That Rabbi is on CNN right now, and he's slamming Mike with alotta stuff.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Some postivies, some negatives...but he's running his mouth off right now. Jeezus.
Yeah I saw that. Somebody needs to put his shit out there.

I can see why Michael ran away from his self-righteous ass.
Yep. I've never known anyone to say they were helped because of another's self-righteousness. Have any of you? Sad thing is they will never know it themselves. What is funny is that they act like they could have provided such a foundation to him but it is clear that he is the one that provides a foundation for them: their fame, their profits, their opportunities.
See, all these people keep talking about how Michael had a history of cutting people off. But it seems to me, all this was for a reason. If you call yourself my friend, then I get accused of something terrible and you go on national tv trying to get your 15 minutes of fame at my expense, you are not my friend and I cut you off. Michael was not crazy. He was hurt and disappointed.
That Rabbi continues to piss me off greatly! and don't even get me started on that greasy faced Stacy Brown!ugh!
Lord, PLEASE don't let me meet Boteach or Stacy Brown on the street because I can't be responsible for what the fuck I do!
OMG, I haaaaaaaate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All he does is shout everything and act like he knows something, but he doesn't know ish. Geez, I wish everyone would shut up already!
Michael hasn't talked to this guy in, what, 7 years? That guy is swine.
"You don't know when to speak and when to shut up, and that makes you a fool!" - Gene Hackman (Mississippi Burning)

I think that quote applies to this person.
The minute that Rabbi starts talking his horns start showing. That's why I always change the channel when I see him.
"You don't know when to speak and when to shut up, and that makes you a fool!" - Gene Hackman (Mississippi Burning)

I think that quote applies to this person.


I remember happening to catch him on the Oprah Winfrey Show some years back promoting his reality show. And the first thing I thought was "RUN OPRAH!"

This guy strikes me as overtly jealous of anyone who has achieved a high level of recognition or fame without having joined the cloth. He's oddly obsessed with fame and recognition. Everything he said about Michael makes me think he was saying about himself.

For God's sake he is a Rabbi! I'm sure Michael was looking to him for a bit of spiritual comfort and compassion. I mean, that's what they are for right? You don't see Sharpton or Jackson divulging anything Michael may have told them in confidence when he was pouring his heart out to them.

Ugh! Let me stop, I'm about to curse a man of God AGAIN!
Ya see, I think I caught him in a lie...because, he states that Micahel always took medication prior to going on stage....well, then he turns around and says that he never really saw Mike take anything...? He certainly didn't provide us with any clues or symptoms that may have been present.

So, how did the guy know that he did....if he never saw him do it? :scratch:

And the way he rambles on explaining about Michael's psychiatric character, his he has all the answers...he's a Rabbi not a psychiatrist.

And finally....grrrr, the man states that he doesn't know whether or not Mike is truly innocent of the bs & molestation charges etc. Well, you mean to tell us, that you stuck around this long and councilled Mike....and you never reallly believed in his innocence?

Ya know....this man never really loved nor did he know Michael at all!! WE love Michael, WE at least try to find the truth amoungst the bs.

They all need more TV time, even when the man is dead. Pathetic.
Why is everyone so suprised???????? They slammed him when he was alive so what makes you think it's going to be any different after his death.

But the truth is that they can only talk about Michael and his troubles up to a point. Pretty soon, people are going to get tired of this crap.
I wish that some of Michael's famous friends would come forth and start calling out and out-numbering these other people with negative stories who claim to have been friends of Mike's. Something has to be done because the media will try to destro his legacy.
I wish that some of Michael's famous friends would come forth and start calling out and out-numbering these other people with negative stories who claim to have been friends of Mike's. Something has to be done because the media will try to destro his legacy.

Indeed, the media will TRY to destroy Michael's legacy but they'll FAIL miserably and end up embarrassing themselves like they always do. Nancy Grace eating crow comes to mind. These people are bad actors in a seedy theater and not one of them will be remembered for anything substantial.
It is sad that all this is happening, all these ppl talking sh*t. But we knew it was going to happen and even if it slows down for a while, after the tox report is in, depending on what the findings are... it will either get worse or they'll have to put a sock in it. But even then I bet they'll try to spin it however they want...
This "so called" rabbi was talking ish about Mike earlier today. He said that Michael wasn't healthy and he knew that Mike would not make it through all of his tour dates. He said he's not surprised Mike passed. I was fuming!!!!!!

This guy needs to shave and sit down. I would slap the sh*t out of him if I saw him on the street.
That's it! I'm just gonna shut myself off from the outside world, this world is too cruel :cry:
The Media needs to stop providing a platform for these monster to perform and spill their lies.

Michael Lawyer was just on CNN telling Anderson Cooper THat and Anderson didn't even know how to respond. Because he knows it's the truth that people are treated as credible when they are not like that recent nurse. who said MJ asked for sedatives, but never went to the authorities but instead straight to the media. When their is an investigation going on and her so call information can help.

Someone made a comment about him (rabbi) being satan he sure looks and behave that way.
So sick of this stuff. Poor Michael, the people he thought were his friends so often turned out to be two-faced backstabbers using him to get in the spotlight. How is this man a rabbi with those kind of values?
I put the TV on just in time to see some blonde bint calling Michael a peadophile. These people are beneath contempt, if only you could sue them on his behalf, she said it and it is not proved, instant win on a slander case.

We are going to have to let this run it's course. Larry King always had my respect, but as long as he plays host to these people who he knows were cut off for a reason then I am not tuning in and I have emailed him to say that he has lost my respect and is no more than a sleazy tabloid show that he dressess up to look better than it is. A few hundred thousand emails from fans who are grieving and they might get the message.
Rabby ... isnt he a Jew?

Yes, he is... (I am not going to comment that in details)

Why all the Jews think they have all the answers to all the questions?