Taxpayer Revolt Over Michael Jackson Memorial


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
An alleged do-gooder has filed a creditor's claim against the Michael Jackson estate, on behalf of the City of Angels.

Jose Freddie Vallejos claims it was illegal for Los Angeles city fathers to underwrite the Michael Jackson memorial last July to the tune of $3.3 million.

Vallejos claims the memorial benefited the estate so the estate should pay the full bill.

He filed the claim as a taxpayer for the City of L.A.

What a patootey. It also didn't just benefit the estate. It benefited the hundreds of thousands of people watching worldwide. Probably including the person who filed the claim.
For goodness sake. People pay tax, they don't say how it gets spent. Do some people have nothing better to do with their lives?
saddo can shove his claim where the sun dont shine. mj paid more tax than this fool ever earnt in wages.
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Another dumbass looking for some money from the estate. Michael Jackson's estate is not an ATM, it seems like Mike's getting lawsuits by people who sue for no reason sometimes.
Maybe the estate should file claim against the city of LA to get back all the damn taxes MJ paid to that city over the years.

We don't hear the city of Boston asking the estate of Kennedy to reimburse whatever money was spent on his funeral.

this fuckery needs to stop.
Maybe the estate should file claim against the city of LA to get back all the damn taxes MJ paid to that city over the years.

We don't hear the city of Boston asking the estate of Kennedy to reimburse whatever money was spent on his funeral.

this fuckery needs to stop.
All this is so effing frustrating.
This doesn't make a lot of sense. Let's just say he wins, it's not his money, it's the government's. So he would have to give it back to Uncle Sam, lol. A better lawsuit for him to file is the waste of money and time on frivolous lawsuits or taxpayer money wasted building sports stadiums. :p
There is a very easy way to deal with this. AEG offered MJ's family to hold the memorial at their site.

So, someone taking up an offer is not liable, it should be handled by the person who offered.

Moreso, a citizen cannot apply to an estate, it's the officials who do it on behalf of the estate.

And also, before MJ's team pay a dime, or cheeky response to that idiot, they should ask for a precedent when any famous personality within LA who has passed away has had to pay for policing of a public occassion?

It's unfortunate that we live in a world that is still highly dicriminatory. I can imagine someone in Memphis saying Elvis should pay for their funeral policing.

Infact. MJ's team if it had the guts could draw the line over this issue and simply say that it will find it fitting to pay for funeral policing if indeed Elvis Presley's estate was made to pay for policing for his public funeral procession.

That will send a clear message to these idiots who mask their racism behind this taxpayer issue.
There is a very easy way to deal with this. AEG offered MJ's family to hold the memorial at their site.

So, someone taking up an offer is not liable, it should be handled by the person who offered.

Moreso, a citizen cannot apply to an estate, it's the officials who do it on behalf of the estate.

And also, before MJ's team pay a dime, or cheeky response to that idiot, they should ask for a precedent when any famous personality within LA who has passed away has had to pay for policing of a public occassion?

It's unfortunate that we live in a world that is still highly dicriminatory. I can imagine someone in Memphis saying Elvis should pay for their funeral policing.

Infact. MJ's team if it had the guts could draw the line over this issue and simply say that it will find it fitting to pay for funeral policing if indeed Elvis Presley's estate was made to pay for policing for his public funeral procession.

That will send a clear message to these idiots who mask their racism behind this taxpayer issue.
We all know they don't have the guts, maybe if his children were old enough they'd issue such a statement as for the executors and the relatives. They will never do this. And of course this is due to racism.
Maybe the estate should file claim against the city of LA to get back all the damn taxes MJ paid to that city over the years.

We don't hear the city of Boston asking the estate of Kennedy to reimburse whatever money was spent on his funeral.

this fuckery needs to stop.


It's just awful how these money grabbing worms seem to crawl out of every single hole when it comes to claims from the estate!
saddo can shove his claim where the sun dont shine. mj paid more tax than this fool ever earnt in wages.
.....not to mention the money the city of LA made out of all the tourists, fans and others interested in being part of HIStory traveling to LA and spending shitloads of money there.

