Tatum O'Neil Arrested For Purchasing Crack Cocaine


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
AP Photo: In a March 20, 2008 file photo actress Tatum O'Neal attends a screening at...


Police: Tatum O'Neal arrested in NYC drug bust

7 minutes ago

NEW YORK - Police say Academy Award-winning actress Tatum O'Neal has been arrested after buying crack cocaine near her home in Manhattan.
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Police say the 44-year-old actress was seen making the illicit purchase at about 7:30 p.m. Sunday. She is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance.
O'Neal, daughter of actor Ryan O'Neal, appears regularly on the cable television series "Rescue Me" and was the youngest person to win an Oscar for her role in 1973's "Paper Moon."

She chronicled her struggles with addiction in her memoir, "A Paper Life."
Police could not say whether she had an attorney. Messages left for a publicist were not returned early Monday.
I hope that she has a great support system around her, I have seen up close how addiction can ultimately destroy someone fatally, i don't wish that on anyone and i hope that there are people who love Tatum and can be there for her.
It is all sad. This truly proves that drug addiction is truly an illness. All I can say is any of these young Hollywood stars out there who are effing up their life better pay attention to Tatum's tragic life and pray they are not going through that at 44 years old.
wasn't her excuse that shewas doing this for a movie role? it was research? wasn't she a drug addict back in the day? so what's she have to research? wait for mcenroe to use this against her and now she'll never see her kids
it wasn't even her fault initially. it was her father who thrust her in a world of drugs when she was just seven yrs old...just like w/ barrymore, shehad a friend, not a parent.
So sad for her, drug adiction is something that doesn't simply go away...

Lohan should take a good look at Tatum's life...
^It can but from what I have seen most people aren't willing to do what it takes to have it gone. They would rather have it as a constant "problem" in their lives unfortunately. Trouble is it usually takes down everyone around them whether the people around them are sober non-druggies or not. They put a stain on everyones life in one way or another. For the druggie... they don't seem to care.
This is sad =/

And the problem is that all the famous and rich people have contact with drugs... i mean, with things like cocaine or crack, alcohol... And is very hard get out of that thing, we had seen a lot of young people that enter in this trouble and die... Young, famous, rich and beautiful people... And normal people too...
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Tatum's story is all so sad. These young stars today need to get a hint.
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I think to speculate on anyones drinking "ability" or experience is probably a mistake unless you live with them.
Thread cleaned and also a couple of posts edited.

The thread is not about Mr. Jackson, so why he was brought into the discussion?

Besides his personal life is not a topic of discussions here.
Tatum O'Neal pleads guilty to disorderly conduct

Tatum O'Neal has pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in connection with her June cocaine possession arrest in lower Manhattan.

Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Elisa Koenderman (KEN'-dehr-man) has ordered the 44-year-old actress to spend two half-day sessions in a drug treatment program and pay a $95 surcharge.

If O'Neal has met those conditions when she returns to court on September 4th, the case will be dismissed.

O'Neal won a best supporting actress Oscar at age 10 for 1973's "Paper Moon," becoming the youngest person ever to win an Academy Award.

O'Neal, the daughter of Ryan O'Neal, has publicly chronicled her struggles with drugs over the years.