet in southern Finland, it snowed few days ago but it melted :(
There hasn't been so much snow than before because of the climate changing.. :(
Is anybody else getting in a Christmas mood? It's already on TV, all over stores and everybody's getting ready for it - but it's still over 2 months way! I'm already in the mood, I just LOVE Christmas :D :wild:

ME! *puts hand up* I LOVE Christmas it's my favourite time of the year, lately when I've been shopping some stores are starting to get out there decorations ect ect ready for Chrissy, I just get so excited I just have to go and have a look.

I've already even started my Christmas shopping :lmao:
Christmas is my favorite time!
Love the whole atmosphere, people who are decorating their houses, trees, drinking Coke Cola and people who are ice skating!
Then ofcourse buying christmas presents, giving them at christmas eve and visiting the church.
Although I feel kinda guilty. We are celebrating and people in Africa, Asia, and other places are dying because of shortage of food, diseases.
(I hope I can do something about it when I'm older)
Although I feel kinda guilty. We are celebrating and people in Africa, Asia, and other places are dying because of shortage of food, diseases.
(I hope I can do something about it when I'm older)

There is something you can do without having to pay any money. I like to do it every year but I missed out last year. It's the shoebox project, it does run in alot of countries all over the world so wherever you are, I have no doubt they'll have a project running like it. All it is, is you get a shoebox, fill it with old bits like crayons, teddies, drawing books, hats, scarves etc. whatever you want as long as it's within the rules. You can't put in things like army toys, knives, food, drink etc. for obvious reasons but it's a really good project. All you do is fill the shoebox with the stuff, wrap it up and then send it to the collection point. Usually the local churches do it so if you go in there sometime then they might be able to give you some information. It's only helping one child but there's thousands of people everywhere that do it. And even if it's helping make just one childs Xmas better then that's good enough for me :D
I love Christmas but I cant seem to be in the mood this year.. Its the first year for me without my cat, my grandpa, my ex, and Michael. So its not the same. Our store is decorating already. Its the first year I will be very lonely.

Big Huge Hug to you sweetheart :hug: Some years are worst than others, and some are just horrible. This is hard. I just really hope next year will be better fo you.

I wish I could do anything for you to have a better year, but, well, I'm not much optimistic about any holiday or celebration this year either... except if it's celebrating Michael...
Big Huge Hug to you sweetheart :hug: Some years are worst than others, and some are just horrible. This is hard. I just really hope next year will be better fo you.

I wish I could do anything for you to have a better year, but, well, I'm not much optimistic about any holiday or celebration this year either... except if it's celebrating Michael...

Same here - I hope next year will be better for you. But, maybe you'll get some Michael stuff this year to cheer you up. :better:
I love how my house feels at Christmas, all decorated and very cosy. Then around Christmas when all the family comes over. This will be the first time in 4 years when I haven't had to work over Christmas so I'm looking forward to it for that reason. Although with no job comes no money so I can't afford to get my family gifts. I hope they understand :(
I used to love Christmas, not so much about the gifts or the shopping thing, in fact I hate that side of Christmas where people feel as an obligation to buy something to their family or friends. I rarely buy Xmas gifts, I spend time with those people, for me it's better.

What I like about Xmas is... *don't laugh* the lights.
When I walk in a street and it's gently snowing and I see all those decorated houses with multicolor lights everywhere, this is what's magic for me.

Besides that, I'm not very excited about Christmas... especially this year.. on Dec 25th.. Michael will have been gone for exactly 6 months... Half a year.
If only you could meet my family! They all despise it! haha

I do enjoy it though :D ...but looks like I wont be spending it with my family this year :(

The big Christmas tree has been put up in my city :)

Christmas feelings are starting up!

Are you serious?! Already! Its still October haha
I am surprised Disney is releasing a Christmas movie so early as well...everyone a bit eager this year hehe
They only thing Xmas related I might do this year is buy the Christmas album from the J5 that's being reissued by Motown... ($$) Just cause I don't have it..
It's The Most Wonderful Time.....Of The Year!!!

Oh man I love Christmas. I always have. Back as a kid, the Christmas season for me would begin when the JC Penney and Sears Christmas catalogs came in the mail, which was like in September lol

Nowadays, as an adult I start getting into the Christmas spirit usually right after Halloween or around my birthday (Nov. 5th).