The big bang


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
so how do you think it all started do you believe in the big bang
^^ I second that :lol:

I love watching Universe programmes on TV, it is something that really intrests me... all I know is that I don't think that this whole universe could have come about by chance...

I think Paleys watch is a great example:
if you saw a pocket watch on the floor and examined how intricate it was, you wouldn't just assume it appeared there on its own, you would assume it had a creator. Why is the universe any different to this ?
I believe if the universe was created by the big bang then something must have cased this to happen
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Well with astronomy being one of my 3 major passions (The other 2 is Michael Jackson and Bollywood) I have to believe in the Big Bang theory. But since I had started to believe in God and Jesus again. Especially after what happen in June of last year. I like to now think that it was God that started the Big Bang that form the universe. But according to the one episode of the HIStory Channel's program the Universe. I have all 4 seasons of that program on dvd sets. It really is a big mystery that the sciencetists can't figure out.