Thankful for an 'unlikely' destiny...


Proud Member
Mar 25, 2009
This is weird, but I didn't know where to post. I usually don't get this cheesy, lol, but I just wanted to say...

Earlier today I was watching the September 1971 "Goin' Back to Indiana" TV special. I thought of the sheer amazing destiny that steers our lives, that here was this kid, this kid named Michael Jackson, dancing and singing there on the screen with his brothers... and meanwhile, my mother was pregnant with me just a couple of states away and my husband's mother was pregnant with him thousands of miles away on another continent. And we would all seem an unlikely bunch to ever cross paths. I doubt my parents even watched this show.

The J5 had only been stars for a couple of years by that point and no one could have known the future... how Michael would be THE legend, the most amazing entertainer ever and the sweetest person ever as well. What would be the chances, how could one believe at that moment that this Michael Jackson kid would change so many lives, so many destinies? It would have seemed so unlikely when seen from that moment in time (except maybe on the spiritual plane, where I'd like to think this was planned!) He would be the reason for so much in my own life, he the reason I even found my spouse (my husband and I met on an MJ forum). We both would love this man (then just a kid) with all our hearts. He would shape our lives and help us to open our hearts. We would discover him in different years, but from those moments onward he would be our angel here on Earth, our inspiration, our joy and the catalyst to take unexpected paths.

Incredible. I am thankful we got to share these years with Michael, that we were all here at the same time. And for all the rest of you as well. It has been a blessing. Even the sadness cannot take away a moment of the joy. We were blessed to share this world with Michael... and each other.
That was beautiful...
It reminds of that phenomenon called the Butterfly effect, it was a movie too.
A butterfly moves its wings in Mexico and a tornado happens in Florida...
That was beautiful...
It reminds of that phenomenon called the Butterfly effect, it was a movie too.
A butterfly moves its wings in Mexico and a tornado happens in Florida...

Butterfly effect, exactly what I thought. :yes:
That was really sweet MJbunny, reading these sort of things helps me very much lately.
I also met my hubby on an MJ forum, but guess what? Not an MJ fan. :( He's sweet though, and respectful of him, so it's ok.:D