Teaching my cousin about MJ


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
Hey everyone, just thought I'd share my babysitting story from this weekend with my cousin, and I think we should try it. This Saturday I was watching my nine year old cousin at my house while her parents were out but it was the same night Jacksons an American Dream was on. She obviously knows who Michael is and like him very much but never really has seen the story of his life so while we played with my cats and sketched in the living room, I had the movie on and took the time out to teach her. When she was watching those moments of Joe beating the kids and taking them to strip bars, she said "I'm glad I don't have a Dad like that." I told her that was true but in a way if he hadn't been so mean, Michael wouldn't have felt such a need to be so loved and so famous because he didn't feel that from his Dad. She then said "I don't think I ever want to be famous, it's not that great." She also said to me "You know, it's like he aged backwards to make up time!" I was very moved by her very intelligent observation and told her she was exactly right. To any of you out there who have a young child of any kind in your family, get to them before the haters do. It's a crucial time. It is true if you get them young you pretty much have them for life.
i think about it too. we must Do it.
Not to let the new generations forget:heart:Michael. we must keep His incredible legacy always alive. :yes:

i really feel sorry for all these children who will not grow up, seeing him. thats horrible.
I am really happy that i lived in in His era :angel:
WHAT A BLESSSING :wub: it's a true blessing though i never had the chance to see him close but i could see him live through TV, and internet. i cherish that :love:

i believe the new kids will grown up wondering if such person like :heart:Michael really lived. He seems huger than life.