Tell me what we're waiting for! (the best release date)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What do you think would be the best release date for Michael's new album? I mean what part or date of the year?

I think it would be great to have in the beginning of December.
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End of November/Early December like Celine Dion did last year. Her sales were incredible thanks to the Xmas/NewYears rush. :) Michael had the same benefit in 2003 with Number Ones at Xmas time. Any earlier leaves too big of a gap to totally benefit from the Xmas period.
Now suits :)... but i'm being selfish lol, don't know that much about it, i'm sure he'll time it well
My ideal date would be JUST IN TIME to make the Grammy cut off date..
Is it September the cut off date for the grammy's?

If so.. I would do it like this..

September release.. Then December Special 'Fan Pack' Edition version with all the trimings.. * Bonus tracks * big booklet * unique case * video/web saterations etc.. time!!! my faaaavorite time of the year!!!!
Sorry.. but when I saw RELEASE DATE.. my heart stopped. I'm serious. :mello:

LOL I had to read it again. :hysterical:

Anyway.. lol.

Uhm.. since the T25 stuff is going to end this fall... (me over analyzing that the Thrillercast runs for 40 weeks, I actually counted on the calendar forty weeks, and I end up with the below :hysterical:)

I'm expecting it to be out, by the end of October to beginning/mid of November. So probably that Oct/Nov time frame. :)
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End of November/Early December like Celine Dion did last year. Her sales were incredible thanks to the Xmas/NewYears rush. :) Michael had the same benefit in 2003 with Number Ones at Xmas time. Any earlier leaves too big of a gap to totally benefit from the Xmas period.

totally agree. Biggest sales or at Xmas time.
His album will officially be released tomorrow, July 5th.

But only in secrecy to a few select fans (I am one of them).
End of November/Early December like Celine Dion did last year. Her sales were incredible thanks to the Xmas/NewYears rush. :) Michael had the same benefit in 2003 with Number Ones at Xmas time. Any earlier leaves too big of a gap to totally benefit from the Xmas period.

I totally agree with that.
I've only become a fan recently so I haven't had the long wait that you lot of have had. Which might be why I don't mind when it is released. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for it but I just want it to be as good as possible :)