The 1st time you said, "I Love You" to other than Mom or Dad?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What was is like for you? What was is like to tell someone other than a family member, "I love You"? Was the love reciprocated? How old were you? Are there any regrets? Please share if you can.

I'll start:
The first time, I said '' I love You" was to a boy while on vacation in the summer. I think I was 14( I'm 40ish now), I was scared to death and he was getting upset with me cause i wouldn't say it quick enough. In my heart I didn't feel it, I knew I liked him a whole lot but I had never said those sacred words to anyone other than my parents and family. The boy had said it to me first and he wanted to hear me say it to him. He was about 17 yrs old and fine as hell. He was one of two boyfriends I had that Summer, of the two, he was the one I liked the most.
I didn't want him upset with me, so I said it. I remember my pulse racing and fear kicking in. I also remember the feeling of ''Sweetness".
I will never forget his name or that Summer. I don't think the other guy will forget that summer either.
Since, I have run into them both at different times.
Thats cute Joeymjfan, That lick must've been your pets way of saying " I love you", back?!
It was my first boyfriend. We starting dating when we were 13 and broke up when we were 21... He siad it first.. then I said it.. and I meant it...
yea said it when i was around 18/19 to my ex fiancee, said it way too early, not saying I didnt love her but when I said it I didnt really know what it meant, I had a lot of maturing to do. Yes it was reciprocated, dont know what I was thinking saying it though.
It was my first boyfriend. We starting dating when we were 13 and broke up when we were 21... He siad it first.. then I said it.. and I meant it...

Wow cass! 8 yrs is a very longtime. Love is very sweet when its young and innocent.
yea said it when i was around 18/19 to my ex fiancee, said it way too early, not saying I didnt love her but when I said it I didnt really know what it meant, I had a lot of maturing to do. Yes it was reciprocated, dont know what I was thinking saying it though.

I totally feel you on this big DB.
was my 2nd long term girlfriend, thinking back though, I think I only said it because she said it to me first. Kids can be so cruel.

I'm positive I didn't mean it
I was 17, it was with my 2nd boyfriend (and current one - 4 and a half yrs together)and it happened we were dating for nearly 1 month....yeah it might have been too soon, but we were (and still are) very in love, and in that 1 month old relationship we were already talking marriage. When we met I got a strange feeling, as if someone whispered in my ear "This is the guy ur going to spend ur life with", but I actually forgot about it then, and only came to remember when we were already together for months, so that "whisper" didnt influence me...

It was funny when it happened cause he insists he said it first and I said nothing back, so he felt upset (but I dont remember that at all lol) and a few days later I said it, while I said goodbye and jumped off the bus, and he didnt say anything back cause this time he didnt hear it! I was upset afterwards, but then he told me he just didnt hear it! :lmao:
erm, well i didn't really say it in the way that you're asking but i guess it would be maybe 3 and a half or 4 years ago now.
it was one of those things where i fell in love with my best friend and i knew he didn't feel the same way about me so i never really came clean about it because i'm shy and just couldn't. but then towards the end things got kind of ugly and in an argument i said something like "you know that i love you and you still...." you get the picture. but yes, i really meant the words at the time although now (since we still have some of the same classes together) he's changed so much i could never be interested in him again. and i'm pretty sure he never did realize the extent that i loved him nor how much i was hurt in the end.
but god it was terrible, i was so miserable during those years. i haven't felt that way about anyone since. i would like my next experience with love to be somewhat of a happier one.

so there's my depressing story.
I'm just going to say that the first time I said it and meant it was to my now ex gf. We were together for nearly 3 years and things just happened so we are no longer seeing one another. But yeah, that is the first time for me since I'm not counting that "puppy love" stuff.
I don't think I ever said "I love you" to anybody....I wish I had though
I said to my pet dog :) and he appreciated it like all animals do.
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erm, well i didn't really say it in the way that you're asking but i guess it would be maybe 3 and a half or 4 years ago now.
it was one of those things where i fell in love with my best friend and i knew he didn't feel the same way about me so i never really came clean about it because i'm shy and just couldn't. but then towards the end things got kind of ugly and in an argument i said something like "you know that i love you and you still...." you get the picture. but yes, i really meant the words at the time although now (since we still have some of the same classes together) he's changed so much i could never be interested in him again. and i'm pretty sure he never did realize the extent that i loved him nor how much i was hurt in the end.
but god it was terrible, i was so miserable during those years. i haven't felt that way about anyone since. i would like my next experience with love to be somewhat of a happier one.

so there's my depressing story.

Awwwwwwwww, Huggs to you dare_me. I'm sorry you were hurt. rejection is never easy, we often feel like something is wrong with us when in fact it's usually the other person.
Your next experience with Love should be a better one. It always is.
1st time i said it was to my fiance whom i've been w/for a LOOOONNNNNNG time LOL

i think we had been dating a few months when i said it for the 1st time. It may have been typed in a "love email" long before it was said aloud tho LOL
If you mean saying "I love you" accompanying romantic feelings due to being in love, then I have never spoken out those words to anyone.

...those sacred words to anyone other than my parents and family.

I agree they are sacred, and even back when I had a high school boyfriend I would never say those words to him, for I felt I was more in love with having a boyfriend than being in love with him. I felt love was something that would be much deeper than what I could feel at that age, and that it was yet to come when I became older and found the one I belonged with.

