The BIG and small Mistakes In Michaels Songs


Proud Member
Sep 3, 2007
Okay here I am gonna dive into the music and pick out some mistakes left in Michaels finished songs, whether they be deliberate or not, mediocre or major, its fun to pick the music apart and get a feeling of how the songs where made. Feel free to post you're own discoveries

*Headphones on*


1. On the right channel before "If you wanna make the world......" you hear what sounds like a clipped vocal, sounds like the word "Place" this may have been left from Michaels backing track, maybe repeating the line "If you wanna make the world a better place"

2. You can clearly hear a "AOWWW" Which has been omitted from the track but whoever was on the mixing deck at that sepcific time didn't turn the channel all the way down.

3. On The "You Know It" near the end of the track you can clearly hear another male voice, this could have been interference from the control room, but maybe Michael liked the vocal and you cant hear it on the final mix so it was left in. Sounds like the guy may have said "good stuff"


Funny little thing but you can hear Michael maybe knocking or messing with the mic, again it could be feedback from wiring or something, this song was remastered so I cant see why they didn't use the "Rock it baby" from the first verse and pasted it onto the second, but obviously this was left in on purpose The Hots.mp3


Listen to this snippet of the demo we have and notice the 2 clicks

Some of the same vocal track was used in the album version, I have extracted the click, but the first one is more of a "blip" then a click, this could be to do with the tape stretching or distorting when the vocal track in layered on. You can hear one of the clicks in the album version, this is only small but still quite fun.

MORE TO COME...........
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Re: The BIG Mistake In Michaels Songs

I gonna reserve 3 space for this badboy
thanks, i only notice what you say on the first clip but im not listening with headphones and my computer speakers pretty much suck.
Wow, thanks for sharing these! I heard them all! It's so weird how you only hear them when you are focused on it.
In Heartbreaker there's a mistake that the engineer should be a bit ashamed of since it's a real beginners mistake. :D
In the part I've cut out you can hear a click sound loud and clear as Michael screams aoow!!
This click sound appears when you cut out a part and past it without fade-in the first (and sometimes last) milli-second(s) of the cut.
I mean, this can sometimes do something to the music if you're making hiphop and sample parts that you add over a kickdrum, it will give you more punch. But in an empty space like this, I just can't believe how they didn't hear this.

EDIT: this click sound could also be from the end of the chorus package singing "she's a heartbreaker"
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This probably doesnt have to do with this topic but in Remeber The Time hes says "on the phone you and me'', the funny thing is that the video was set in ancient egypt, they didnt have phones back then LOL. I wouldnt call that a mistake though, I just always thought about that.
This probably doesnt have to do with this topic but in Remeber The Time hes says "on the phone you and me'', the funny thing is that the video was set in ancient egypt, they didnt have phones back then LOL. I wouldnt call that a mistake though, I just always thought about that.

Haha! I've also never realised that! Good find :p.
This probably doesnt have to do with this topic but in Remeber The Time hes says "on the phone you and me'', the funny thing is that the video was set in ancient egypt, they didnt have phones back then LOL. I wouldnt call that a mistake though, I just always thought about that.

LOL i always thought that tooooooooooo!
what is going on in KEEP THE FAITH where he sings with the choir but in the background you can hear a man making sounds like "HUH"
lol @ Birchey making reservations. That stuff is neat, but how in the heck did you ever notice them?

All the technical stuff goes over my head, but I still enjoy hearing/trying to hear the things in the songs. I'm startin to geta picture of teh complexity of the songs..layers..."parfaits have layers, everybody loves parfaits"

I can't for the life of me hear what's in WBSS, i'm a hopeless cause:doh:
one thing, that for me is huge and drives me insane, and its ruined the song for me, so i hope it doesnt for you. in you rock my world, if you really listen, the A in the bassline (4th note) is sharp, and it clashes with the piano sound, which is in tune, its like aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh no MJ, check the tuning of that bass!
This probably doesnt have to do with this topic but in Remeber The Time hes says "on the phone you and me'', the funny thing is that the video was set in ancient egypt, they didnt have phones back then LOL. I wouldnt call that a mistake though, I just always thought about that.

lol! But the song was written without the video in mind =]
Sigh, more criticism. Can we listen to enjoy? Probably no record is perfect because humans are not perfect.
I think the fact that we notice these things shows the love we have for them. We notice because we've listened to the songs countless times!
Sigh, more criticism. Can we listen to enjoy? Probably no record is perfect because humans are not perfect.

it's not any more criticism than spotting fun bloopers in a video or something, like how i crack up at the various states of RIPPED-ness of his shirt in the come together video. kinda ripped, all the way ripped, just the collar ripped, back to all the way ripped. hilarious.

i can still ENJOY it without being blind or deaf to the lil problems. it's all in fun, maybe don't go in a thread that will perturb you?
Aw, I love this thread...! all the little details that are picked up from sooo many listens are fascinating. It's kinda cute how we're able to pick up such minute things and then love the quirks or just have a giggle.
I think the fact that we notice these things shows the love we have for them. We notice because we've listened to the songs countless times!

it's not any more criticism than spotting fun bloopers in a video or something, like how i crack up at the various states of RIPPED-ness of his shirt in the come together video. kinda ripped, all the way ripped, just the collar ripped, back to all the way ripped. hilarious.

i can still ENJOY it without being blind or deaf to the lil problems. it's all in fun, maybe don't go in a thread that will perturb you?

Aw, I love this thread...! all the little details that are picked up from sooo many listens are fascinating. It's kinda cute how we're able to pick up such minute things and then love the quirks or just have a giggle.

ok, I know.
one thing, that for me is huge and drives me insane, and its ruined the song for me, so i hope it doesnt for you. in you rock my world, if you really listen, the A in the bassline (4th note) is sharp, and it clashes with the piano sound, which is in tune, its like aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh no MJ, check the tuning of that bass!

I always wanted to tune Carlos Santana's instruments myself, I am the kind of person who feels that Santana is like nails scratching on a blackboard... I always wished somebody would gift the man an automatic tuner...:D

We cellists were beaten into fine tuning from an early age on- and we never had sneaky little boxes doing the job for us. Pianists were usually even worse than guitarists...But nothing was ever more out of tune than the brass section...

But Nirvana's down-tuning never bugged me.
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Not sure if it's a mistake or not, but in Black Or White, towards the end where he is saying "If you're thinkin of bein my brother", there sounds like a clap, and then a baby going "yah yah yah"..... Does anyone else hear this?? LOL
Not sure if it's a mistake or not, but in Black Or White, towards the end where he is saying "If you're thinkin of bein my brother", there sounds like a clap, and then a baby going "yah yah yah"..... Does anyone else hear this?? LOL

sounds like the clap may be supposed to be there, but i heard the baby 'yah, yah, yah'
im not sure, maybe its singing along with michael going , yeah , yeah ,yeah!? :D
sounds like the clap may be supposed to be there, but i heard the baby 'yah, yah, yah'
im not sure, maybe its singing along with michael going , yeah , yeah ,yeah!? :D

LOL! Thank goodness it's not just me that hears it, hehehe. I had never noticed it until one day I heard it on my ipod. I was like "what was that???" and since then, it is all I hear when the song gets to that bit! My first thought was perhaps his kids were in the studio while he was recording, but they weren't born then! Hahaha