Thankyou (i think this is important for new fans especially!)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
this is very personal note, and when i left it at the memorial with roses, I left it in a sealed envelope so that no one could read it... but i feel the need to share it here, as I have noticed there are people one here who have said they only became a fan of his music after he died. I think this is great, but I think that they need to know that Michael was so much more than a great musician, to some he was an inspiration, a teacher and a friend. He changed so many lives, and in this case, saved mine.

There is a particular story in this that is about a very hard point in my life that Michael helped me through, The only other person i have shared this with is Lisa Marie Presley, but now i wish that i could share this with all the haters out there, so that they can understand just why it is so hard for some of us to 'snap out of it' and why some of owe our lives to a wonderful friend.

THANKYOU MICHAEL... (please note i have removed some parts of the letter that are too personal)

Dear Michael.

I want to thankyou Michael, for the decades of music that inspired me to write, record and perform. Your music brought me happiness as a child, and inspired me make the music that makes me so happy as an adult. You brought me so much happiness in a world of pain michael, thankyou.

I want to say I'm sorry michael, for all the people that let you down and hurt you. You tried so hard to show the world that is was O.K to be different, but all the media did was try to prove that was NOT ok to be different. But who won huh buckethead? Look at what happened at your memorial. Millions of people across the world came together to celebrate your life and mourn together. The tabloids may have won battle after battle, my friend, but you won the war. it just saddens me it was at such a cost. It was such a beautiful ceromony my love, and you should be proud of Paris... Shes grown up to be such a beautiful princess, and brave and as strong as her father. I know she will wear her rhino skin with all these stories flying about... it doesnt matter what the papers say, and its nobodies business. You know, she knows, and I know that no matter what, you are her daddy.

I want to say Thank you michael, for so many more things. For all the love you showed me and the world, for convincing me to have 'rhinosaurous skin' when they would push me too far, for the nights I spent listening to 'that song' (i still hear the giggle when i listen to it), and for that unforgettable, comforting 'squeeze of my hand' all those years ago, youll never know how much strength it gave me.

But most of all, i want to thank you for saving my life, and I can only weep in sorrow for never getting that last chance to tell you how grateful i am.

I'll never got the chance to tell you, but now is a good a time as any to write it down.

Six months ago, i was at my worse. Ive moved to London after that horrible, horrible year. I was so ashamed of letting myself fall prey to that evil substance. I'd let everyone and myself down. Everyone told me I was destined for greatness, and my weak soul let me down. I was tired of fighting michael, i was always fighting...even back then, i was fighting or trying to escape. I just wanted it to end. Ive never been strong like you. I spent a week making arrangements, i was so determined for the first time in my life. I packed up my apartment so no one else had to deal with it, i wrote funeral plan and letters to loved ones, even one to you... I dimmed the lights, prepared my pills...and put some music on. Music is my life, and i wanted to hear my favourite songs one last time... the fourth and last song was one of yours michael. Stranger in Moscow, how i love that song. At this point I was the calmest Id been in my life, knowing that in a few minutes, id be at peace, this wasnt a cry for help. Id never felt so calm as i did in that week leading up to it and planning it. But as that song went on, I broke down- 'swift and sudden fall from grace, happy days seem far away' I couldnt believe what i was doing... I'd sure had it hard most of my life, but look at you...You fought michael, and you did so much good. I was always so proud that you got back up, just like youve always said we should do and I suddenly realised i couldnt do it... and i had been so determined, it was never a cry for help, to this day I havent told a soul about that night. As far as anyone knows, the doctors worked their magic and Ive turned my life around...but what they dont know, is that it wasnt was you. your song, your strength, your inspiration, your comfort still lingering from ten years ago. Oh michael, how i wish I could have had more time to tell you, but there was never a moment I wasnt thankful in my heart.

In thanks and in memory I will carry on your work, michael, I promise. Every year I will go and help the children in Uganda, until I can move out there and do it forever. Im already working on the childrens foundation and Im writing music again... better than ever before, each melody and word that I write, I hope that you would have loved it, its all for you.

thankyou for your love Michael...but this time, let Me say it.... I love YOU more. xxx
Wow, that's a really inspiring story. I'm so proud of you for being brave enough to share something so private with us lot, it's a really amazing thing for you to do.
Michael was an amazing man, he spent his life doing so much for others and it's amazing that you're following in his footsteps. It just goes to show he'll always live on in our hearts.

