The Band!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Would you guys like to read this story? It's about a fictional rock group called The Rebels....:D I will write you a little taste of the story.(which is actually going to be an upcoming part later in the story.

I'm Sydney Parker, lead singer of The Rebels. We were a successful Metal Rock band,reminiscent of 80's Metal Rock with 10 number 1 hit singles, on just 3 albums and 5 sold out tours around the world. Our record label producer, Mr. Erick Sanders told us that 80's music was outdated and that it was a miracle that we scored 10 number one hit singles, and that we needed tp get current and go 2010 Pop Rock, because that was relevant today. He told us that we'd be able to get even more than 10 number 1 hit singles with Pop Rock. I said, "No way. The Rebels aren't going to sell out by singing current Pop Rock. We're a Metal Rock band. Bang your head type of music."

Mr. Sanders bit his lip. "Pop Rock can bring you even higher in the music business. You can end up in the Hall Of Fame."

My bandmates began chattering excitedly. "Sydney, we could land in the Hall Of Fame! Let's go Pop Rock!" My lead guitarist, Billy Swanson said, excitedly. The other three bandmates, my secondary guitarist, Alan Tucker, my drummer, Rick Wilson,, and keyboardist, Clay Douglas, nodded their heads in agreement. I could not believe my eyes and ears. They were willing to sell our very core to be extra current in the mainstream.

"You guys KNOW we are a Metal Rock band, not a current Pop Rock group. We've worked for so many years to be different from the mainstream masses. Don't give in now." I told them pleadingly.

Chip said, "Sometimes, we've gotta swim in the sea of the mainstream to become even more popular. Billy said, "Think of all the Pop Rock fan teens who will buy our music. Teens make up a huge part of album buyers."

The other bandmates looked at me expectantly. I had a choice to make. I took a deep breath. I looked Mr. Sanders dead in the eye and said, "No. The Rebels will remain Metal Rock."

Mr. Sanders looked at me with a frown. "Do you really think that's a wise choice, Sydney?" He asked me.

"Yes, I do," I told him defiantly.

The other four bandmates were chattering amongst themselves softly. I wondered what they were talking about.

They finished talking amongst themselves about two minutes later. Finally, Alan said, "Well, we want to become a Pop Rock group and swim in the mainstream. We disagree with Sydney." The other bandmates backed up Alan.

"In fact," Alan continued, "We think it's best if Sydney and we went our own separate ways, since we want different things.The other bandmates agreed. My blood ran cold. They were kicking me out of MY band! How dare they? They looked dead at me and said, "Sydney, get out of our band. Bye." I couldn't believe it. I numbly left Mr. Sanders office. After all the sacrifices I made for that band, they threw me out like yesterday's trash.
So, do you think this would make a good story so far? :)
What the hell? :doh: If they made 10 number one hits with just 3 albums with Metal Rock, they don't NEED to become Pop Rock.... :doh: Sanders seems fishy to me......:( 10 number one hits, on top of what i am assuming number 2, and 3 hits, and so on would mean that they have enough to have a greatest hits album, with just three albums, which would be a HUGE success. Even the great, successful Janet Jackson didn't have 10 number one hits when she had her first greatest albums, consisting of her three albums at the time(not including her before AM years with her unsuccessful first albums, (Janet jackson and Dreamstreet)), Control, Rhythm Nation, and Janet. In fact, I don't think ANY artists in the history of music artists have had 10 number one singles with just three albums. The Rebels with that huge sucess wuould be contenders for the Hall Of Fame! :)
I just realized that I fogot the name of my own character! LOL. ;) I said his name was Clay, and then continuosly called him "Chip." LOL. Well, to cover myself, I will say that his nickname is Chip, because he is a fan of Chocolate Chip Cookies. ;)