The Apple Ipad

It sucks at the moment. It doesn't have a clear value apart from reading books. It is roughly a huge iPhone. at the moment. This could change down the road, but now it isn't much different from an iPhone. It lacks flash support which is a great problem. Flash is everywhere on the internet. I think the device would sell because Apple is hot now, but there is a chance that it would be a flop like the discontinued Apple TV. I can't replace my iPod with it as it is too huge for that. I can't replace my Macbook Pro with it as it is too limited hardware and software wise as it runs iPhone OS. They are trying to make it suitable for casual computer users who just surf the internet and do minimal work like presentations and word processing as they have iWork, but flash is a big drawback for it to be effective. I may consider it down the line when Apple make it more productive.
^lol @ PeeWee...:lol: so looks like he hasn't changed a bit!

About the iPad...I think it looks pretty rad. Kind of like a laptop but without a big keyboard attached. I think it could be a handy thing to have around. I didn't know it lacked flash support though...that IS a big problem.
Pee Wee uses the ipad as a tray in the end...i guess it really is useful.

Pee-wee Gets An iPad! from Pee-wee Herman

i have a passion for anything Apple, but i wouldn't put my money into this right now.

Hah!!! I LOVE Peewee! That was hilarious.

Well friends, I'm not a big Apple Computer fan (I'm a big PC guy). Though, I do love their Ipods and Itunes.
When I first heard about the Ipad, I jumped all over it, researching the heck out of it for a couple of days.

...I wasn't impressed.
At all.

It's basically an expensive tray no one really needs, where you can do a "limited" amount of things you already have done on your desktop PC, Laptop and Iphone. But in a mid size rectangle.

And the design factor worries me. I mean look at it. Its a tray. When Peewee used it as a drinks tray, i laughed loud because thats exactly what I was thinking! :lmao:
Does it come with a sleeve at least to protect it from scratches or smudges when you carry it around? Also...imagine how dirty this thing will get after a days use. Youd have to carry around a wipe to keep it clean after every use, from your oily fingers. :/

If this thing sells for 50.00 dollars. Cool. Because honestly, its frikken useless unless you want a larger scale iphone with more limited use. The no flash support situation is crazy. Not sure if that can be upgraded for support later down the line. It might be. But as of now, if it remains so, then its really a problem for net surfing. Flash is more standard now than it was back in 2003.

If you already have a laptop, well... you pretty much have a mobile computer that can play games, surf net, watch movies, design art, make music, etc (even with a decent laptop).
If you dont like carrying around your LT, then you can have your Iphone which I think is incredible. The fact that its that small and functions almost like a regular desktop, is just jazz. :)

If you want this new hyped unattractive flat piece of thing to serve drinks at MJJC parties, then rock on! :punk:

Its just a new glorified PDA.
I honestly wouldnt care to have one. Unless it was for 50 bucks. lmao. That's not gonna happen. :tease:
Overpriced, oversized, under performing - says it all really! lol I am a huge Apple fan but they need to re-think this giant iPhone!
I do like the stuff Apple creates in general and I love my Imac and Ipod and I really want an Iphone one day but an Ipad? No! Apple what are you thinking?! It looks cool yes, but it's to big te carry around. I don't see myself in my bed or whatever holding up an Ipad to internet, watch a movie or something. I think it's only handy for reading stuff or as a digital photoframe. E-mailing seems a bit hard to me.. you always need to support the Ipad with something since it has no base so most of the time you type email with one hand.
Sorry, but I had to LOL at the name of the product when I heard it for the first time!! :laugh: Mad TV has already spoofed it.
Pee Wee uses the ipad as a tray in the end...i guess it really is useful.

i have a passion for anything Apple, but i wouldn't put my money into this right now.

That Pee Wee video was so funny! Thanks for posting it.
It sucks at the moment. It doesn't have a clear value apart from reading books. It is roughly a huge iPhone. at the moment. This could change down the road, but now it isn't much different from an iPhone. It lacks flash support which is a great problem. Flash is everywhere on the internet. I think the device would sell because Apple is hot now, but there is a chance that it would be a flop like the discontinued Apple TV. I can't replace my iPod with it as it is too huge for that. I can't replace my Macbook Pro with it as it is too limited hardware and software wise as it runs iPhone OS. They are trying to make it suitable for casual computer users who just surf the internet and do minimal work like presentations and word processing as they have iWork, but flash is a big drawback for it to be effective. I may consider it down the line when Apple make it more productive.

agree with you

as I am so happy with my ipod touch and I don't think ipad suit my daily lifestyle is big and use more space in handbag i don't interested in it.
It's funny how it has no multi-tasking, you can't even listen to music and browse the internet at the same time?