I never ever wanted to say those words to anyone unless it were fully true; for I never wanted to lead anyone on or be false with someone. But, as it worked out, my day to really say that to someone with true meaning never came, and so... I moved on with my life.

There are different kinds of love, though, fortunately. Love is out there. :)
If you mean saying "I love you" accompanying romantic feelings due to being in love, then I have never spoken out those words to anyone.

I agree they are sacred, and even back when I had a high school boyfriend I would never say those words to him, for I felt I was more in love with having a boyfriend than being in love with him. I felt love was something that would be much deeper than what I could feel at that age, and that it was yet to come when I became older and found the one I belonged with.

I never ever wanted to say those words to anyone unless it were fully true; for I never wanted to lead anyone on or be false with someone. But, as it worked out, my day to really say that to someone with true meaning never came, and so... I moved on with my life.

There are different kinds of love, though, fortunately. Love is out there. :)

Awwwwww queen, it sounds like even in highschool, you were very mature and centered. That's wonderful you were able to understand the depth of saying those words to someone.
It's a very big deal to say, "I love You" to someone, at least it is for me now(after I matured and understood better the responsibilty that goes along with saying and meaning those words).
The first time the word "I love you" was said, It wasn't by me it was by my best friend Seth. We were talking on the bus, he was talking about trying to find his dad. All of a sudden, he looked right into my eyes & said, "I love you, Kelly." I gave him a puzzled look, he said, "No, Kelly, I'm Serious, I love you as if you were my little sister."

We talked on the phone alot, I said, "I love you" to him a couple of times. The last time I said "I love you" to him was before he went to Juvinille hall. :(

Please read here : for more info.
The first time the word "I love you" was said, It wasn't by me it was by my best friend Seth. We were talking on the bus, he was talking about trying to find his dad. All of a sudden, he looked right into my eyes & said, "I love you, Kelly." I gave him a puzzled look, he said, "No, Kelly, I'm Serious, I love you as if you were my little sister."

We talked on the phone alot, I said, "I love you" to him a couple of times. The last time I said "I love you" to him was before he went to Juvinille hall. :(

Please read here : for more info.

Awwwwwwww, sounds like Seth really needed a friend during those troubled times. He probably won't ever forget you.
I say it to my boyfriend everyday and I mean it and he knows it aswell.
I say it before he goes to work,before bed,when ever I feel like saying it.
Last time I said it was a couple of hours ago when he called me from work.
We always say it before we hang up and we know we both mean it.
I say it to my boyfriend everyday and I mean it and he knows it aswell.
I say it before he goes to work,before bed,when ever I feel like saying it.
Last time I said it was a couple of hours ago when he called me from work.
We always say it before we hang up and we know we both mean it.

Thats the way we( my hubby and me) are too!!!!!!!!!
I say it to my boyfriend everyday and I mean it and he knows it aswell.
I say it before he goes to work,before bed,when ever I feel like saying it.
Last time I said it was a couple of hours ago when he called me from work.
We always say it before we hang up and we know we both mean it.

aww cuuute lol i'm the same way, i say i love you everytime we part or hang up the phone etc.

he doesn't always say it back as he puts it: "uh u should know how much i love you after all these years" LOL it's kinda funny :tease:

but now that we're living apart he says it every time we hang up the phone :wub: i guess absence does make the heart grow fonder
aww cuuute lol i'm the same way, i say i love you everytime we part or hang up the phone etc.

he doesn't always say it back as he puts it: "uh u should know how much i love you after all these years" LOL it's kinda funny :tease:

but now that we're living apart he says it every time we hang up the phone :wub: i guess absence does make the heart grow fonder

Yep you got that right! Absence does make the heart grow founder(sp).
I said it to my best friend first. Her name is Ashley. She was going through some very tough, depressing times. She was extremely confused with her life. And her family just wasn't cuttin' it for her. They aren't much for the supporting type, imo. We got into a terrible argument over our friendship one evening, so much so that she started crying. She craved acceptance from everybody. My family didn't approve of our friendship because of an age barrier. Back then she really trusted me with almost too many things. She was 19 while I was only 15. I was very naive for the things she was telling me. Nonetheless, I empathized and felt so terrible for her. I knew that she just needed someone to tell her problems to with out anyone judging her. So I told her I loved her and that I truly care for her. And I meant it. I still do love her and would do anything for her. It definitely wasn't the end of her sorrows, but I had hoped it was a nice relief for her at the time. Since then we are still very good friends. Not as close though. I grew up more and realized that our friendship was started on a bad foundation. I learned many things from our friendship together. But I still love her dearly. That was the first time I said "I love you" and truly meant it, if you will.

I have yet to say it to any man who decides to show interest in me. But I hope for the day!

All of your stories are so touching as well. This is a cool topic! I'm a hopeless romantic so these things just melt my heart when I read them!
Glad you are enjoying this thread topic IvoryKeys.

Having a good friend to lean on when times are tough is really important. The Bond can be everlasting.
I used to throw that phrase around a lot, but the first time I meant every bit of it was to my fiance not too long ago.

I barely use the term "I love" anymore b/c I became enlightened enough to realize "love" is a powerful word, lol.