The boy king who walked backwards is silenced...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
The boy king who walked backwards is silenced
And the children gather no more around the throne
Tears fall across the territories
And fires will rage thereafter

They say this is an actual Nostradamus quatrain.
Like some other people, I found it quite eerie... even if it doesn't apply to MJ after all... It might be made up as far as I know of course...
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where did you get this?
it might as well easily be made up by someone 20 minutes ago.
I found it on google, it's on numerous websites can't remember which exactly now. On the other hand, I cannot find the original French translation so there's a possibility it might be fake. I really don't know why so many people linked it. It's beautiful regardless though.
Well, if Nos wrote something, then is should be published somewheres. Shouldn't be that hard to confirm it, right?

I have a Nostradamus book. Might take a look at it later.
I don't believe in Nostradamus or the so called 2012 calender. Only 1 person knows when it's the end of mankind....God himself