Teenage health and fitness


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hi guys just wanted to know if there were anyone out there that are struggling with weight loss,who have lose weight and have stories to share aswell as sharing any forums they visit to do with health body and fitness?.
I have a great story but im on the clock right now so ill hopefuly get to inspire yous soon lol.
im really interested to know how many people are into this subject :)
so feel free to discuss
I had two kids, both by C-section...and I craved ice cream, chili cheese fries and pancakes..so I put on A LOT of weight haha. After my second kid I decided to just lost a lot of weight, but with two kids and a husband who is on the road 6 months out of the year it's hard to go to the gym. A GREAT DVD you can get it Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred, there are 3 stages, all are only 20 minute work outs and they are really simple ones, but holy crap, you will FEEL THE BURN EVERYWHERE. You do it for at least 5 days a week and Jillian also has a book to go along (it's separate) with it that gives recipes and diet tips. Within 2 months I lost 20 pounds and feel GREAT. You HAVE to have a cheat day (lord knows I love me some Starbucks fraps. and chocolate covered peanuts), but on the cheat day, maybe go out for a hike. I felt horrible the first week and wanted to give up, but it feels so good being healthy. When I reached my first goal I went out and bought a really cute dress and went out with some girlfriends for some drinks as a little celebration.
When I was in high school I kept healthy by doing yoga for 30 minutes each day, and a short pilates workout at night. I still do it and it is the best thing I have ever done for myself.

I really recommend pilates to anyone who wants to start exercising but is hesitant. It's not super high impact, no weight training, easy to do and effective. Plus it's fun!

Yoga is just fantastic for your flexibility and overall well-being both physically and mentally. :)
hi! well in 2 years i have lost 64 pounds (4 1/2 stone) all thanks to slim fast. It's great because i had no willpower when it came to overeating and sweet stuff, but it shrank my stomach so i just felt full if i ever ate too much. which feels really bad. i'm a uk size 10 now which is amazing, i have always been overweight, and now i'm not. my bmi is 23!
basically to lost weight you have to burn off more calories than you take it. i heard that if you eat just 100 more calories than you need in a day, you will put on 7 pounds every year. on 1200 cals a day i consistently lost weight. however with slim fast you need to eat a lot of veg and fruit (fruit has a lot more calories than you think) as well to make up for how artificial it is. oh god my life is ruled by calories, how sad is that!? lol
also excercise loads, if you have a dog take it out for a run. he/she will love you for it. or just go with some mj music on your mp3 for motivation :)

just realised it says 'teenage' in the title lol i'm not quite, but not that far off. i really struggled with motivation as a teenager. i guess the time just wasn't right. you really have to want to do something about it.
i would say... eat less, but make it quality food. you know, organic fish, chicken and vegetables. when you eat protein it makes you feel fuller for longer, and if it's lean it will be low in fat. and if you are in college you could get a group of friends together and go running or something. or do mj dance classes! :punk: or do something on your own.. which is what i would do lol oh and if you drink loooads of water it helps too.
i would say... eat less, but make it quality food. you know, organic fish, chicken and vegetables. when you eat protein it makes you feel fuller for longer, and if it's lean it will be low in fat. and if you are in college you could get a group of friends together and go running or something. or do mj dance classes! :punk: or do something on your own.. which is what i would do lol oh and if you drink loooads of water it helps too.

Fish is out, since I hate it. I try to eat meat at least once a day -- chicken, a burger, turkey sandwich are my top picks. I don't care for too many fruits/veggies, but I DO like green beans, corn, potatoes (which brings out my Irish heritage :p), grapes, and apples. But I'm also a HUGE sucker for pasta...and I eat cereal with milk every morning and a Starbucks refrigerated drink. I don't drink TONS of water, as in glasses, but I have to moderate how much of my bottled water I drink cause I need it to take my meds every day. I don't drink a lot of pop/soda, on the occasion I do. I also drink a lot of juice and lemonade. And the occasional candy bar or snack. Funny thing is, I don't eat a lot...
I do take ballroom dancing and swing dancing, but nothing's really intense yet. I plan on taking an actual dance class here as well. I miss dancing back home, because that was where it was AT. And since I'm not in marching band because I graduated, that was a great workout every day -- but no longer. :( There IS a workout room here -- I went there once and ran on the treadmill until I about passed out, but I haven't been back since because that wasn't a smart idea. Walking around campus kinda helps -- I hate running with a passion.
I can't seem to really lose anything, no matter how hard I try. The only time I lost quite a bit was last year during marching band season and this past winter when I got the stomach flu.
Fish is out, since I hate it. I try to eat meat at least once a day -- chicken, a burger, turkey sandwich are my top picks. I don't care for too many fruits/veggies, but I DO like green beans, corn, potatoes (which brings out my Irish heritage :p), grapes, and apples. But I'm also a HUGE sucker for pasta...and I eat cereal with milk every morning and a Starbucks refrigerated drink. I don't drink TONS of water, as in glasses, but I have to moderate how much of my bottled water I drink cause I need it to take my meds every day. I don't drink a lot of pop/soda, on the occasion I do. I also drink a lot of juice and lemonade. And the occasional candy bar or snack. Funny thing is, I don't eat a lot...
I do take ballroom dancing and swing dancing, but nothing's really intense yet. I plan on taking an actual dance class here as well. I miss dancing back home, because that was where it was AT. And since I'm not in marching band because I graduated, that was a great workout every day -- but no longer. :( There IS a workout room here -- I went there once and ran on the treadmill until I about passed out, but I haven't been back since because that wasn't a smart idea. Walking around campus kinda helps -- I hate running with a passion.
I can't seem to really lose anything, no matter how hard I try. The only time I lost quite a bit was last year during marching band season and this past winter when I got the stomach flu.

