Swine Flu


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys

Is anyone worried about this ? or do you think it is being blown out of all proportion?
No I don't think is has been blown out of proportion, trying telling that to the parents of the children that have died in the UK already and we havn't yet seen the worse yet come winter.

Plus my wife has just been diagnosed with Swine Flu today, so I'm due to get it anytime now together with our children. Life sucks.
I don't think it's blown out of proportion because their are groups that are at high risk for complication like those with low immune systems, babies, elderly...although this particular influenza seems to be hitting young adults. Most people if they get it, get over it, but the chance is there that you could end up in hospital or even die. Luckily most are surviving.
Imagine if it spread this fast and was a more lethal strain? That would be frightening. :mello:
I've had it...it was just like your generic flu. For healthy young adults, with a healthy immune system it's okay...not nice, but copeable.

However for youngsters, older people and people with other health problems it can be really dangerous. It really knocks you for six.
When it first came out I thought it was all hype, but since healthy people have died it has worried me more. Plus I know that at least one person who died from it who's "underlying health problem" was mild asthma. That's not the image you get when somebody says "underlying health problems", I think most people kind of imagine they were seriously ill, not just mild asthma. I have two children one not far off 4 and the other 7 (no underlying health problems in either). My youngest would be a priority for getting the jab because apparently first in line are pregnant women and the under 5's (because they are the only people who cannot take anti-virals, even the seriously-ill can take them) but not my eldest.

It angers me that even though scientists and doctors are saying they could reduce the second wave of flu by up to 45% by closing schools for an extra six weeks on top of the six week summer holidays, spokesmen of the government are trying to over rule it saying that it would be "too disruptive to society". In other words, if parents had to stay home to look after their kids they would have a lot less robots to make money for the fatcats.

So yeah, it's safe to say I'm worried about swine flu, but also by certain "professionals" attitudes to swine flu.
Is it mutating or something? How come healthy people are now dying? :( It scares me.
It is very worrying. I have mild asthma but if I get a cold, I have to take time off. I had really really bad a couple of weeks ago and it lasted for 2 weeks. I was in bed for 4 days as I couldn't even walk down the hallway my asthma was so bad. I reackon I may have had a mild effect of the Swine flu. Im hoping its built my resistance up but it completely knocked me for six. Ive never had flu that bad before.
Is it mutating or something? How come healthy people are now dying? :( It scares me.

Nobody seems to know, or if they do they're keeping it quiet until they can be certain. Try not to worry, they start the jabs in a few weeks
Does anyone think I'm at risk of having serious Swine Flu if I get it? I'm 22 and only weigh 100 pounds. I'm healthy and just look slim but I'm underweight for my age. Would I be at a high risk of having serious illness if I were to get it?
I know people who've had it and who've had it around work. I'm not particularly worried about myself getting it cos I don't have any underlying health problems. Whoever has it though I wish them a speedy recovery.
No I don't think is has been blown out of proportion, trying telling that to the parents of the children that have died in the UK already and we havn't yet seen the worse yet come winter.

Plus my wife has just been diagnosed with Swine Flu today, so I'm due to get it anytime now together with our children. Life sucks.

I've just seen this.
I hope your wife is ok, and you and your children don't get it. :(
No I don't think is has been blown out of proportion, trying telling that to the parents of the children that have died in the UK already and we havn't yet seen the worse yet come winter.

Plus my wife has just been diagnosed with Swine Flu today, so I'm due to get it anytime now together with our children. Life sucks.

I wish your wife a speedy recovery! All the best to you and your children too.
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My aunt had it and recovered in 7 days..
I had to go on tami flu to as i use to go hang out at their place even though i had no symptoms..
I dunno its a bit worrying but its annoying to cuz the symptons of normal flu and swine flu are so similar
Yes. It is being blown out of proportion.

Swine Flu is just another Fail. It will go soon enough. There is no need to be frightened by the media.
If you watch the media talk about Swine Flu, you get the idea that this virus is out of control and set to wreck death and destruction on us all. The reality is that its common for thousands of people to die each year from flu. It happens every year. Even if you total up all the people who have died from swine flu, it doesnt match the numbers from those who die of the regular flu. Whats different about Swine Flu, is that its particularly targetting people who are younger and people who have other health symptoms, which can compromise their health to an extent that they die. Whats puzzling scientists is that there have been cases where people who were perfectly healthy and did not have any pre-existing health issues, died from Swine Flu and the fear is that the virus could be mutating but the jury is still out on that. The day there is a severe virus which mutates sweeping the world will be like doomsday. It could easily kill millions given that with the way we use planes and trains and buses to get around.
Yes. It is being blown out of proportion.

Swine Flu is just another Fail. It will go soon enough. There is no need to be frightened by the media.

True, July and August are notoriously slow news months, which is probably why they're reporting it so heavily.
As far as I'm concerned Swine Flu is about as lethal and as problematic as the normal flu. The antibiotic to treat it will only reduce symptoms by about a day, it's not a magic cure-all. If it's going to kill you then it will, the antibiotic won't save you unless you was gonna die on the last day. It will affect people with weaker and undeveloped immune systems and unhealthy people more though. The whole hype about this is definitely in my opinion an overreaction. If thousands of people were dying per day and not just 1 or two then I'd be more concerned, but I think more people die from car accidents per day than from Swine Flu. :p But hey, if I catch it I'm pretty much a virus killer. My immune system is one that is a magnet for viruses and won't let it go until it's been destroyed.
Apparently we're all going to have died from it by the end of winter anyway, so I dont even know why we're talking about it...we should be out there spending the last of our cash and living out our last days in style :)
My auntie was given tamiflu yesterday and the doctor says it´s fine for the kids to be out and about the estate even though they´ve been with her everyday. Surely that´ll help to spread it. Plus, she´s the only person to have it in our area so the kids could easily pass it around if they´re out playing...
Nope i'm not that worried about swine flu. Over here it's not much of an issue yet. They are worried though that after everyone is back from thier holidays it will be. Yesterday in the news there was some item of swine flu in London. That made my friend so worried, she almost freaked out. She's affraid she might get it over there or that we get a negative travel advise from the travel agency when we go to London in september. I told her to relax a bit. I mean there is nothing you can do. If you get it, you get it. No matter where you are! They also said in that item it is advised to use gel that kills bacteriums and wash your hands a bit more. Now i still have that gel so i take it with me coz that might be handy anyway. The only thing i do now is taking vitamin pills, I always do that in the winter but i decided to start again. Not for the swine flu though, I'm getting tired sooner and feeling a bit ill every now and then. So maybe i need some extra vitamines.
Im a bit concerned over the ease of geting it. My mum got it for my dad yesterday - he doesn't have it but she got it as a precaution as he has a donor kidney. All she did was give the chemist the form from the NHS website and they handed over the drug! way too easy. Im wrestling with my morals as to whether I should do the same - just in case (being asthmatic)....
I think that it's being blown out of proportion too. Thousands of people die a year from flu, it's not something new. Don't get me wrong, it's not GOOD and it's certainly not good that healthy people are dying. But I do think that the media is going way over the top, and they are frightening people.

The virus is already out of control, you can't stay in your house week after week hoping not to get it, the whole world would come to a stop otherwise. If you're going to get it, you're going to get it, that's it.

Remember bird flu? They said that hundreds of thousands of people would die from that too.

The media just need to calm down with this whole 'NHS won't be able to cope' and all this crap which is really scaring people.
I've been told yesterday that my one of my cousins got sick from the swine flu.