Symphony of Hearts

Do you want to help bring Michael Jackson's Dreams to life creating a "symphony of hearts?&quot

  • Yes, I think this is a great idea!

    Votes: 25 92.6%
  • No, It sounds really lame.

    Votes: 2 7.4%

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Sharon B. Sidney

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson has inspired many artists in the industry and still some yet to be discovered. Are you one of those yet to be discovered?

Are you willing to share your talents to "Heal the World" and show what Michael Jackson's inspiration is all about?

Please read the Topic "A Different Way" and leave a post if you think this may be something you would like to be a part of.

Quote from Michael Jackson's Oxford Speech

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Shmuley once mentioned to me an ancient Biblical prophecy which says that a new world and a new time would come, when "the hearts of the parents would be restored through the hearts of their children". My friends, we are that world, we are those children.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mahatma Gandhi said: "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." Tonight, be strong. Beyond being strong, rise to the greatest challenge of all - to restore that broken covenant. We must all overcome whatever crippling effects our childhoods may have had on our lives and in the words of Jesse Jackson, forgive each other, redeem each other and move on.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This call for forgiveness may not result in Oprah moments the world over, with thousands of children making up with their parents, but it will at least be a start, and we'll all be so much happier as a result. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And so ladies and gentlemen, I conclude my remarks tonight with faith, joy and excitement.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]From this day forward, may a new song be heard. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Let that new song be the sound of children laughing. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Let that new song be the sound of children playing. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Let that new song be the sound of children singing. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And let that new song be the sound of parents listening. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Together, let us create a symphony of hearts, marvelling at the miracle of our children and basking in the beauty of love. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Let us heal the world and blight its pain. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And may we all make beautiful music together. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]God bless you, and I love you.[/FONT]

Sincerest thanks,
Sharon B. Sidney
How funny, I was justs mentioning something (possibly) like this to someone. Actually maybe it's different, there is not enough information here to know. I would love to hear more.
How funny, I was justs mentioning something (possibly) like this to someone. Actually maybe it's different, there is not enough information here to know. I would love to hear more.

I am thinking we can create a music CD to donate profits to charity (or maybe a box set:). Those who are able to contribute original song selections could submit them somewhere and then fans could vote on samples to be placed on a marketed CD.

People who could help in other areas such as designs, marketing, computer skills and so forth could offer thier help where they are gifted.

More info is in the thread "Another Way."
Ah ok, so it is different from what I was thinking. What if that was the way to raise funds (not sure what is involved in making a CD) and the funds could go towards realizing MJ's dream of Heal the Kids? Maybe not the foundation as it is non-existent now right? But the idea he had presented in the Oxford speech and others around that time. I don't know what would be involved. I would really like to know, as I have my own idea of what I'd like to do for helping homeless and would like to know how to make that become a reality. You'd think people around MJ, fans and otherwise, would be familiar with how to get an idea to become a reality. There has to be some who are familiar with the workings of starting a Charity right? Maybe not..

I don't have much time right now to make this fit my post, so I'm just going to post what I'd written to you in PM in case the idea might help in here (with a bit of editing)
Sharon! wow... holy smokes. I swear God has got to be working among us. About a month ago I started brainstorming this idea for homeless people. I am not sure if it's a great idea or not yet but am still seeing the possibility in it instead of the reasons why it won't work.

How interesting that you've come up with the other side to what I've been dreaming of. I think it is great that there are charities out there like Habitat for Humanity who build homes for lower income people, and that type of thing, but I would like to come up with an almost instant way to house them ALL, not just a few. Temporary probably, but at least it would be a shelter to be safe in, and a place to call home, but would not be anything elaborate. Bare minimum so that more could be afforded. Smaller scale like how things were at the start of our countries. Maybe even smaller to start. But something so that no one would have to go without. I know it is just a dream right now, and many reasons to say it wouldn't work, but there are many reasons why it could work as well.

I was just saying to a friend of mine, on another topic but somewhat similar, that I wish all the fans could continue on with his dream for Heal the Kids. I wish we could work towards realizing that vision for him. What greater gift would there be than that? None that I can think of. Not to slam any other gift ideas, but I believe that something like this (heal the kids) would touch him so much more than material gifts, and touch many more hearts than his and reach further than his. It would do what he's been singing about from the beginning. It would change the world. It would heal the world. It would be the start that is needed.

Now it is just the how. I see there are many like minded people here with regards to this topic. The how will come if we just keep plugging away and keep that passion.
ok :)

By Sharon
You're bringing tears to my eyes.

God is always working amongst His people now you have me wondering where the devil will try to pop up at:)

Those are beautiful ideas Ape!

When I was a kid I remember seeing the news and they spoke of people being homeless. I cried my eyes out and I wanted to sleep outside till they got a home. My mom wouldn't let me.

Maybe that is what we can do! A day, weekend or night for the homeless across the globe. To build awareness an share an understanding of thier plight.

Is that too off?

I don't think your ideas are too far off. I think the world is too uncaring and we have to stir up their hearts. Pray that God gives them hearts of flesh. I started working on a CD because I haven't been financially able to make a difference in peoples lives.

I was crying to God about it one day and I was asking Him how could I when I'm barely making it but my heart ached so bad for so many people... He brought my songs to mind and I started making excuses and He gave me the answers so I started going through songs I'd written and started writing new ones. I think I've come crazy far with what could actually be potential hits. I'm not out to get rich or famous but I want to make money so that I can help others. I'm really tired of not being able to.

As to your housing for people it's not hard to be honest here in America there's far too many places already available and vacant but unusable. Why? Because corporations DON't care about people and people need to stop caring so much about self and ignoring the needs of others. Sorry, I'm writing a book here...

and my

I'm ok with you writing a book :) You are right, the homeless don't have to be homeless if somehow we could place the homeless in the peopleless homes. I do understand that people have to look out after themselves as well and if someone has all their life savings tied up into a home, and can't risk donating that space because they themselves would end up being homeless if they don't take care of their financial means, but there has to be a solution here that we just haven't thought of yet.

I would like to email you my idea if I could. It won't fit in here but if you are ok with giving your email address out, then I could email my brainstorming idea to you. (I voiced my idea to a friend of mine online and we talked about it into the night... was like 3 am so some of it is pretty silly)

I can't sing. My daughters can though. But Im not sure they are capable yet of creating something that could go on a marketable CD.

I LOOOOOVE your idea of sleeping outside for the homeless. I would hope that wouldn't be putting people in danger, but homeless are in danger when they are sleeping outside. It is a reality for them, but I wouldn't want to purposely put people at risk either, especially children (though I know kids camp outdoors sometimes). I still like the idea.

I used to cry at the beginning of Flintstones (till I was about 6) because he'd get left and forgotten, and then locked out of his home. I felt so bad for him. In a way, like homeless, locked out of homes.

well some of that from my email wasn't necessary to post but ah

Ape you are funny.

My email address is

I think children have some of the most amazing ideas! When you listen to them or the "inner child" in self you find sparks of creation. See what ideas yours have?

I have faith that there are fans of Michael's already out there that has a song they have already created that they would want to use for the project.

I'm sure maybe some fans will be inspired to complete work on songs they have done?

Any takers?
I was contacted by one of the members from the board here with a suggestion of fans doing a single for charity!

The suggestion was that the fans all get together in their areas and record verses to be submitted for inclusion on the CD creating a mass choir of sorts?

Is anyone willing to spread the word on this and post feedback???

Hey, Ape, what does that first line from the portion of the Oxford speech quoted above, where it mentions "the hearts of the parents" and "the hearts of their children," remind you of? Weren't we just talking about something similar in the other thread regarding that prophecy I posted? What I posted also mentions Michael's influence on this generation of artists and future generations, which this thread also mentions.

I'm not familiar with the whole Oxford speech; I've only read bits and pieces of it, and I certainly don't remember reading that portion of it before. Wow! Reading that first line in the quote above, after what we talked about, really hit me!
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Ivory Keys- what part would you like to play?

Tyler- that sound awesome! I'll take a listen as soon as you let me know it's copyrighted:)

Is it copyrighted???

Also, anyone else interested you can mail an insured letter to yourself before submitting it to the copyright office - which would protect you in the event of it getting lost in the mail or the files not transferring through to their site. Mailing a copy to yourself through insured mail is the updated version of the poor mans copyright.

Looking forward to hearing your song Tyler. How long have you been a fan of Michael's?
Hey Sharon. It's not copyrighted. I'm not sure what an insured letter is, or how to copyright music. I've been a fan since 2001. He's been my fav artist ever since. I'm especially fond of his newer music, HIStory/ Invincible
Hey guys, here's an updated link to the track.

Hi Tyler,

I am not sure what agency you would use in Canada to copyright a song here in the U.S. it is the U.S. Copyright office. If you were to mail an insured copy of your song to yourself or someone else without opening it the date that it was mailed will be proof that the song was in your possesion on that postmarked date, thereby providing you with proof of copyright. You would need to have some form of proof if ever someone was to infringe upon your work.

You may want to pull your link and or make sure that you have some form of proof in Canada that you created any songs you choose to allow any others to listen to.

Please understand and accept my apology for not listening to the material until you've secured your copyright.

If anyone has listened to Tyler's song please email me at or post a message here to give feedback.

Thanks again Tyler - I look forward to listening to your song once you have some form of secured copyright. Please keep following your dream and being led by your helping heart!

God bless!!!

Sharon B. Sidney
Hi Tyler,

I am not sure what agency you would use in Canada to copyright a song here in the U.S. it is the U.S. Copyright office. If you were to mail an insured copy of your song to yourself or someone else without opening it the date that it was mailed will be proof that the song was in your possesion on that postmarked date, thereby providing you with proof of copyright. You would need to have some form of proof if ever someone was to infringe upon your work.

You may want to pull your link and or make sure that you have some form of proof in Canada that you created any songs you choose to allow any others to listen to.

Please understand and accept my apology for not listening to the material until you've secured your copyright.

If anyone has listened to Tyler's song please email me at or post a message here to give feedback.

Thanks again Tyler - I look forward to listening to your song once you have some form of secured copyright. Please keep following your dream and being led by your helping heart!

God bless!!!

Sharon B. Sidney

it's great to see someone appreciating ownership of material enough to wait for securement of copyright.:clapping:

thank you.