if you really want to change shape i would recomend the following :) (it's what i did)
*only use skimmed milk
*drink water or calorie free drinks ( i would recomend water though because artificial sweeteners are SOO bad for your health)
*try to eat less potatoes/pasta etc you can still have them just a smaller amount. during a meal half of your plate should be veg.
*get packs of 100 calorie snacks i.e small kitkats. that way you don't feel like you don't get anything sweet.
*juices have a ridiculous amount of sugar. empty calories. i tell myself that if i'm gonna have that many calories in a glass of juice i'd rather have 2 cookies .lol
you could try the treadmill again but walk instead with little bursts of running and gradually build up and set targets like ok, today i'd do 20 minutes of walking with bursts of 1 minute running etc. it's good for burning fat.
hope i've helped at all :)
has anyone here tried weight watchers? i joined when i was 9 years old and lost most my weight..now im struggling again...its more because im an emotional eater..who else is?
*drink water or calorie free drinks ( i would recomend water though because artificial sweeteners are SOO bad for your health)
*try to eat less potatoes/pasta etc you can still have them just a smaller amount. during a meal half of your plate should be veg.
*get packs of 100 calorie snacks i.e small kitkats. that way you don't feel like you don't get anything sweet.
*juices have a ridiculous amount of sugar. empty calories. i tell myself that if i'm gonna have that many calories in a glass of juice i'd rather have 2 cookies .lol
you could try the treadmill again but walk instead with little bursts of running and gradually build up and set targets like ok, today i'd do 20 minutes of walking with bursts of 1 minute running etc. it's good for burning fat.
hope i've helped at all :)

Does skim milk taste the same as 2%?
When I do get pasta, I get the half order and not a full order.
I haven't had any real fast food (Wendy's, McDonalds, etc) since August!!! I do have some 100-calorie packs of Oreos, Chips Ahoy and something else, can't remember. Good advice about the treadmill!
I try to treat myself once in a while with Starbucks, juice, ice cream, candy, etc. So I really do try, I just can't seem to keep anything off!! I really think it's some of the medicine I take -- I think it's making me retain water.

Does skim milk taste the same as 2%?
When I do get pasta, I get the half order and not a full order.
I haven't had any real fast food (Wendy's, McDonalds, etc) since August!!! I do have some 100-calorie packs of Oreos, Chips Ahoy and something else, can't remember. Good advice about the treadmill!
I try to treat myself once in a while with Starbucks, juice, ice cream, candy, etc. So I really do try, I just can't seem to keep anything off!! I really think it's some of the medicine I take -- I think it's making me retain water.


yes that could be it. sometimes it's things that we cannot help (like meds). i put on a ton of weight when i went on the contraceptive pill. i hated taking them as they made me feel sick so i came off it and then the weight seemed to fall of with slim fast. maybe you could ask your pharmacist if there is something natural you could take for water retention?
also it doesn't help that mj died.. i bet a lot of people have been eating emotionally. :(
love yourself and your body, and then move on from there :)
Im trying to lose some pounds at the moment and tone up vut down on eating rubbish that i constantly do! Mayve we could start an MJ weight loss club - like the online forums but instead if we start a thread here its free.

I did find online weight lose forums a great support when I tried seriously last year. We had this competion where we were in groups. So say there were 3 people per team the target would be too lose a total of 6lb a week. And you had a sort of leader board chart with the other teams. Friendly competion and support from your team.


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 etc, etc,

Team 1 6LB

Team 2 5LB

Team 3 6LB

The idea after 8 weeks each team member would have shed a stone etc. (ONLY IF THEY NEEDED TO!!)

Nutracheck.co.uk is an amazing online food diary that helped me a lot to. There is a small online calculator which you fill in for a free trial. Which will outline what you need to do to get to your target weight for instance eat 1400Kcal and do 400Kcal exercise etc
yes that could be it. sometimes it's things that we cannot help (like meds). i put on a ton of weight when i went on the contraceptive pill. i hated taking them as they made me feel sick so i came off it and then the weight seemed to fall of with slim fast. maybe you could ask your pharmacist if there is something natural you could take for water retention?
also it doesn't help that mj died.. i bet a lot of people have been eating emotionally. :(
love yourself and your body, and then move on from there :)

Well, I'm on a contraceptive pill, but for hormone purposes only -- to regulate menstruation. I've been on it for 4 years. I also have irritable bowel syndrome, so I have to watch what I eat if I don't take my medicine for that, but sometimes that doesn't help, either! XD
Eating's a problem if I don't have anything else to do...and I do eat emotionally sometimes, because I get sad a lot. :(

Blah, I went down to get breakfast this morning and EVERY SINGLE KIND of milk was gone!!!!!! So I got a 180-calorie Starbucks drink...*don't hurt me!*
aww man, you've got it tough, poor thing :better: take each day at a time, and stay positive. we all get bad days so you're not alone.
aww man, you've got it tough, poor thing :better: take each day at a time, and stay positive. we all get bad days so you're not alone.

Aw, thanks! When I first got here to college, I was really depressed. It comes and goes, but usually I wanna stay in bed, not eat.

For the first time EVER today, I had a turkey sandwich with LETTUCE on it!!!!!
I don't like the fitness devices and so I did this to get healthy:

It works, but you have to stick to the plan and not think like 'uhm I don't like to do it today, maybe tomorrow'

wow that looks different. on the subject of jumping i bought of those mini trampette things (one of my weight loss fads lol) but it now resides in the shed because it made the room shake when i bounced on it :rofl:
wow that looks different. on the subject of jumping i bought of those mini trampette things (one of my weight loss fads lol) but it now resides in the shed because it made the room shake when i bounced on it :rofl:

Why do I think of the black or white video when I see your post?:p
Those mini trampettes aren't good for your head, every time I go on them I get headache:doh:
Makes me dizzy:puke:
Why do I think of the black or white video when I see your post?:p
Those mini trampettes aren't good for your head, every time I go on them I get headache:doh:
Makes me dizzy:puke:
haha yes it was like that. people downstairs screaming me to stop lol before i make the ceiling collapse! no wonder i had to lose weight, being picked on like that!! :angry:
I just want to stress the importance of carbs! They're still an integral part of your diet :) Just eat wholegrain pasta and bread instead, brown rice etc... you need them for energy :)
Especially if you're doing a lot of cardio (which is GREAT for fat burning).

I lost 10-15 kilos over about 18 months by exercising consistently for 3 times a week. Just be consistent and dont expect results too fast :)
I just want to stress the importance of carbs! They're still an integral part of your diet :) Just eat wholegrain pasta and bread instead, brown rice etc... you need them for energy :)
Especially if you're doing a lot of cardio (which is GREAT for fat burning).

I lost 10-15 kilos over about 18 months by exercising consistently for 3 times a week. Just be consistent and dont expect results too fast :)

yes you are right. refined carbs are not good. in fact refined anything is not good.

10-15 kilo? what's that in pounds?!
and your right about being consistent, it's taken me 2 years of effort. worth it though :) now i feel the best i ever have and i have a lot more body confidence.

wow i saw this new fitness craze on tv this morning, it's called Jukari. Soooo much fun i bet :D :D
wish i lived near somewhere that did it. apparently it's inspired by cirque de soleil. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBiM4nC9kYE
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yes you are right. refined carbs are not good. in fact refined anything is not good.

10-15 kilo? what's that in pounds?!
and your right about being consistent, it's taken me 2 years of effort. worth it though :) now i feel the best i ever have and i have a lot more body confidence.

wow i saw this new fitness craze on tv this morning, it's called Jukari. Soooo much fun i bet :D :D
wish i lived near somewhere that did it. apparently it's inspired by cirque de soleil. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBiM4nC9kYE

I think it's about 20-30 pounds. It sounds like heaps when I put it that way :|
I've probably put on 7 kilos since I started Uni this year but Im okay with that. I lost too much weight to begin with because I had really bad body image and couldnt see it. Now, I'm focused on being fit and healthy more than numbers on a scale :)

Good for you! It's good to be confident!! :)
you could try the treadmill again but walk instead with little bursts of running and gradually build up and set targets like ok, today i'd do 20 minutes of walking with bursts of 1 minute running etc. it's good for burning fat.

When you talk about walking 20 minutes and 1 minute running, how long would you walk before running, etc.?
:) i would say just long enough to get you warmed up and your heart rate increased a little. depends, maybe 3 minutes or so!? it's what i do when i walk the dog on my own lol
:) i would say just long enough to get you warmed up and your heart rate increased a little. depends, maybe 3 minutes or so!? it's what i do when i walk the dog on my own lol

Ah, I see. I don't have a dog at home -- the closest things are my grandparents' and aunt and uncle's dogs, but the latter, Buster, is REALLY athletic.

I might go to work out tonight, so I'll see what I can do!
lol that's good. i'm so obsessed, i get paranoid if i'm eating something i don't know the calorie content of :p i can see myself expanding like the nutty professor lol