What an idiot this man is.......just leave the Jackson family alone. Stop trying to use Michael's name to make money. It's getting old, and it's pathetic.
These things make me so angry I can't be bothered writing up huge ass essays of evaluation on the situation. Just wanna knock these idiots lights out. Some people are too low for any kind of reasoning.
A "revolt" by one person filing a claim motion? That's the media trying to hype it up.

We fans can do better. Aren't there any LA fans around? The fanclub could draft a motion and team up with some LA fans as backers of the motion to state that

Michael Jackson was a tax payer of the state of California and like any resident and taxpayer of the state, was entitled to police services for mainataining public order at his funeral.

Public order is part of the reason tax-payers pay taxes to fund police services and Michael Jackson paid millions of taxes to the state of California in his lifetime.

Whereas druglords and kingpins have police services extended to them at their funerals to maintain public order and are not billed for such services.

The claim is brought in bad faith and is therefore oppossed by the under-signed tax-payers.

File the motion with the same court where this guy filed his, and copy it out to AP, Reuters and other outlets.
It helps when stupidity is challenged. That way, they will know there are people who will speak out for MJ.

It may not have much bearing legally but it has a lot of bearing symbolically, in the same way this guy tried to do his.

We can also specify an estimate of the amount of tax Michael has paid since 1979 when he was 18 years old.

Given that his major tours would gross $50 million to $100 million, not to mention his other annual earnings

A $50 million earning after a tour is equivalent to MJ paying about $5million in taxes to the state. Alltogether, MJ has paid nearly over $50 million in state taxes since 1979.

Including such information will put them to shame (that is if they have any shame).

Personal income tax California collects income tax from its residents at the following rates.

For single and married filing separately taxpayers:
-- 1 percent on the first $7,168 of taxable income
-- 2 percent on taxable income between $7,169 and $16,994
-- 4 percent on taxable income between $16,995 and $26,821
-- 6 percent on taxable income between $26,822 and $37,233
-- 8 percent on taxable income between $37,234 and $47,055
-- 9.3 percent on taxable income of $47,056 and above.

A 1 percent surcharge, the Mental Health Services Tax, is collected on taxable incomes of $1 million or more, making California's highest marginal rate 10.3 percent.
.....not to mention the money the city of LA made out of all the tourists, fans and others interested in being part of HIStory traveling to LA and spending shitloads of money there.
exactly. LA should be paying the estate. didnt the city make about 4 mill from it. this is just some saddo who prob wants to get on the local news while he lives off benifits.
A "revolt" by one person filing a claim motion? That's the media trying to hype it up.
yeah can a revolt include only one person lol
This individual is a moron! The only group that has a legal claim to ask for money is the city of LA itself! The cost for the funeral was $3M, but the city of LA made $4M in sales revenue that week. They have not lost any money whatsoever. AEG has already paid the city of LA $1M for the costs of security. However, I do agree that the family could offer to pay something besides a $49,000K tab. But I do not think the family is responsible for the entire tab as security is a service offered to all citizens.
The Family has no money, Katherine declared several times in court that only income she has are the allowances. The family paying means the estate paying which again equals to dead Michael paying.
Maybe the estate should file claim against the city of LA to get back all the damn taxes MJ paid to that city over the years.

We don't hear the city of Boston asking the estate of Kennedy to reimburse whatever money was spent on his funeral.

this fuckery needs to stop.

:clapping: :yes: :clapping:
Like someone said on page one of this thread if he wins he doesnt get a penny, it goes straight to the state, so he must be one of these so called idiots who doesnt like Michael Jackson.

They all need get a life and grow up pretty quick what about the $8thrillion Bush spent for things that were NOT needed! like a prison in the middle east! I mean really! and Michael's Memorial brought in $4Millon to Cali! I dont know what they're complaining about!!!

They really need to get off their @$$es and give this thing up


Any good? ;)
im impressed lol
I wonder what type of do gooding he does? And it is only one person complaining not which leads me to believe that he just wants money.

I'm so frustrated right now Michael can never catch a brake so now his estate getting sued over some taxes Bull ish Just another cornball wanting attention..this ish is so sicken