Taj Jackson - One of my fondest memories with my uncle Michael


Proud Member
Oct 19, 2008
In the heart of Michael... FOREVER!!!

One of my fondest memories with my uncle Michael

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at 6:02PM

If you were to ask me what was one of my fondest memories with my uncle Michael, the first answer that would come to my mind would be, "Huis Ten Bosch" What is Huis Ten Bosch. The Huis Ten Bosch I am talking about is a Dutch Village theme park in Nagasaki, Japan.
The quick story is.... my brothers and I were visiting my uncle Michael in Japan. All of us were invited to visit the theme park Huis Ten Bosch . I won't go into too many details because most of these memories are very special to me and I hold them close to my heart. However what I can tell you is that the four of us never laughed so hard....period..We were all just acting silly and making each other laugh that day. For years afterwards we still talked about that trip. Matter of fact, whenever my uncle need some cheering up, all we had to do was mention Huis Ten Bosch and he would laugh again. That's one of the things I will miss most about my uncle. Making him laugh or smile. He had a great laugh. A laugh that would make you laugh back. That trip was purely a magical one and I will never forget it.

Cute!!!!!! For me, the smile/laugh from Michael was the most beautiful I've ever seen. :heart:

Taj.... >>>>> :wub:
i can only imagine the great memories taj has :) here's aother picture from that trip

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Aww that's sweet :) I would like to hear them pronounce Huis Ten Bosch lol, I think that's funny enough for me as a Dutch person :lol:
Aw, this is really sweet. True, Michael had a very beautiful smile and laugh. I'd do anything for him to do both of those just one more time for us.
you got that pic to work? i couldn't get it to work. i can't see anything.. how did you get it to work?
It's from photobucket, everyone should be able to see it.Try refreshing your page.
yeah. it's fixed now. thanks. they don't look like three men to me. they look like three boys. lol. and sometimes, i have to double take, to keep them from looking like three wax figures to me. lol..they're so surreal in that pic. but they're extraordinarily beautiful people. i guess that's why.
Michael's laugh was infectious, even through a screen.

Is this the trip to Japan where MJ couldn't stop laughing during an interview? Like literally could NOT stop.
That is such a sweet story and so good of Taj to share it with us.
I know that him and the boys were extremly close their Uncle Michael.
Michael was always at his happiest when he was in a theme park,spending time with his family,having a laugh and making other people happy.
He really did have such a beautiful laugh and like Taj,when I hear it,it always makes me laugh too.

Michael we will miss it and most of all we will miss you.
You will live on inside everyone you have made laugh forever.
We will always love you Michael.

Good question. :thinking:

Just to remember:


Beautiful! :wub:

hahah! his laugh does make me laugh

i think this is an edited clip too.. it went on for longer :rofl:

hmm.. idk.. maybe michael looks older in that video than in the photographs, or maybe not.. idk..
Thanks for sharing this precious story
about Michael Jackson and his nephews.:give_heart: