Tell me am I still a fan?

Michelle MC

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
Okay, this is geared not for those who don't look at dates people join here. This question is geared for those who are sucpicious of all the newbies, me being one of them. So I want all you suspcious people to tell me one thing.
I have loved Boy George since the 80s. I followed him like a lot of you all followed Michael. In the early 2000s when most of you joined here, I was on a couple of Boy George forums.
Then I got sick of the forums because all I saw was bickering and stuff like that, so I stopped posting. One of them closed so that was unfortunate. So I stayed on another one until I got sick of the bickering. So what I decided to do was stay on the Boy George yahoo groups and sign up for recent news involving Boy George. But many of his fans were on the yahoo groups too, so I stopped posting there, but I still read what they say at times.
I still listen to George, I still love him, although there are some things in his life that I don't agree with, but anyway, I still love him the person. I love his voice, his music, his person. So tell me, I'm not on any of his forums. I want to know if you who look at the join dates see me as a fan of George, even though I'm not on his forums anymore???
Obviously... :yes:

Girl, being a fan entails more than signing up for some forum... -_-

I mean... you should know. You're an 80's girl, right? My Mom said that back in the days, you really had to put an effort to get to know your favourite artist.

What's important is that you love him and respect him as a person and his music.. That's the definition of a true fan.
You know what, forget it. I don't need to know the answer to this question. It doesn't matter.
Obviously... :yes:

Girl, being a fan entails more than signing up for some forum... -_-

I mean... you should know. You're an 80's girl, right? My Mom said that back in the days, you really had to put an effort to get to know your favourite artist.

What's important is that you love him and respect him as a person and his music.. That's the definition of a true fan.

Um, I said that I keep up with George, I have listened to his interviews and gotten to know his person. He was my favorite. But as I said forget why I asked or even that I asked.
LOLS! I guess I wasn't very helpful... :lol:

Hope you figure it out then... Good Luck!

Well I already knew my answer. I just wanted to know what everyone else thought, but actually, now I don't need to.
SInce when being a member of a forum is a sign of being a fan??? I dont get that way of thinking.
I like Boy George a lot!!! He is great!
I am a fan since I am 10 years old of Mike.. look at my date here....
You are a great fan :D
sure you are a fan..I use to be a huge Boy George gan back in the day too.....but..I never belonged to any forums.....also I have been a Michael fan for 30 years or more...I never went on a forum until about a year ago.....I dont think it is written anywhere that we have to be on a forum to be a fan of someone we love...:hug:...hope this helped..:)
There are plenty of fans of each artist that are not on forums. Heck when I spent 8 months on another fanbase searching for someone that I saw on tv. Then when serching for them I was sad that they were not on the forums but I still think that they are fans.

Anyway, don't feel bad, Not everyone has time to be on fourms and stuff. Non-fourm fans don't even think about them.
yeah ive never been a big fan of message boards...too much immaturity that goes on alot of them...i never thought to join an MJ board and really the only reason i joined is because i was grieving and felt that no one understood what the hell i was going through
All of you responding don't obsess yourselves with join dates on here. I know for myself that I'm still a Boy George fan and that before he passed I've been a fan of Michael, been ever since the 80s. I know one doesn't have to be on forums to be a fan. I myself know that, but I think there are some on here who don't. They look at the join dates and become suspcious.
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All of you responding don't obsess yourselves with join dates on here. I know for myself that I'm still a Boy George fan and that before he passed I've been a fan of Michael, been ever since the 80s. I know one doesn't have to be on forums to be a fan. I myself know that, but I think there are some on here who don't. They look at the join dates and become suspcious.

Maybe this thread should have been called "Newbies state your case". Do you all get where I'm coming from and why this is being brought up?
yeah ive never been a big fan of message boards...too much immaturity that goes on alot of them...i never thought to join an MJ board and really the only reason i joined is because i was grieving and felt that no one understood what the hell i was going through
Well, I can tell you that most people joined these forums for that exact reason - because no one around them could understand how they felt about Michael throughout the years.