The building Michael's body is in?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sorry if this is a bit of a strange qustion but....

What will happan to the building that Michael's body is in 100+ years down the line, surely one day like in 1000 years time will it all be there what will happen to all the other tombs there ect?
i dare to take a bet on it that the Jackson-family took care of things like that...
overhere we can have a grave for 50 years or sumthin... so i guess overthere it will exceed that by very much...

1000 years might a bit far away though, but i think mike's resting place is secure for at least 200 years or so... just a guess
I think that eventually the bodies will either be buried or put in those Stone coffins life you find in old historical churches!
Why care about that, we will all be dead in 100 years..

Even more so in 1000... it will always be there. its huge place ppl will always die and there will always be famous ppl in L.A
Actually...I've thought about that as, how many people would know him in 500 years or something.
If he would be found like Tutankhamon etc. Would be cool.

I really hope we can left enough things to be found for generations in that time.
How awesome would that just make sure he's known so long.
LOL..this sounds weird. But well.
Actually...I've thought about that as, how many people would know him in 500 years or something.
If he would be found like Tutankhamon etc. Would be cool.

I really hope we can left enough things to be found for generations in that time.
How awesome would that just make sure he's known so long.
LOL..this sounds weird. But well.

Well they'll need to lose him before they can find him and that's unlikely to happen!
Well, I think the funeral home will do repairs and upgrades as needed to the building. I'm sure they won't go out of business, so unless the city is destroyed, the building will be there in 100 years, just re-done.