The 1Billion Mark?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok so am I right in saying MJ has sold around 800 million albums all together? Thing is I read that figure about 3 years ago, so surly MJ must soon in the next few years hit the 1 Billion mark? Thats insane! that would easily be the most albums sold ever!!!!!

The Beatles and Elvis have sold over a Billion they say. I reckon MJ has sold at least as many myself and in a lot shorter period of time, and with only 7 studio albums.

Dont go off Wikipedia says, from what i heard the guy who posted the figures of MJ's numbers is a MJ hater and has somehow has stopped anybody from updating the figures. Again this is just what i have heard over the net so it might be a bit inaccurate. But one thing is for sure MJ will forever be the Biggest selling Artist in history when he dethrones the above, if he already has not that is :)

Kind Regards,

^^ Not true. Neither beatles nor elvis sold 1 Billion albums. If I recall correctly they would not reach the 1 billion mark even if you combine the two acts. MJ didn't sell 800 Million albums either. He is now at around 400 million, which is still an impressive number and the only act above him are the beatles (at around 500 million). Elvis, according to my understanding, sold less than MJ.

Of course, since MJ has less albums than any other "major" act. A good alternative is to check his sales per album. You will see he's the greatest ever. He is the only artist to have 2 albums in the top 10 best selling albums of all time, and three in the top 20. His album HIStory is the greatest selling double album of all time, BOTDF is the greatest selling remix album of all time, And OTW is also one of the most successful records.

THE ONLY MJ album that didn't cause any mayhem was Invincible... and we all know why.
i think the 800 mill figure wasnt albums but everything with mjs name dvds albums etc.

dito asis. there were some figures a while back released. that gave a good idea beatles one mj 2 elvis 3 you were looking at something like 500 mill at the most for the beatles. the billion figure is media B.S just like they reduce mj figures every chance they get they hype up elvis etc. someone worked out that for elvis to get anywhere near 1 bill hed have to sell something daft like 10-20 mill for each album and considering hes no where to be find in the biggest album lists that tells its own story
The Beatles and Elvis have never sold a billion. Figures are notoriously hard to record for many different reasons so no figure is ever going to be accurate. All we know for sure is that the three biggest selling artists of all time are Michael, The Beatles, and Elvis.
There is a thread about "numbers" -

The fact is that nothing like - a billion records - is real.

WikiPedia is not a reliable source, and its blatantly and wickedly manipulated especially in terms of MJs success, just compare MJs, Elvis´ and The Beatles´ wikipages.
If you want to change something on MJs page - change "sales numbers", you are not allowed...
MJ is the best solo selling artist of all time and I am VERY sure that he has outsold Elvis..i'm not sure if he has outsold the Beatles yet..
I think he's definitely the best selling solo artist of all time. I think The Beatles will probably always be the biggest selling act of all time though. But I don't think either of them have sold 1 billion records.

Record sales always confuse me though, some websites report Thriller as selling 60 million, others report 110 million. It's probably impossible to know the exact number.
Ok so what about including ALL The Jackson 5 and The Jacksons albums, then Michael has been involved in selling figures way up there with The Beatles maybe even more so...?
Ok so what about including ALL The Jackson 5 and The Jacksons albums, then Michael has been involved in selling figures way up there with The Beatles maybe even more so...?

Yes, but that is unfair. It's not right to mesh up two different acts. If you do that then you must add Paul mcaurtney's solo career and he would win yet again.
^^Yeah your right, but lets not forget The Beatles have been around a lot longer. Lets see how many albums MJ has sold in 20 years to come....ummmmm a lot I will guess!!
Remember, MJ has sold over 32 million albums globally since the beginning of 2009. This is albums only and does not include singles, digital downloads, music videos, DVD's, Blu-Rays, or any other form of musical purchase. If you add up everything, MJ has indeed sold 80 million UNITS globally in 2009 and 2010.
i think the 800 mill figure wasnt albums but everything with mjs name dvds albums etc.

dito asis. there were some figures a while back released. that gave a good idea beatles one mj 2 elvis 3 you were looking at something like 500 mill at the most for the beatles. the billion figure is media B.S just like they reduce mj figures every chance they get they hype up elvis etc. someone worked out that for elvis to get anywhere near 1 bill hed have to sell something daft like 10-20 mill for each album and considering hes no where to be find in the biggest album lists that tells its own story

you r so right.we can also see its like quantity against quality.mj has limited no.of albums still he is biggest selling artist of all the time.that says a lot.
MJ must be close to The Beatles around the 460 million mark by now, and will surpass them over the next decade with the new album releases and projects involving his music... but do you think media outlets want Michael to have the credit? They'll still claim bogus facts like Elvis outsold him...
Elvis definitely hasn't outsold him. From what I'm aware, none of his albums are even in the top 20 best selling albums of all time. 3 of MJ's are, so that just makes no sense to me why anyone in the media would even suggest that Elvis has sold more than Michael. But then again the media hated Michael, so there's my answer right there. So unfair.
I wouldn't doubt that Elvis has outsold him. I mean, Elvis has how many albums released? Especially posthumous.

