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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Iowa State Fair is going to show a Butter Sculpture of Michael But people are pitching a fit so they are having us vote for it.

The following site is where you can vote. The poll opens tomorrow.

Voting begins July 9
We appreciate the input of hundreds of people who have voiced their opinions, both positive and negative, on the issue of including Michael Jackson in the 2009 butter sculpture. The ongoing discussion has created a lot of, well, ‘churn.’ Since everyone has an opinion about the sculpture, we’ve decided to put it to a vote and let Fairgoers decide. The online poll will be available on our web site beginning July 9 through 3 p.m. on July 16. Final results will be announced July 17. Each user will be allowed to vote only once and to that end will submit an e-mail address and ZIP code. The poll, however, will not be restricted to Iowa ZIP codes.
PLEASE help me get this done. In iowa this is a tribute.

You can view the comments here
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Re: I need your help!!!

Damn, how stupid can people get? I am convinced that the people who issued negative input are brainwashed haters who think Michael was an evil person or something. And the irony of it all is that the vast majority of these people are probably Christians and isn't one of the central teachings of Christianity to not pass judgment on others?

I'll vote come the 9th.
Re: I need your help!!!

That's what we MJ fans do. We help each other. We have to stick together and combat the ignorance and there's plenty of it to go around. We'll make sure Michael is honored, believe. :)
Re: I need your help!!!

This needs to happen people in iowa are assholes.

Let me tell you alittle something about Iowa. We used to be the #1 meth capitol in the world. We have people getting shot here every day. We have people that REALLy did what Michael was accused of. So With these people telling us that Michael shouldnt be here. I want to tell them that they are far worse and have done things far worse then Michael could ever dream of doing. Let your voice be heard. Post your comment to this paper let Michael be added to the Butter Sculptures.

I know some of you may think this is stupid. But Iowa is someplace known for things that are out there.
Re: I need your help!!!


Please keep this *bumped* so that I can see it and remember to do it tomorrow :)
Re: I need your help!!!

It says voting begins tomorrow at 9 am on the official website, but I voted on Facebook..

Re: I need your help!!!

This is really pissing me off. I live in Iowa, and I've been reading all of the sick comments people have left under the story at, and getting really upset about it. I didn't know that everyone in Iowa was so close-minded. ugh! It makes me want to move somewhere else. I can't believe they're even having a poll about this! Everywhere else they'd probably do something like this to honor him without even questioning it, but here, they have to have a poll because so many people think it would be "upsetting" to see a butter figure of him there. :(
Re: I need your help!!!

This is really pissing me off. I live in Iowa, and I've been reading all of the sick comments people have left under the story at, and getting really upset about it. I didn't know that everyone in Iowa was so close-minded. ugh! It makes me want to move somewhere else. I can't believe they're even having a poll about this! Everywhere else they'd probably do something like this to honor him without even questioning it, but here, they have to have a poll because so many people think it would be "upsetting" to see a butter figure of him there. :(

i think everyone is still hung up on the rumors.....Iowa isnt all that innocent with the people living here like i said we are a shit state.

Re: I need your help!!!

Leave comments on the FB poll defending Mike... Wow, these people unbelievable.
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Re: I need your help!!!

Damn, how stupid can people get? I am convinced that the people who issued negative input are brainwashed haters who think Michael was an evil person or something. And the irony of it all is that the vast majority of these people are probably Christians and isn't one of the central teachings of Christianity to not pass judgment on others?

I'll vote come the 9th.

first of all I would like to say I find your post very offensive Isn't part of Michael's message dont judge people. He was judged his whole life and look how it made him feel. I am a christian. I have been a die hard Michael fan for 32 years. I am painfully grieving our loss of Michael. I cried so hard I couldnt breath while watching the memorial service. So please hate the haters not he christian s.
Re: I need your help!!!

For some reason that poll on face book isn't working for me and I'm not a member so I can't leave any comments. I'll vote on the official site.

first of all I would like to say I find your post very offensive Isn't part of Michael's message dont judge people. He was judged his whole life and look how it made him feel. I am a christian. I have been a die hard Michael fan for 32 years. I am painfully grieving our loss of Michael. I cried so hard I couldnt breath while watching the memorial service. So please hate the haters not he christian s.

Yeah, that was a bit insensitive of me and I apologize but it's probably true. Then again, just because something may be true does not mean it should be stated. I stand corrected.
Re: I need your help!!!

Voted. If it doesn't end up happening, I think we all know the reason. Starts with an r.
Re: I need your help!!!

this state does not have too many blacks. What else do you expect for them to say? I voted though.
Re: I need your help!!!

You can use your own zip.... And if you have multiple email addresses you can vote more then once.
Re: I need your help!!!

this state does not have too many blacks. What else do you expect for them to say? I voted though.

It's the history of the USA creeping up again. Oh they'll give Elvis his sculpture, but Michael? Take a poll, wouldn't want to offend people. Bitter that a black man did it better than any of their own.

Sorry if I offend anyone with this post, this is honestly how I feel.
Re: I need your help!!!

It's the history of the USA creeping up again. Oh they'll give Elvis his sculpture, but Michael? Take a poll, wouldn't want to offend people. Bitter that a black man did it better than any of their own.

Sorry if I offend anyone with this post, this is honestly how I feel.

its how i feel to. Iowa is my home state and its like they are still living in the segregated age. I am very disappointed in my home state.
Re: I need your help!!!

Each user will be allowed to vote only once and to that end will submit an e-mail address and ZIP code. The poll, however, will not be restricted to Iowa ZIP codes.

If you have to look up the Des Moines Zip code.