Thank you for the fans who made Thriller 25 succesful :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
new york
People where dogging and, hating the whole idea behind thriller 25, or at least wishing it never came out. And also bashing the whole idea because of the disliking of the remixes.

Well, in my opinion Thriller 25 was amazing, and not only that, but i am so thankful for it

Why? Because it was the last gift, or reminder to michael, that his fans still love him, we are still here and never left. It was his last real direct message from the fans around the world, not every fan, but many old and new fans. It gave him confidence , and it gave him the feeling of love from around the world. After thriller 25 was successful, in the end , it was because of the success of thriller 25 that michael was motivated to do many of the things he had planned.

I truly consider, thriller 25 as one of our last , true, We still love u around the world messages to michael........

I believe after all those sales and number ones, he said.... " i can still so this" now its time to do it, all over again, and take over.......
No problem! 25 is a great album and just shows how Mike can rule the world a quarter of a century on!

And he will be the greatest for the rest of our lives! Don't worry about it ;)
lmao I remember in the merchandise section one person had about 20 copies of T25, I think it was michaelsson :lol:
Well I hated on the album I wont lie. I thought a re-release was a bad idea but I still ended up buying it the day it came out lol. It's Michael and I just can't help myself when it comes to him, I had to get it haha.
I opted for the I tunes version where I got all my originals again (minus the remixes, sorry!)
lmao I remember in the merchandise section one person had about 20 copies of T25, I think it was michaelsson :lol:

It sure was michaelsson lol

Anyway I'll move this to the MJ Groove Theory section.
Yup! I remember watching America's best dance crew when Thriller 25 came out.
My cousin loved P.Y.T... ^_^
I like the album!The remixes are ok...It's sad that the DVD had only the 3 videos.I wished for The making of Thriller on it also,which would have made it 10 times better then it is.But,still,the holographic covers are amazing!I have one copy of each. :D
Yep, i went out with the intentions of only buying one copy and i ended up getting 4 different versions of it. Then later on i got the Japan version for 'Got The Hots'. Sooo 5 versions then lol Which brings the total number of times i bought 'Thriller' to 8 times: 1 on cassette tape, 1 on vinyl, the special editon version, 5 of the 'Thriller 25' version :)
I think Thriller 25 was one of the best things he has done since Invincible. Even tho number ones nd stuff were great too before I get attacked :lol:
For people saying they love it.. I bought it, but have only listened to the remixes. Did they do something with the original tracks, like enhance them or anything? Or are people saying they love it simply for the remixes?