The Armenian Genocide - April 24th


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA.
What is the Armenian Genocide?
The Armenian Genocide was the systematic mass killings of over one and a half million Armenians perpetrated by the "Young Turk" government of the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923.

What is April 24th (Martyrs Day)?
On this day in 1915, Armenian leaders, writers, thinkers and professionals were rounded up, deported and killed in Constantinople, Turkey. Meanwhile, over 5,000 of the poorest Armenians were butchered in the streets and in their homes. Although numerous prior atrocities were committed by the Turkish Government against the Armenian people, this day marks the official beginning of the Armenian Genocide. On April 24th, Armenians throughout the world commemorate the tragedy of the Genocide.

How does the Genocide affect Armenians today?
To this day, the Turkish government denies the occurrence of an Armenian Genocide. Thus, the few survivors and the victim's children and grandchildren are denied closure to this tragic event in both their lives and in the history of their people. Acceptance of responsibility and restitution for the injustices committed against the innocent Armenian people by the Turkish government is considered to be the only way to bring peace to the hearts of all Armenians.

93 Years of Denial! Enough is Enough!

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***Warning: Videos contain graphic content***
its disgusting how turkey refuses to accept this. hopefully the EU wont give in and let them join until they do