I'm sure Michael knows how thankful you are :) x
Thanks for sharing such a personal story... I think Michael has been and will continue being an inspiration for all of us. Im sure , wherever he is right now , he must be really proud of you :)
:cry: Thanks for sharing your beautiful story..
I know how powerful the song Stranger in Moscow is, its my favorite MJ song.
Michael saved my life too, and I owe him for that and so much more...
Thankyou, Im going to remove it in a few days, Ive already had press take some personal stuff from another website and twist my words. stupid really, as far as they know its just a fan saying goodbye, but they can manipulate to mean anything. poopers. x
i think this is true for Michael with many fans. it's true for me ... i was never on any substances but hard times i had and i still have and he's been make me fight and go on since i was a child.
i don't know who you are, danilee, but i have to tell you one thing: it's wonderful that you are strong enough to make music. i wish i could do that but my talents are other. i sort of envy in a good way, all those people that make music because they are confident enough to do it. if i were to do that i'd probably be blocked out because i know i could never touch the prefection Michael reached. as for being a stranger in Moscow... unfortunately the way this world goes is that i feel that way more often :(
Thankyou 'shadowmaster', whatever your talents are i am sure they were given to you for a reason, make sure you always use them - they are a gift. I lost my confidence for a while but its coming back. Im recording an record for the first time in a few years soon, and thankfully i have had time to go back to the writing stage and write some songs about michael, and change the artwork slightly with a more prominent dedication. It does take a lot of bravery, but as youll see from watching Michael live, its such a rush to perform, the main thing you have to be strong about it the press x
Thank you for sharing this. Stranger in Moscow is one of my favourite songs, and I don't think I'll ever listen to it again without remembering how MJ's music can save lives.
Thankyou 'shadowmaster', whatever your talents are i am sure they were given to you for a reason, make sure you always use them - they are a gift. I lost my confidence for a while but its coming back. Im recording an record for the first time in a few years soon, and thankfully i have had time to go back to the writing stage and write some songs about michael, and change the artwork slightly with a more prominent dedication. It does take a lot of bravery, but as youll see from watching Michael live, its such a rush to perform, the main thing you have to be strong about it the press x
unfortunately i know more about the press than i ever wish i knew:( it's are not what they are supposed to be in any domain. then, press stands for spreading corrupion. Stranger in Moscow also has a meaning with something i didn't really like to share ... it has a strong anti-comunist message. and i know just what communism did to my country. Mike was the first artist to come here after the fall of communism and gave his greatest show there. i never knew how much impact it had untill i came online and saw that everyone everywhere was amazed by that concert. as for my talents i like to write poetry (not fan art ..just art hope i raise enouh money to publish them one day :timer:-- who reads poetry anyway these days:no:), but ... sing anything ? me never LOL:D unless i want to scare people away :D

hope you'll have a long and nice career :) and if you need a friend you'll find it here
also ..hope my kid will grow up listening to your music ;)
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I hope your kid will grow up listening to my music too haha!! thanks my love. Poetry is a wonderful art form. have you ever thought about writing lyrics for other artists? i know alot about romania and communism, It was something that interested me a great deal when i was younger. One of my favourite places in the world in the Czech republic and wheni visited did alot of research into communism. Ive never been to romania but its on my wish list of places to go!

send me some of your poetry! i'd love to read it!

What a beautiful letter, you actually got to meet Michael then?
Thank you for sharing your letter with us. Up until his death the only thing I really knew about Michael was his music and the accusations in 1993. I wish I had your strength to believe in him more than the tabloids, unfortunately my mind was easily manipulated by those around me and from my own personal experiences and it tore me apart for many years. I don't know why it took me so long to finally learn the truth and to discover what a remarkable person I have missed, how much good he has done for this world, and how much he suffered at the hands of the tabloids and manipulators aswell as from his own past experiences as a child. I hope eventually other people who were fooled by the lies and scandals will see the light themselves and realise too what a beautiful person we lost.

I understand your fears about the tabloids making something out of your message. Considering that no matter what Michael did they always found a way to make it look nasty and sinister it is wise to remain cautious about them. There's so many fake reporters on the web too, it's like an infectious disease spreading around the tabloid websites. I wish they could all be shut down and their presses burned to the ground. They robbed me of 15 years of happiness during my most desperate and lonely years of my life, I wonder how many more people there are who were affected in the same way and weren't so lucky to remain strong enough to keep moving on. I nearly wasn't several times.
That is a really emotionally charged letter Daniilee :( Michael's music was and still is the best therapy for most people and I for one owe my life to him because I wouldn't be the same person if I didn't listen to his words.
That is a really emotionally charged letter Daniilee :( Michael's music was and still is the best therapy for most people and I for one owe my life to him because I wouldn't be the same person if I didn't listen to his words.

Thanks, It helped me chanel alot of pain, but it brought alot more to the surface...I wouldnt normally have shared it, but i think its REALLY important that new fans and ass's who slate michael understand what he did for people.
You are brave for sharing such a personal story. Thanks for sharing this. You know, I'm sure he appreciated you as much as you appreciated him. I am SO glad Michael's song and your memories of him stopped you from doing what you were about to do.

Michael helped me, through his music, though he doesn't know it.

In 2007 i had such a bad year, i started university, my first year was hell i hated it, theres too much to go into but i felt completely alone, i got very depressed, id stay in bed all day and just cry, id miss lectures and end up with letters threatening to kick me off my course, i withdrew from everyone, i stopped eating... then my uncle died right before my first exams. Then in the summer of 07 my dad had a mole removed from his back for testing, the worst thing was waiting for the results, he was diagnosed with malignant melanoma..the worst form of skin cancer.. he had to go back to have further treatment.. he still has to go for check ups once in a while, they thought it had come back once and that was another long wait, but it hadn't and he is ok. Last year I had my own cancer scare...had some horrible tests and long waits for results of my own.. everything was ok though.

Anyway the only person to keep me company in that first year of university whilst i was crying was Michael telling me I was not alone. The only thing that could give me enjoyment and make me happy through those hard times was Michael. It might sound silly to some people, but it isn't silly for me. He is so much more than a 'singer' I hate it when people say 'he's just a singer'.. its his words, his soul, it just helps you.. if you let it. I think I am who I am because of Michael, I look at him and see the true person he was and I aspire to be like that.

I've probably made no sense with what I just blurted out ..
it makes perfect sense. And its not silly. Fans of michael are very unique in that we do not only love the music, but we love the man as well, regardless of whether or not we knew him. Michael was as blessed as we are in our love for him, and he recognised this.