When it first came out I thought it was all hype, but since healthy people have died it has worried me more. Plus I know that at least one person who died from it who's "underlying health problem" was mild asthma. That's not the image you get when somebody says "underlying health problems", I think most people kind of imagine they were seriously ill, not just mild asthma. I have two children one not far off 4 and the other 7 (no underlying health problems in either). My youngest would be a priority for getting the jab because apparently first in line are pregnant women and the under 5's (because they are the only people who cannot take anti-virals, even the seriously-ill can take them) but not my eldest.
It angers me that even though scientists and doctors are saying they could reduce the second wave of flu by up to 45% by closing schools for an extra six weeks on top of the six week summer holidays, spokesmen of the government are trying to over rule it saying that it would be "too disruptive to society". In other words, if parents had to stay home to look after their kids they would have a lot less robots to make money for the fatcats.
So yeah, it's safe to say I'm worried about swine flu, but also by certain "professionals" attitudes to swine flu.