The Beatles, Elvis and Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I personally like all three. I lean to Michael most of course :) But anyone else like the other two as well? Three pillar foundations of modern music.
I personally like all three. I lean to Michael most of course :) But anyone else like the other two as well? Three pillar foundations of modern music.

Shame Queen is too underrated... But I really like Elvis and The Beatles, the latter had and still have probably the largest infuelnce in pop music. After Michael :D
Im not too much of an Elvis fan.

But im also a big Beatles fan :)
Not too much a fan of either besides MJ. But in terms of just wanting to listen to their music between the latter, I like Elvis better. I haven't heard a Beatles song yet, song by them that I have liked. But oddly enough, I have liked when people have done certain versions of their songs. So I guess I am a fan of their music and their songs, but not a fan of their voices, if that makes sense.
Michael trumps all, of course, imo :D I like the others as well, Beatles more than Elvis
I L.O.V.E. The Beatles. My Dad met them when he was in a band in England back in the 60s.

But Michael trumps them all as he owned their music!
I think Elvis is very OVERRATED..and I used to think that the Beatles were overrated until I started listening to more of their someone just said, MJ KILLS them all!!!!
MJ. The one and only for me.

The Beatles got some songs I find amazing, but Elvis NOT.
I never saw why Elvis was supposed to be so great. He didnt write his songs, he could wiggle his hips and impersonated singing like a black person. Sounds like Justin Timberlake! lol
From a personal reference, I think it really all depends upon where one grew up, their age, their family/friends likes (and equally influential prejudices), etc.

Try telling an Elvis fan that he wasn't all that great and you'll get the same reaction that Michael or Beatles fans would give out.

It's a big world and room for all, and for some reason I think Michael would agree. Michael has made his incredible mark in the music industry, and the battle of who's best will always be subjective. My personal choice is Michael, but live and let live for those with a different opinion. I just can't put down others if their musical tastes disagree with mine- it becomes too much like discussing/arguing religion and politics.

Elvis was very entertaining and a good singer. The Beatles made some brilliant music but they just weren't entertaining to me at all and I find a lot of their songs boring as well. I love the handful of John Lennon songs I've heard, though. And "Let It Be" is beautiful.

I don't really need to list Michael's qualities here lol, but... He's the writer Elvis never was and the performer The Beatles never were. No one can step to him with the combination of singing/performing/writing/superstardom. That's really what makes him the G.O.A.T. The biggest thing people use to criticize him from an artistic standpoint is that he didn't play instruments (at least not live), but hell, why don't we go ahead and criticize bands for not dancing then?
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Elvis was very entertaining and a good singer. The Beatles made some brilliant music but they just weren't entertaining to me at all and I find a lot of their songs boring as well. I love the handful of John Lennon songs I've heard, though. And "Let It Be" is beautiful.

I don't really need to list Michael's qualities here lol, but... He's the writer Elvis never was and the performer The Beatles never were. No one can step to him with the combination of singing/performing/writing/superstardom. That's really what makes him the G.O.A.T. The biggest thing people use to criticize him from an artistic standpoint is that he didn't play instruments (at least not live), but hell, why don't we go ahead and criticize bands for not dancing then?

You share my opinion too. :) I really don't think the beatles are overrated though, even though I'm not a fan of thier music.
I love Elvis, he has some really great classical songs and he did some amazing movies I used to watch as a child.
But I'm more into The Beatles. The Beatles have dhasjdhsjdshdjs SO MANY great songs that I just love to listen to.
I personally like all three. I lean to Michael most of course :) But anyone else like the other two as well? Three pillar foundations of modern music.

I don't really find Elvis a "pillar foundation of modern music". I think he is a forerunner of the modern megastar phenomenon but musically and artistically he wasn't a pioneer, nor was he a creative artist. Pillar foundations from his time were Chuck Berry and other black rock and roll artists.
Beatles were more innovative and consistent than Queen. But I still love me some Queen.
I think currently Elvis and Beatles have have sold more records than Michael. Question remains whether Michael will one day surpass them.....
^ In their "time", you couldn't download stuff for free.
I wont talk about my love for MJ as it all goes without saying.

I think The Beatles are awesome.

When I have Beatles songs playing inmy car they are allways great to sing a long to. They are just such fun songs and catchy.
I was an Elvis fan before MJ but MJ has passed my love for Elvis sorry Elvis :)
i watched that doco quaquin pheonix did on elvis and fell in love with all of elviss music hes a legend
i also dont mind the beatles my dad always plays them in the house hes obsessed hes got a bit of a man crush on paul mccartney lol
but MJ i beyond them all imo hes just the ultimate record sales or not you cant beat him.
^ In their "time", you couldn't download stuff for free.

A very flawed argument. A) MJ also started his career when there was no free downloads and B) Beatles "1" album sold over 30 million copies last decade. Downloading really is not an issue and both MJ and Beatles managed to sell millions with and without it.

There are a million other factors though. And I think when all is said and done both MJ and the beatles would be on the same level. With elvis trailing behind.
I love Elvis but I hate The Beatles I think there one of the most overrated bands in the history of Music my favourite band has already been mentioned in this thread which is Queen now Queen are much more Musically diverse than The Beatles there Music has such big influences from other genres most noticeable is Freddies love for opera, but Brian May is heavily influenced by Jimi Hendrix and the like so to hear the clash of styles in there Music is amazing listening.
I honestly don't see all the beatles hype. They did some innovative things in music so i have respect for them and i know some of their songs but I can't get excited about them. When I watch a performer I need to be entertianed, michael kept me hanging on every move and he controlled the crowd. With the beatles they just stood their and played instruments(yeah i know they were musicans lol) but i can't dance to their music.

Elvis was ok but didn't he steal from other people and then take the credit. I know a few of his songs.