Ipad will completely change the way we use computers, for sure. This is only the beginning, I feel Ipad will grow in popularity and grow in size (literally). I can imagine in future we'll have video calling, no longer will we have to put a device to our ear! you'll just look at the Ipad like a mirror.
Ipad will completely change the way we use computers, for sure. This is only the beginning, I feel Ipad will grow in popularity and grow in size (literally). I can imagine in future we'll have video calling, no longer will we have to put a device to our ear! you'll just look at the Ipad like a mirror.
Yeah, but as of right now it's hardly anywhere near being a computer, it's basically a larger version of the iPod Touch.

If I had a choice between the iPad and a netbook, I'd get the netbook.
Ipad will completely change the way we use computers, for sure. This is only the beginning, I feel Ipad will grow in popularity and grow in size (literally). I can imagine in future we'll have video calling, no longer will we have to put a device to our ear! you'll just look at the Ipad like a mirror.

This is where the computing world is heading. Everything in life is about convenience. As everyone may have noticed, PC are getting smaller and phones are getting much more complicated. Until they meet at one point and you have one device that does it all for you. The problem with Ipad is that it is too limited to start the trend. Many companies now show prototypes of tablet computers running Windows. Apple always cripples its hardware, but has OSX as their main selling point. With the Ipad they don't have that now. If the Ipad runs OSX, it will be a huge success. I'm sure that this is the plan. To one day run OSX on it, but I hope it survives to see the day.
Hmm I'm not a big fan of the Apple's Ipad. I literally laughed just hearing about the name but it is just a bigger version of the iPod. I think Apple kind of rushed into this. I mean really, what is the pure concept of having an Ipad? I'll stick to my laptop and Iphone for now.
lol, this video was uploaded 3 years ago, who knows when it was actually made...

Ipad will completely change the way we use computers, for sure. This is only the beginning, I feel Ipad will grow in popularity and grow in size (literally). I can imagine in future we'll have video calling, no longer will we have to put a device to our ear! you'll just look at the Ipad like a mirror.

You might be on to something...also bumping this thread because I am posting on my own iPad, which I have been using for the past 8 or so hours right now. For me, typing on this is a breeze, and just using safari and the iPod app on this is PROOF that this isn't a giant iPod touch. The interface used in the mail, safari, and iPod apps are beautiful and simply a sight to behold, and you just can't understand it until you load your own music onto it and make it personal.

Speaking of personalization, next step is to get some apps. The apps made specifically for the iPad are, again, nothing short of beautiful. It takes what is already on your iPod touch/iPhone and just takes major advantage of both the screen real estate and overall power on the device.

Now, there are a few drawbacks I find so far that will probably be fixed with updates and so forth, plus iPhone os 4.0 coming in september will bring multitasking along with a few other nice features. Overall, there is just nothing I can say to bash the device unless I flat out lied. I recommend to buy it, but on your own time. If you want to take the plunge now, feel free, but you're going to love it come the holiday season when I predict that everyone will be rushing the stores as the apps will get even better and the word of mouth on this device gets more people interest.
I would love one of these but can't afford the price tag. I have a netbook but even that is too heavy for me to carry around (because I carry other stuff). The iPad weighs just a half a pound less than my 2lb netbook so not much difference there...but the thinness might make up for that. But it looks like fun and will only improve with time. I want to play with it!

It needs flash.

You go use the joojoo, which does support flash, and you tell me how the device works out for ya!;) I guess I don't use enough flash sites for it to even be an issue in the first place, but it's not an issue. Those sites with flash are finding out that they might have to adapt or die if they want to reach mobile users that do read sites on things such as the iPod touch, iPhone, and now iPad. Netflix and ABC are starting what is going to change things, and with a hulu app coming soon, things are only going to get better from there.

The iPad is going to be a major player once more developers hop on board and we begin to see more productivity out of this device. Once a student can read all of his textbooks and maybe even send in his assignments on this device, you'll see this on campuses everywhere.