Thank you


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just wanted to thank everyone for making this such a very special place for all of Michael's fans.

It is so nice to be able to share these exciting times with you all and incredible that we are about to experience Michael-mania one more time.

It has seemed like such a long way away for such a long time but here we are, on the next leg of the journey.

Sometimes we don't say thank you often enough, and stay silent, so thanks and see you in July!
This is an Awesome Thread.:clapping: This is the first place I come to in the morning...and It lasts for over an hour...and that hour is so special (am not tryin' 2 b corny:cheeky:) but really, This is a Happy place 4 me considering things that are going on in the world. So Thankful for this.

I do Love All the fans...I really mean it...Even though I don't know each and everyone of you...I Clearly know that You have an open mind and Love The Best Man in this world. You are confident and Dont care what ppl. say, y'all stand up for yourselves and other fans and Of course, Michael.:yes: Thank you again. and God Bless You!:D


awww this is so sweet!!! I love love love you guys, honestly! Its just like the previous post said ^^^ you guys are all such wonderful and sweet people and really seems like everyone geniunely cares about each other here...its such a great feeling of support here and i appreciate each and everyone of you!!!
Joins in and say thank you. There may be coflicts some times, but I have always enjoyed this place, and are grateful both for the standards it sets and for all the interesting and lovely people, the diversity and the knowledge that people share here. Not to mention all the imagionations,the humour and the energy. Oh.. and thank you for some of the picture threads- they brighten my day..........;D
Awesome thread! :yes:

I love this place! Really, it's like a second home to me. I spend most of my day on here and without it I wouldn't know what I would do. I'm so thankful for all the staff that keeps this place running. It is truly the best forum on the internet thanks to you guys! :yes:

I love everyone on here. You guys are so supportive and friendly. It's like a giant gathering of nice people in one place (and they all happen to be Michael Jackson fans :lol: ) Even though I haven't been on here long nor have I had the chance to meet all of you (which I would like to ;) ) it feels like you guys are a part of my family! I love you all from the bottom of my heart :wub:

Have an awesome day!

- Brittany :D
this is a great thread. i say thank you too. i'm grateful for all the fans here. i mean, it can be lonely when i go onto media sites that have news about MJ and the comments section makes me feel like i am the only fan in the world..or especially in the usa. but, when i see this site and the vids on youtube and see people gathering and chasing Michael, i realize..not so. i certainly am not the only fan in the world or the usa. the media tends to be powerful sometimes and gives me tunnelvision. and it's just nice to come here and remind myself of what the truth is. thank you all. yall are great people.

God bless you.
This is such a sweet thread. :D
I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to all the wonderful fellow fans in here. This place really is wonderful! Thank you all for making this such a strong and good community. Also huuuge thanks to the administration for making everything work just perfect. You put alot of energy and effort into this, and its highly appriciated.
LOVE you all! :)
This is the first place I come to in the morning...and It lasts for over an hour...and that hour is so special

I feel the same.
Browsing on the forum a bit really is my moment of the day - away from daily trivialities.

So indeed - thank you all (members and management alike) for making this a special place
Great thread czechstar :) . I was thinking about this a couple of days ago about how great this website truly is!. I would also like to thank all the MJJ Community team and fans for making this such a nice and friendly place to visit to keep up to date with the latest Michael Jackson news :) .