The Auction Cancellation & What I Gave Up For It


Proud Member
Mar 9, 2008
I bought plane tickets for the auction & I sold my car so I had around $20.000 dollars to buy that walk of fame jacket :'(

I was positive that I was going to get it, I went all out of my way and now I need to buy a new car :'(

I went way out of my way for that 1 item and I was willing to go into debt for it.......

:'( Life Sucks

At least MJ got what he wanted.....

....That jacket would of made me whole....

Man trust me, in situations like this you've got to find something positive in the misery.
Try to look at it like if you would've shown up there you'd probably be outbidded anyway or something.

I know you might right now not be able to see it, but when things have chilled you might be like "wow, I need these 20 grand to other things". At the end of the day, and try to kind of understand what I mean when I say; it's "just" a jacket...
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Agreed, it simply wasn't meant to be. I should think those items would be too much anyway - too many rich peeps wanting their hands on stuff.

Now you have the money to do something more plausible :yes:
i :agree: MJJC Momma :yes: :agree:

i think MJ should get his stuff back it's his memorts and life in his heart :yes:
i'm sorry to hear that :( shit happens. but hey, at least michael got his stuff back which is the most important thing. i'm glad that he did. he was against the auction from the very beginning. try to think of it this way : would u really want to have his jacket since he wouldn't want you to have it ?
Whatever is meant to happen will happen and it will happen for a reason.
At least you earn 20 000 d from the sale of your car . Do othere projects with this , maybe another car ..?
im sure he would've wanted the jacket. mj has money to spare, 20 grand is nothing for him. lol but it sux. maybe now u can get a better car!
ur a fan. i understand. anyway there are some great cars under 20 000

honda makes some gems. u might find urself with a blessing in disguise...a better car, perhaps. not saying ur other car wasn't great. just saying honda makes great inexpensive cars. lol
What have you been doing WITHOUT your car?? If you can survive without one, maybe you should put the 20K in the bank and earn money off of it!
If it makes you feel any better I went on about 5 mj trips... all putting on my credit cards.. now I am over $15,000 in credit card debt... (with interest added)

We just have to learn our lessons sometimes.. I'm still paying off my credit card debt, and getting calls on my cell phone everyday about it....

but at least you didn't lose your money all the way..... like they said maybe you'll get a better car.
Trust me when I say this..... the jacket would have made you feel whole for a few weeks, or even a few months but like with anything that you buy, the novelty will wear off, you'll be left in debt and have your eyes set on something else. Think of it as an omen that the auction didnt go through... someone higher up is trying to tell you that's it's not a good idea, especially in these rough times.

(I have way too many hindu friends LOL)
If it makes you feel any better I went on about 5 mj trips... all putting on my credit cards.. now I am over $15,000 in credit card debt... (with interest added)

We just have to learn our lessons sometimes.. I'm still paying off my credit card debt, and getting calls on my cell phone everyday about it....

but at least you didn't lose your money all the way..... like they said maybe you'll get a better car.
I completely get what you mean! I've spent over $7,000 on this London trip alone. COMPLETELY worth it.

Trust me when I say this..... the jacket would have made you feel whole for a few weeks, or even a few months but like with anything that you buy, the novelty will wear off, you'll be left in debt and have your eyes set on something else. Think of it as an omen that the auction didnt go through... someone higher up is trying to tell you that's it's not a good idea, especially in these rough times.

(I have way too many hindu friends LOL)
I know what you mean. I mean, with MJ ITEMS, my "OMG I HAVE IT" feeling wears off a few days after. But this feeling of "OMG I AM SEEING MJ" feeling will last a lifetime.
know how the OP feels,i put A LOT of time and effort into the auction at expense,didnt have a credit card to begin with now stuck with one,im glad MJ got his stuff back but this also put a lot of fans out of pocket,i had my eye on something i was gonna try to give back to Mike,suppose there is still the vegas items floating around.
Aaaw the pain of giving up so much and for nothing. Don't worry, you'll make use of the money some other way. You can buy a few concert tickets with that, all VIP for several dates if you wanted!! More chance of seeing Michael in person than at the auction.