If anything, Michael has both The Beatles and Elvis outsold in terms of units sold p/album. More people buy Michael's albums than they do either of the other 2. Though, as stated earlier, Elvis and The Beatles have not come close to that 1 billion mark yet and neither has Michael. I mean in albums though, I'm not sure about in terms of artist related merchandise though.
What's that thing about not being allowed to change the content on Wikipedia, regarding Michael's sales? I've never tried to write anything on there, but surely there must be an address to complain about this?

There can't be an individual or a group of individuals that reign over what is allowed to get on Wikipedia and what isn't! There must be a way to argue about such dictatorship, right?
What's that thing about not being allowed to change the content on Wikipedia, regarding Michael's sales? I've never tried to write anything on there, but surely there must be an address to complain about this?

There can't be an individual or a group of individuals that reign over what is allowed to get on Wikipedia and what isn't! There must be a way to argue about such dictatorship, right?

Its because Michael's article has been hacked so many times only a select few are allowed to edit it. This was in place before he died.
Its because Michael's article has been hacked so many times only a select few are allowed to edit it. This was in place before he died.

Ok, I understand, but why wouldn't those few edit his article? And if they just won't, isn't there some kind of address, where we can complain? There has to be, otherwise it's just not an open encyclopedia anymore, but more so like a private blog.
Its been stated at a lot of award shows that Micahel Jackson has sold more than 750 million albums!The actual number must be greater considering all the many pirated versions.
Its been stated at a lot of award shows that Micahel Jackson has sold more than 750 million albums!The actual number must be greater considering all the many pirated versions.

I'd rather not count the pirated versions, because if you do that, you also have to count the pirates versions of Elvis and The Beatles.

And I don't recall anyone having said that Michael sold 750 M albums, but 750 M records, which would be a difference (records meaning albums, singles, possibly digital singles and albums as well). Even that was I can see that the number could be far fetched.
Ah yes, record companies like to talk of Units and the press like to convert that figure to albums!
When the Beatles released their boxed set last year containing about 13 albums, there were Beatles fans, and some members of the press, who were multiplying each sale by 13(!) to try to compete with MJ's monster sales. While I agree with that in a way, in another I completely disagree. Would each person buying that boxed set have bought all 13 albums if sold separately? Probably not. I would count the boxed set as 1 sale, not 13 because it is only 1 product in my opinion. However, I'm not in a position to dictate the rules.
During Elvis and The Beatles time, sales were not tracked anywhere near as accurately as they are today, and often not tracked at all. Sales have been exagerated over the years and so nobody really knows how many albums they sold at that time, but one thing we do know is they were dominant. They definitely sold ALOT of albums.
MJ's albums were tracked much better, though still not the the same extent as they are now.
We should also note that Elvis and The Beatles released alot more albums than MJ and have had a extra time to accumulate their sales across a period of time where sales were much higher than they were now. If The Beatles released the '1' album now, it wouldn't sell anywhere near the 30million copies it sold at the beginning of the last decade. That was the way the market was then, but now is completeley different and I would estimate the equivalent sales now would be about 9 million copies.
We can't trust figures released by the record companies, and we can't trust those figures to be reported accurately in the press, and this applies directly to MJ too. The Beatles didn't sell 1 billion albums, neither did Elvis, and there's no way that MJ sold over 100million copies of Thriller. I'd love it if he did but he didn't. That figure was provided to the Guiness Book of Records by Mj's management, but even the book noted that the figure was not proven by Mj's people, therefore I'm going to assume it can't be proven.
Of course, the album could have sold an astronomical amount of copies in countries that don't have official charts like we do, but it's doubtful IMO.
Rant over.

Smooth: How about providing those Sony figures you said you have in another thread?
^ I have been extremely busy which is why I haven't had time to release the information I have. I still plan on doing it whenever I get the time. I have highlighted some of the key details already.
Don't forget how many albums Elvis had.. hundreds! I remember doing the math but his average album sale (per album) was something like 3 million each. (on average) with Michael it was around 18million.. Taking sales per album Michael out does Elvis by a long shot.. If Michael released hundreds of albums he would be well over 2 billion.. Elvis would usually release 8-10 albums per year. in 1970 alone he released 13... and out of ALL of Elvis albums (1954-present) only 10 went to #1..

Elvis was very successful but people try to downplay that every MJ album was a groundbreaking HIT. The Beatles released OVER 72 major albums...
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