The after party


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Apparetly there was an after party at an italian restaurant where the family and friends gathered after the funeral. TMZ's just reporting it.
First let me please explain.. I don't like ppl saying that it's an afterparty because it's NOT. It's called a repast.

From wikipedia:

a meal, and sometimes prayer following a funeral, common in the Southern United States

It's something Black Americans have done traditionally following a funeral. It's a time for friends and family to gather, eat, remember their loved one who's just passed and catch up on each other's lives. It is NOT an afterparty.

Jut an FYI.
Thank you HeartbreakHotel! I think it's disgusting that TMZ is calling it an after party. I have no words for Corey Feldman.
First let me please explain.. I don't like ppl saying that it's an afterparty because it's NOT. It's called a repast.

From wikipedia:

a meal, and sometimes prayer following a funeral, common in the Southern United States

It's something Black Americans have done traditionally following a funeral. It's a time for friends and family to gather, eat, remember their loved one who's just passed and catch up on each other's lives. It is NOT an afterparty.

Jut an FYI.
thank you for posting that. TMZ just called it an "afterparty" to stir up people's emotions.
I am all for celebrating life and have no issue with people eating and drinking and talking about their memories. I just cannot comprehend how anyone can attend a funeral, watch someone be buried and then imitate them to screaming fans just shortly afterwards, just reeks of insincerity to me, sorry.

I've been to a few funerals recently that have been heartbreaking, we've had drinks afterwards where we have smiled at memories and celebrated their lives, but it was still a hard time and not something to be taken lightly. Maybe I'm just different.
First let me please explain.. I don't like ppl saying that it's an afterparty because it's NOT. It's called a repast.

From wikipedia:

a meal, and sometimes prayer following a funeral, common in the Southern United States

It's something Black Americans have done traditionally following a funeral. It's a time for friends and family to gather, eat, remember their loved one who's just passed and catch up on each other's lives. It is NOT an afterparty.

Jut an FYI.

Thank you for posting that! You are correct

It's not just Black American's who do this though. African's, people who are from the Caribbean and other places do this as well. I've been to many funeral's and almost always they had a gathering after to CELEBRATE the persons life, but it's definitely not an after party. That's the wrong term to use. I don't know what's wrong with TMZ.
I am all for celebrating life and have no issue with people eating and drinking and talking about their memories. I just cannot comprehend how anyone can attend a funeral, watch someone be buried and then imitate them to screaming fans just shortly afterwards, just reeks of insincerity to me, sorry.

I've been to a few funerals recently that have been heartbreaking, we've had drinks afterwards where we have smiled at memories and celebrated their lives, but it was still a hard time and not something to be taken lightly. Maybe I'm just different.

well, what can I say, people is that different and react differently, it doesn't mean they appreciate Michael less ...when he passed ,the same day there were fans crying and then there were others who danced and sang celebrating his life.
in Germany, we have such gatherings too, but its more a meal, there is no dancing... it is more being together, talking, remembering... being there for each other to get a bit back to reality, to celebrate... i am sure this is a good and international tradition.
Now please don't get me wrong, I'm in NO way condoning his dancing.. I was just trying to explain the after party part.
The Traditional name for a get together after a Funeral is a Wake not a afterparty honestly did these people go to School?
isn't this common in most countries ? anyway, In Belgium they also have these wakes. or repast..Remembering the person you love with all your family together over coffee.. share some stories about him and such..
The Traditional name for a get together after a Funeral is a Wake not a afterparty honestly did these people go to School?

Well here in the US the WAKE is BEFORE the funeral. Can be the day before or even hours before.. it's basically a viewing and they usually do it at night for ppl who will be unable to attend the funeral the next day which is usually in the morning..

Then of course there is the FUNERAL.. then the BURIAL if there is one... then the REPAST. That is usually the way it works here for a traditional Christian "homegoing" or funeral service...
Well here in the US the WAKE is BEFORE the funeral. Can be the day before or even hours before.. it's basically a viewing and they usually do it at night for ppl who will be unable to attend the funeral the next day which is usually in the morning..

Then of course there is the FUNERAL.. then the BURIAL if there is one... then the REPAST. That is usually the way it works here for a traditional Christian "homegoing" or funeral service...

Well...also here in America we usually bury the person a week or so after they die. But yeah, every funeral I've been to we had the viewing or wake whatever you want to call it at night, next day is the funeral, burial and then the family and friends will get together somewhere for a lunch or dinner.
That's it, HB. It's the wake, the funeral, the burial and the repast in that order. I've never been to a repast where there was dancing. It's main focus is the meal. Relatives talk, laugh, and sometimes cry but the repast is usually not as sad as the wake, the funeral, the burial.
Well here in the US the WAKE is BEFORE the funeral. Can be the day before or even hours before.. it's basically a viewing and they usually do it at night for ppl who will be unable to attend the funeral the next day which is usually in the morning..

Then of course there is the FUNERAL.. then the BURIAL if there is one... then the REPAST. That is usually the way it works here for a traditional Christian "homegoing" or funeral service...

:clapping::clapping::clapping: Plz go work for TMZ so you can teach those dummies.

Many ppl go to the wake so there won't be such a shock on the day of the funeral when looking at the person in the casket (if it's open) or just seeing the casket period..

The repast for ppl without deep pockets usually has it at the house or church basement or cafeteria. Ppl share stories about the deceased, laugh and catch up with friends or family members you haven't seen in ages.. Death will bring ppl out of the woodworks.. Of course in my family, the repast gives me and my cousins time to talk about who brought the secret "love child" to the funeral or collect on our bets we made b4 the service because we knew someone was going to fall out over the casket.. but that is just our way of not thinking about the deceased no longer being here..

TMZ can be so damn heartless, I wonder if the writers ever stop to think about what ppl will say about them and their families when they pass.