Thank you Gary & MJJC members


Proud Member
Mar 4, 2009
Devon, England
I've only been a member since March but this site has meant more to me than any other the last few days so I would like to thank Gary, the moderators and all the members for being here to support each other.

Over 48 hours later and I'm still finding myself tearing up as soon as I think about what's happened (and I still find it hard to say what I know is the truth but don't want to believe). Friends & family have been very supportive but none of them understand how I feel as much as you all do.

Thank you. xxx
yes,gaz thanx so much. every1 who makes up this board,u guys are awesome.
I remember joining in Nov 2008 when it was rumoured that Michael would be coming to London for the court case regarding the Prince of Bahrain and I really wanted to see him.

7 months on who would have known that he wouldn't be here today.

Huge thanks to Gaz and all of the lovely moderators.

All the best
Yes, Thank You Guys! You all are great. We love you.

I'm very thankful that I had the opportunity to experience the Michaelmania we had this year and last year. I'm so thankful I got to experience that. It was great times.