That smile is back


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was thinking about Michael last time he was performing, and he was a bit off on the 30th Anniversary shows.
If I compare Michael from now to Michael back from 2001 to about 2003. Something is different.

I saw Michael make appearances on award shows and stuff back then and I noticed he rarely smiles on any of them.

Then I saw the press conference and he was all smiles, I hadnt seen him smile that much since back during the HIStory Tour.

I don't know what was going on back then, but definitely in around 2001 something just wasn't right about him. But I see things differently now!

I feel more confident about the 02 shows every time I see a picture of him smiling from the press conference.
yeah, everyone had noticed his lack of smile back then... But now it's back and bigger than ever!! :D
I agree. Something else I noticed is that smiled more while he sang during BAD tour. When I watch footage on youtube he seems like he had a lot of fun onstage and would smile or be a bit playful during songs. Then I watch footage of History tour and barely a smile anywhere...altho there were some moments like during YANA with the girls and when he got his bday cake on stage.

Seems Michael is in a much better place now on a personal level and it definitely shows thru his smile. And he really seems to love being in London. Practically all his pictures during the Press Confrence trip are full of smiles...even at the window with his kids. He's a happy shiny man these days. lol It's refershing to see in comparison to 2001-2003.
you guys saw that little dance he did at the press conference....i was laughin with him because i know he wants to do this for his fans and he is AMPED!!!!! got me crunk over
I think he is looking forward to perform again!

He said himself stage is where he feels at home!
On the whole, he just seems way more relaxed and upbeat than he did several years ago. Even his eyes twinkle and shine like they used to (although you can't really tell for all he wears those shades everywhere lol ) He's got that spring back in his step, and that " I know something you don't know" smile he likes to destroy my brain with:D I'm happy to see him look happy again. :flowers: :heart:
Yes the simple reason is he has had no pressure or nagging from record labels to get new material out there.
He's done it on his own terms without the reason to rush

i think there was more to it than that. he seemed very nervous and out of place that whole invincible era.
hmm I think it could be a girl =) and ofcourse the fact that he have had a lot of time (alone) to get out of the depression that it would be very logical if he had in a periode.
yeah, everyone had noticed his lack of smile back then... But now it's back and bigger than ever!! :D
agree . :wild:

He's done it on his own terms without the reason to rush
highly agree with this part :yes:
...even at the window with his kids. He's a happy shiny man these days. lol It's refershing to see in comparison to 2001-2003.
:angel: agre .
I absolutely love his smile. It just brightens up his whole face....
me too :wub:
he have had a lot of time (alone) to get out of the depression that it would be very logical if he had in a periode.


nice thread .
I don't know about the rest of you ladies, but for me..That smile makes my heart Melt. :wub:
The smile is back...and I saw it LIVE!!!!!!! :sarmoti: :kickass: :lol: :lol: Aaaaaah! He looked SO GORGEOUS in London! :stretcher