Tai Chi


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
In a 3 months i'm in my 3rd year learning Tai Chi. I do know the 48 forms right now but i need to improve those to make it all more fluently.

Tai Chi is a Chinese material art. When i tell people that they mostly think of fighting like Kung Fu or something like that. But it isn't about fighting. Tai Chi are movements (forms) you can use to send good energy through your body and get rid of the bad. It's also makes your body stronger and to get to know your strength. Those forms can be used for self defence, warming up, meditation or just exercise. Years ago most people did it in large groups but when i was in China i only saw small groups or just an old lady or men doing it alone as morning exercise in the park.

There are different styles of Tai Chi too.. with fans, sticks, swords etc. I'm doing the 'basic' Tai Chi with nothing and when i get this all right i'm thinking of starting lessons with a stick or fan.

I was wondering who also does Tai Chi here:D In my group i'm one of the youngest and mostly old people do this which is stupid coz it's fun for all ages if you ask me. Not to mention many ask me what it is coz they never heard of it before.