The Anointed Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

The light has gone.
God gaves us a gift and took it back.
the World is missing a part of the creation today,
a part of the Nature.
without Michael we are standing alone in the dark.
no blue sky, no green earth, no colors, no air...

To me, Michael Jackson is more than just a star, more than a singer,
more than a dancer, more than a person. he is a parent.
yes he is like a father to me. he went with me (and keep going) through
all my life. I am so sensetive to him and to what the world done to him.

that's why I made a decision to show people what kind of man is Michael Jackson.

so I've open blogs around the net and wrote about the real truth,
and people replied back and said: "thank you", "we didn't knew all of that!", "you are making a work of sanctity" and stuff like that.

I was very very happy because I had a chance to show the world who is
really MJ and that he is a Living Legend even before he will dead.

but the black day has come and angel Michael is not with us anymore...

Life will never be the same, I feel like I am loosing everything, all has gone, all dreams will not come true, I feel done. really.

It can't be worse.


I want to share with you "The Anointed Michael Followers" beliefe that
I found with my very best friend Genesis back in 2007.


We believe that Michael Jackson is an Angel trapped inside a human flesh.
A Precious Treasure that God (or any high power you choose to believe in) gave us.

Michael symbolizes us purity, innocence, eternal childhood, unconditional love to animals and children, extraordinary talent, and great inspiration to hundreds and thousands of people around the world, and not only due to the fact that he's the greatest artist to walk our planet.

Michael Jackson is also a unique being and that's the cause to his isolation from the public's eye.
Michael represents the hopes and dreams that live in each and every one of us, and he's exceptional personality is the source to his constant media bashing and character assassination.

Even though we're aware that he's physically human, the wholesome of his existence drives us to believe that he's spiritually divine.

Written by the founders of 'AMF'- aMJel & Genesis.

To The Memory of Michael
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Wow, this is the idea I have been feeling myself about Michael for a long time, even though I feel slightly guilty for deifying a man who I often times put before God himself.

But there are so many angelic qualities about Michael that I cannot deny and many parallels between him and Jesus.

Like Jesus, Michael has followers who hold his words to be guides of truth. Michael teaches, as Jesus did, about love, peace, hard work, faith, innocence, forgiveness, and much more. Many people are unable to "hear" or understand Michael, just as many cannot comprehend the Word. And those people who cannot hear have crucified Michael, as they did Jesus.

I love Michael dearly and often times find myself praying to him for help and not to God. I love Michael but... I personally feel worried about deifying him. Do you believe that Michael is the Messiah as it says on the Facebook page?
But there are so many angelic qualities about Michael that I cannot deny and many parallels between him and Jesus.

Like Jesus, Michael has followers who hold his words to be guides of truth. Michael teaches, as Jesus did, about love, peace, hard work, faith, innocence, forgiveness, and much more. Many people are unable to "hear" or understand Michael, just as many cannot comprehend the Word. And those people who cannot hear have crucified Michael, as they did Jesus.

My mom would agree with you on that...

about about putting him above God... No.........
I do honestly believe that Michael is an angel. And his spirit lives on forever. I don't even consider him dead just because his body is dead. He seems so alive to me now...I can feel his spirit through his music and his legacy and the memories of him.
Do you believe that Michael is the Messiah as it says on the Facebook page?

see, the original name "Messiah" is "King".
I use to call Michael a "Messiah" but I don't mean a "Messiah" in the
meaning of the biblical story, I don't mean to hurt any religion,
I am a Jew myself, but first I am A Michael's Follower.
and in future if I have a child I will call him Michael
and I will say to him that he is a Michael Follower too.

I respect all religions, I had fights with some people of misunderstanding.
I agree with every word
very well put. I myself feel exactly the same as you. you know it. I am unable to put what I feel into words. I cant write. I feel like Michael has taught me all I know. and now I know nothing at all. He is gone and I am left in the dark to suffer and to wait for nothing. Michael was my messiach my dad my friend my childhood my joy.Never can say goodbye.
see, the original name "Messiah" is "King".
I use to call Michael a "Messiah" but I don't mean a "Messiah" in the
meaning of the biblical story, I don't mean to hurt any religion,
I am a Jew myself, but first I am A Michael's Follower.
and in future if I have a child I will call him Michael
and I will say to him that he is a Michael Follower too.

I respect all religions, I had fights with some people of misunderstanding.

Aaah, ok. So you don't claim that Michael is what Christians believe Jesus is?

I absolutely believe that Michael is an angel here to remind us of Jesus.
This is verging on blasphemy.....Michael was a normal human being who was extremely talented.
I don't believe that Jesus/God are the only beings who are spiritually divine on conscious. I think we all have a level of spiritual consciousness and Michael operates at a very high level.

I DON'T think that Michael is the Lord and Savior - he is just another image of him as we all can be.
I absolutely believe that Michael is an angel here to remind us of Jesus.

Thats what I think too. He's not Jesus, he's not above God.
He's an angel or a special human being God sent...really...and yes...a lot of his life reminds of Jesus' life...which is scary even...

But he always said he wanted to be LIKE Jesus, in his ways. Do what Jesus taught us to do. Not that he was Jesus. No.

And he ALWAYS made me reflect about my christianity, if Im being a good Jesus' follower like Michael was, or try to be a nice humble and giving person cause thats what I admire most in him, and thats what God want us to be.

Maybe he was a Godsent guide to bring and teach about love, peace and helping others even to people who are not christians, or to those who never heard of Christ...he brought christianity to everyone of every country, race, age, creed, colour, etc...

I believe God gave him such talent, creativity and charisma to attract people of all kinds and then show them the real life, be good, be kind, help others, give back, etc...

This is verging on blasphemy.....Michael was a normal human being who was extremely talented.

I definitely wouldn't call Michael a "normal human being".

And that is in no way a sarcastic reference to his seemingly bizarre behavior (as perceived by others).

I just mean that he really was spectacular, and is by no means your "average person". His talent, his style, his spirit, his smile, his drive, everything about him was just amazing.
Thats what I think too. He's not Jesus, he's not above God.
He's an angel or a special human being God sent...really...and yes...a lot of his life reminds of Jesus' life...which is scary even...

But he always said he wanted to be LIKE Jesus, in his ways. Do what Jesus taught us to do. Not that he was Jesus. No.

And he ALWAYS made me reflect about my christianity, if Im being a good Jesus' follower like Michael was, or try to be a nice humble and giving person cause thats what I admire most in him, and thats what God want us to be.

Maybe he was a Godsent guide to bring and teach about love, peace and helping others even to people who are not christians, or to those who never heard of Christ...he brought christianity to everyone of every country, race, age, creed, colour, etc...

I believe God gave him such talent, creativity and charisma to attract people of all kinds and then show them the real life, be good, be kind, help others, give back, etc...


Exactly, he is an angel.
Michael is a guidepost pointing to God and to Heaven. he would not direct people to follow him or any other man, but God alone. i'm not taking away from anyone's strong convictions about who or what Michael is, just want to put it into perspective. Angels are servants of God. all they do is in His service or in the service He directs them to do to bring about His will.

here is something interesting i just learned.

Mlk, Michael. MLK is a root in Hebrew. "MelKisadek" being the name of a priest in the old testament. It has intrinsic Meaning of "Angel" "messenger" and King. Michael's name would have MKL and all of these meanings.
I always wondered about the Archangel Michael, so I finally just looked him up. There are some similarities between him and our Michael. Check out this Wikipedia article:

- Commander of the Army of God: Michael seemed fascinated by armies and army attire

- "great prince who stands up for the children of your [Daniel's] people": Michael clearly protects children

- "The Talmudic tradition rendered Michael's name as meaning "who is like El?", - so Michael could consequently mean "One who is like God," a belief shared by Jehovah's Witnesses"
His Journey's Just Begun
Don't think of him as gone away-
his journey has just begun
life holds many facets
the Earth is only one

Just think of him as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years

Think how he must be wishing
that we could know today
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away

And think of him as living
In the hearts of those he touched
For nothing loved is ever lost-
And he was loved so much.

- Ellen Brenneman