The Bright Side...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Through our agony and pain, many of us do not realize that, in retrospect, Michael's death along with all of the circumstances and the timing are a blessing. Although we do not know what the future may have held for MJ, the fact is, during MJ's first 40 years of life he was married to his music, achieving every feat imaginable and breaking every record possible. Artistically, he was the biggest and the best. During his last ten years after his last album, Invincible, Michael dedicated his life to raising his children. Something that he said he always wanted to do after his success (Oprah Interview, 1992). Despite all of the allegations against him, before he died he was finally vindicated of all of the terrible allegations against him, clearing that up once and for all. Barely a few months before he died, MJ official ended what was once Neverland Valley Ranch and put it to rest. Finally, he proved to the world, through commentary from the cast and crew of 'This Is It' that he was singing, dancing, and performing at his best. And on the last night, before he passed, he was on the stage that he considered his true home, dancing and singing the night away before going to bed and passing peacefully during his sleep. The point I'm trying to make is..with all of what has happened to MJ in recent years, we aren't realizing how much of a fairy tale ending this's beautiful. He cleared his name to the world of any wrongdoing, he proved to the world that he was still in top form, and raised his kids well. And now the entire world respects, loves, and appreciates him. I think Michael Jackson would be absolutely thrilled that this is how his story ends.
the timing was quite awful actually. for years MJ had been trying to make a comeback, and right when it was assured he passed away before he could witness it. I truly believe his this is it tour was going to be his best ever, and his album was going to be like 10 to 20 million huge.
I hear you, but I would hardly call this a fairy tale ending. For one thing, the kids are far too young to be left fatherless. He didn't really prove that he was in top form - just see all the claims that he was frail and on death's door. As far as the allegations - yeah, they kind of got forgotten, but not really. The cruel jokes were still out there only weeks ago.
It kills me to think what could've been a mere 3 months from now...
the timing was quite awful actually. for years MJ had been trying to make a comeback, and right when it was assured he passed away before he could witness it. I truly believe his this is it tour was going to be his best ever, and his album was going to be like 10 to 20 million huge.

The truth is that although I had full confidence in MJ's ability to perform, we honestly don't know how this would have turned out for him or how the world would have reacted to it. Let's face it, Michael was done with performing he was only doing this to prove to the world that he still had it. If things didnt go as well as he wanted..he wouldve been depressed. Atleast now with everyone saying he was in top form the night before he passed, people will 'know' that he still had it. As far as an album, I'm sure it's excellent, but it will probably sell ten times more now that the world is deprived of MJ. I don't know..maybe I'm wrong..
this is a hard thing to write about,. michaels kids will grow up in a close family situation and hopfully they dont get annoyed by paps etc eah day. mike music has a even more magical feel about it now hes gone. any problems mike had now,are gone, he can be in peace. when the news off a new his album comes out,every1 will buy it to hear his last stuff. i think now mike has gone,every1 has went bak to there childhoods and rediscovered there love for his music.
Through our agony and pain, many of us do not realize that, in retrospect, Michael's death along with all of the circumstances and the timing are a blessing. Although we do not know what the future may have held for MJ, the fact is, during MJ's first 40 years of life he was married to his music, achieving every feat imaginable and breaking every record possible. Artistically, he was the biggest and the best. During his last ten years after his last album, Invincible, Michael dedicated his life to raising his children. Something that he said he always wanted to do after his success (Oprah Interview, 1992). Despite all of the allegations against him, before he died he was finally vindicated of all of the terrible allegations against him, clearing that up once and for all. Barely a few months before he died, MJ official ended what was once Neverland Valley Ranch and put it to rest. Finally, he proved to the world, through commentary from the cast and crew of 'This Is It' that he was singing, dancing, and performing at his best. And on the last night, before he passed, he was on the stage that he considered his true home, dancing and singing the night away before going to bed and passing peacefully during his sleep. The point I'm trying to make is..with all of what has happened to MJ in recent years, we aren't realizing how much of a fairy tale ending this's beautiful. He cleared his name to the world of any wrongdoing, he proved to the world that he was still in top form, and raised his kids well. And now the entire world respects, loves, and appreciates him. I think Michael Jackson would be absolutely thrilled that this is how his story ends.

My dear mum and everyone in my family has constantly been telling me the exact same thing. i'm SO grateful to them for all the years they put up with my mindboggling Michael devotion and are now so very supportive that I can't even begin to say how thankful I am to them. From my grandma to little cousins to my little students, everyone says michael was, is and will always be at the top in every good way forever! they all love and admire him so much and believe he's happy and at peace now.
There are a lot of things I've thought of. I was so worried during the trial that he wouldn't make it. He started out strong, and by the end, he was looking so bad. He was (understandably) so depressed and sad, and he seemed like a shell of the man he had been. I remember feeling so sad seeing him like that; it broke my heart. I have thought how it could have been worse. He could have been wrongfully convicted of a crime he did not commit, or he could have passed away during the trial. He actually made it through, and he had several more years. He got to become stronger and healthier and happier. I remember how happy I was to see his smiling face once again. He got to spend more time with his children, create more beautiful music, write about his experiences and start performing again. When he did come back to the US for his public appearance at the World Music Awards, the love was overwhelming(they just showed it again tonight). He got to see how much his fans all loved him and stood by him throughout everything. When he passed away, he was happy. Everyone who spent time with him before that said he was. As someone else said, he would have been crushed if his CD or tour wasn't as successful as he'd hoped. We all know how the media could have been. Anyway, at least he had finished his video, recorded a lot of music and finished the set for the tour enough for it to be recorded. And at least now he will no longer have to put up with the media talking about him or people treating him badly or suing him.
I keep trying to think of these things when I feel sad and miss him.
You are right about what you said, but I'm still grieving right now and not in a celebratory mood. I will always be sad over Michael's death. I see no bright side. I just wish he was still alive.
You are right about what you said, but I'm still grieving right now and not in a celebratory mood. I will always be sad over Michael's death. I see no bright side. I just wish he was still alive.

I feely you..:(. Ofcourse Michael's passing itself will always be sad. But I think with time we when we think of MJ..we should think of all the greatness..not sadness. Or would defeat the purpose of what he was trying to do all his life, which is make people happy and make them feel better. I also wish he was alive, but I think everything happens for a reason. In Mike's case we may not know what it is..but maybe he's passing at this instant in time is much better for him from a spiritual point of view than if he died any other time, considering we don't know how his life would have played out. The fact that he died peacefully without any pain..and the fact that he is so loved by the whole world proves that his passing was a blessing for him.

This is a good topic to talk about right now. Defiantly Michael died in his glory, victorious as a great champion. He will always be remembered this way.
Ive been trying to see the good things too... Im happy that Michael left the world with a not guilty verdict and I am so happy that he proved that he could still sell out 50 sold out shows in ONE city alone! He left on top. He left knowing how popular he was from the sell out. At least he got to prove that. They can't finish his story with the trial, they finish it with 50 sold out shows!
I should have mentioned that the age of his children adds to the cruelty of the timing.
I've been thinking similar things, it would have been difficult for any of us to remain fans if he was a convicted child molester and his legacy would have been destroyed, also its very likely he would have died in prison somehow, so I am so glad he was vindicated and now the world is recognising his greatness.

Its not great timing because I really felt he had turned a corner and the whole Thriller 25 thing really got people back loving MJs talent again and actually recruited a new legion of fans. The fact that Thriller dancing became an internet phenomenon really helped this and I think helped set the scene for the incredible deluge of people wanting the TII show tickets.
The whole thing was building up to Michael Jackson showing this generation why he was still the King and now it's been stolen from us all