The best way we can give back to Michael-Please read.


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005
Hello everyone.

So it's been nearly a year. We all miss Michael and the amazing times we all shared together as a fan base. Laughing at his clothes, getting excited over his 4 word statements etc. But no matter how we feel, the pain the children must have experienced can not be imagined. I grew up without a father and that hurt a lot at times. But it was a blessing really, that I never knew him, instead of losing him during my lifetime. I didn't have to adjust or move on. It was always just the way things were.

To have had a wonderful father who was there for you everyday, who spent time with you daily, who played with you and gave you all those fun and happy moments, who loved us more than anything else in the world, depite being the world's most famous man, with millions craving his attention, to have put you first, to sacrifice so much of his career for you, to have cared enough to study childhood, to understand it at its deepest level and then go on to raise you with morals and values...and then for it to be torn away without warning. They must have felt as if they hearts had been ripped out altogether. The pain must have been indescrible.

Growing up is going to be tough for them. To have to adjust to a new life, new people living with you and caring for you, to no longer have your daddy to teach you, guide you or tell you how much he loves you everyday...Sure, we didn't know Michael personally, but we do know that he told them that every day. Because that was Michael. That's who he was. The prove is in those wonderful, caring children. The way they care about people around them and each other. Michael was the catalyst for that. We know that.

But we don't know the dreams he had for his children, the private conversations they had every day, the things he told them, they secrets they shared, the answers he gave to what must have been, countless questions. We don't know if he would have wanted them to be raised the way they are being raised now that he's gone. We don't know if would have agreed with Katherine to let them join school when they became teenagers. Probably he would have. Maybe he would have thought the time was right for them to go out into the world and grow as individuals. Maybe he thought he'd laid enough of a strong, caring foundation to allow them to cope. But we just don't know.

We don't know how they'll cope as they grow older and deal with people outside of the family. We don't know how they'll cope with what life throws at them. They will have to deal with people who contributed to their father's pain, and even his death. Who knows how they'll feel about the some of the choices Michael made in life and the way he died. Who knows how little Blanket will feel as he grows up and the memories of his time with his dad fade. Who knows how Paris will feel if she gets married and Michael is not there to walk her down the aisle. Who knows how Prince will feel when he becomes a man and his father is not there to celebate with him.

We know nothing about them. And that's the way things should be. But we did know Michael and we cared about him and grew to love him. And they were the most important thing in his life! They were who he loved the most! So the way I see it, it's our responsibility to look out for them.

The only thing we can do is pray for them.

If you don't believe in God, then just send them your positive thoughts. If you do, then let's pray to God and ask God to look after those children, to protect them from pain and to help them cope and become the adults Michael would have wanted. Sure, he'd have been proud of them no matter who they became, but he's not here anymore. We are. I think we should do this for him. It would have meant more to him for his fans to pray for his beloved children then buy albums. (Remember what he said: My children are your children and your children are my children?) This is something that will not invade their privacy or interfere in their lives.

So please join me in this. Michael gave us so much in life, so in death, let's do this for him. Let's give back to him. There's nothing more loving and important than taking time out of our own lives and thinking of others. When you pray for someone else, surely it counts more than if we prayed for ourselves? Those kids will be surrounded by our love and prayers and positivity. And they won't even know it.

Lets' all say a prayer every night before we go to sleep...until you feel it's time to stop one night. I know I'm going to pray for them every night for the rest of my life. Just like I'm going to listen to Michael's music for the rest of my life. Just like I'm going to miss him for the rest of my life.

Please post in this thread if you are in!

Wonderful, wonderful post. I am in. :)
I have been praying for the children ever since the tragedy struck them. I don't pray every single night but when I do, I always include them.
:yes: :clapping: beautiful

yeah i wanna give back too and even moreeeeeeeee

just because of :heart:Michael i changed my major in uni and chose "disaster relief - first and and CPR" ... just to help people and not let people die just because there ain't no one there to give them THE RIGHT CPR or other immidiate vital first aids

:heart: it's all for love - M.I.C.H.A.E.L :heart: