Thank YOu to all


Proud Member
Jul 27, 2011
MJJCommunity, I have to say thank you all very much for being here with people like myself. You are helping me a great deal. I have met alot of wonderful people on this board and I just want to say thank you. I am crying right now because my heart is hurting. You all has helped me through his trial, helped me reach folks within his camp, befriended many of you. His death is taking a toll on me because I have loved Michael for a long time. I am looking at my calander now where I have his birthday marked for this year (I could not celebrate it last year because I was getting surgery), I have July 13 marked on my calander as well waiting day in and out last week on this concert this month. It is funny that when I heard the news of Farrah, I was sad for her and then I said, you know it is going to be one more person. When I got home, I watched Dr Phil and later turned to CNN to see any news on Farrah then BOOM I start reading about Michael. Next things went for bad to worst. I lost it. I am have not been doing well (my job gave me the day off Friday) but I will be OK. I was going to attend his concert and I was hoping to finally met him. Now all of that is gone and it hurts like crazy. I was able to see two of his shows in my life (three but he got sick with the Dangerous). I will always love him. It hurts me because when I am upset, I would come on here to see what is up with Michael along with other ventures an it would make me feel better. I had another great lost this month that hurt me but I focused on the fact that Michael will be coming back on stage made me deal with it. NOw this. I feel lost, hurt, mad, empty, sad, lost, etc right now but I want to THANK YOU all From SOSO Def, Victoria, and everyone else.
For me too. Thank you guys. I joined when I had bought a ticket for This Is It and have been on it everyday since. Thank you for all your help and support evven when my family thinks im crazy and obsessed its great ot be around people who think the same as me.
I'm glad we're all in this together. That we can lean on each other for support. That's why we are here in this particular forum. We can all be Rocks for each other. Have a better day today ok?
For me too. Thank you guys. I joined when I had bought a ticket for This Is It and have been on it everyday since. Thank you for all your help and support evven when my family thinks im crazy and obsessed its great to be around people who think the same as me.

helps alot.

Michael Forever.
terrell, it will be okay. I have been missing from, MJJC since the trial ended because I just needed a break. I was on MJ overload. But I came back from time to time to see what Mike was up to. When news of his passing reached me, I rushed home and immediately logged onto here. We held strong through a lot. From MJIFC to MJJF and now MJJC. We'll get through this. Surely, many will go their separate ways and leave this community behind them, but many of us won't. It will be up to people like us to shape how Michael Jackson is remembered. Stay strong, girl.
I understand exactly how you feel. I was also hoping to finally get a chance to see Michael perform and possibly meet him too. It was my one dream, and now I know it will never happen. I feel so bad for him that he tried to live a good life and tried to help people, and then it ended up like this. He had so much more planned and so much to live for, and then he was just taken away.
I also did what you said, and I would come on here when other things were going wrong to see what was up in Michael World. I have been so sad about him dying, and sometimes I have been in denial about it because accepting it is too painful.
Most of my friends and family don't understand how I feel, so I'm also grateful for the people on here. I'm glad to have others to talk to who understand exactly how I feel.
You are very welcome. This is a time most of us could not even possibly imagine, but you, all, have given new meaning to the word "community." Let's keep helping each other, ok?

You're very welcome and we are glad to hear that you stay strong! :)
I will. I just want you all to know. I know this is the internet and there are jerk that surrounds it (just like any other thing) but do NOT take your positions lightly. THis board is helping people. I may not met many of you but you are appeciated. Ms. Tenda, I love you girl. You have given me information that I could have never have got no where else. Forgive me if I am making typos (I am crying, working all at the same time). I hope Michael knew how much I loved him. I hope he knew my name when emails and letters were given to him, I hope he knew how much people cared. Even though the media was rough, MANY people loved him. This is why is bothers me to hear about him saying he was lonely in the past. WHY? There are plenty of people who did not care about your fame, your money, etc, they cared and Loved YOU (Michael) no matter how the media try to paint you (Michael). I said this when the trial was over. I do not believe MOST people thought he was not innocent; however, the demons are the ones who were often given the camera and time on tv. But like my mother said, at least he went out while he was on top, not when he is down in bed and people saying he does not have it no more and really meaning it. I am still shocked. I looked for Michael to be an old man who especially since he was a help caution person, now we do not know what killed him (sorry but I do not believe it was natural. the autopsy is talking too long. Billy Mayes have his result already back. My grandmother died from Cardic Arrest). Again, thanks for listening. I know we all will have to go to where Michael at in heaven; but for now, since we are here, it hurts that he is not here.
For me too. Thank you guys. I joined when I had bought a ticket for This Is It and have been on it everyday since. Thank you for all your help and support evven when my family thinks im crazy and obsessed its great ot be around people who think the same as me.
LOving is different from being obsessed so your family should chill with that. My whole family is hurt. My brother was too depressed to get out yesterday and did not know why. He did not think MJ death would effect him like this (and yes, my brother was named after Michael)
I'm glad you've found strength in the community. At this time, you don't find another group of people that understands what we're going through. It reminds me of the phrase "one in pain" that Michael used. I didn't use to post here until after his death because I couldn't handle the pain alone, and this place helped a lot. Mike may be gone but his community will remain.
i feel the same, i thank you all from the bottom of my heart! :cry:
you know... i can easily realise what you're going through.. all of us.. i think...
it hurts so much that i think i cannot breath. i can not stop crying, and especially when i see all the tabloids that some years ago wanted to destroy him, now they pretend to be sad and carrying. We remember how they treated him.They' re still cannibalizing his body, his whole fame. they' re still making money from him, and i can not stand makes me angry, it makes me very angry....he couldn't find a normal life, he couldn't find peace. and now that he is trying to find it...some people still don't let him. I saw many journalists in my country laughing discribing the second autopsy, or his sexual life, and i started to scream in front of my tv.. "why are you doing this to his soul??? it is not fair... get a life, let him being in peace for once in his existance".
Do you guys remember the film "what dreams may come"? deeply inside i belive this kind of story...because i know today that he may not be alive, but he certainly exists, and that makes me want to be here with you. Because our thoughts, our tears, our pain, exist.. our love exists, his soul exists, so he exists between us, in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls, in our lives, now and forever.
i' m sorry i wrote too much. i love you guys... your like a family to me!!
Thanks for listening (...or better..reading)
I want to thank you for being here terrell. These are for sure our darkest hours here on this board... but it's amazing how many ppl are willing to hold on, stick together and get eachother through this. We will make it! We will keep Michaels legacy!
I was going to make a new thread about how I am feeling today but I think I will just post here instead.

Today I am down. Way down.

The station I am on is promoting Take That, Tom Jones, Diana Krall and I cant help thinking I will never see my baby perform again. Never see him smile that sweet, sly smile of his. Never hear him laugh.

I know that some day I will be happy again but right now the pain has me in a fog. I curl up in my bed and try not to think. I am still lethargic and vacant - which is bad because I need to work on my thesis for my Masters degree. But brain is struggling to the process the fact that Michael is gone.

I hurt. I hurt. I hurt. I want my baby back.