The Best Billie Jean Performance?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What do you think is the Best Billie Jean performance from a concert/tour?

Victory tour

Bad tour 1st leg / Bad tour 2nd leg

Dangerous tour

History tour

MJ & Friends concert

30th Anniversary Show

I think I would have to choose Dangerous tour.
I'd probably have to go with Bad Tour 2nd leg.

From what I've seen and heard, it just feels like the perfect way to perform Billie Jean. The outfit, the band, the vocals and the dancing were all just spot on!

I can't wait for the day we can finally see a full '88 performance of Billie Jean :)
I'd probably have to go with Bad Tour 2nd leg.

I can't wait for the day we can finally see a full '88 performance of Billie Jean :)

Same here.
And they should edit all the different moves he did at the BJ ending together so we have a 20 minute + version.
my absolute favourite version is the bucharest hbo version- nice and rough with all the heehees still in!

bad tour 2nd leg ain't too shabby either
Well, it's not a concert but I would go with MTV music awards in 1995. Actually I just watched a performance of Billie Jean last night on Youtube that could be my favorite, but there was no description of where the concert was from. He did his dancing solo at the end extra long and did the beatboxing.
I would choose billie jean from the movie this is it if it was on the list, but it is not so I choose 30th Anniversary Show ;)
I would choose billie jean from the movie this is it if it was on the list, but it is not so I choose 30th Anniversary Show ;)

Right now, my favourite has to be TII performance...Even when he's not going at full tilt, he still blows me away...soooo....that says it all right there....Only a pure genius can do that....:punk: