

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
why do people get offended with such silly words? have you taken the time to actually think about what these words mean? and why is it offensive?

and i especially love some of the English translations of swear words used in other languages and dialects. it's good cringe-worthy fun!
I absolutely love your "out of the blue from time to time thoughts" threads :D

I have nothing against swearing as long as you're not trying to say something degrading towards e.g. a specific race or women or something like that.

But I mean, sometimes swearing can accent and give an emotion more focus.

"I feel great." - You wouldn't pay much attention to when a person say that.

While if you ask me how I feel and I'll be like:
"Ah man, I feel f**ing great" - It's kind of obvious that something special has happened. Maybe I've hit the lotto, or maybe I just feel f**king great in opposite of "just" feeling great. :D

I don't think we should be so sensitive about swearing - de-dramatize the words by using them, as long as you know you can vibe with the person on that level.

EDIT: So I censored some words in case some people are sensitive, I know we have young folks running around here :)
And if you can understand the words that are censored, then it ain't my fault :D
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Haha, I swear too much, it's just a bad habit. Though I never swear in front of my mother/stepdad/siblings, that's something I learned as a child, my mother would not tolerate swearing :)
The same thing didn't apply when I was with my dad (who passed away a year ago), he used to swear and so he couldn't really tell me not to. He always said I swear like a sailor, lol :blush:
I used to think that swearing's ok if it's not directed at someone, but now that i live with children, I really hate people swearing in front of them for whatever reason. If it ain't necessary don't do it. I find this really hard to live by mind you - i kind of have outbursts of swearing, but not that often.
I used to think that swearing's ok if it's not directed at someone, but now that i live with children, I really hate people swearing in front of them for whatever reason. If it ain't necessary don't do it. I find this really hard to live by mind you - i kind of have outbursts of swearing, but not that often.

I never swear in front of children either, they shouldn't be subjected to the harsh words of adults. They learn all the swear words too early anyway.

I find it funny that I can easily switch to a non-swearing mode when it's necessary. I should just stay in that mode all the time..
I never swear in front of children either, they shouldn't be subjected to the harsh words of adults. They learn all the swear words too early anyway.

I find it funny that I can easily switch to a non-swearing mode when it's necessary. I should just stay in that mode all the time..[/quote]

I'm exactly the same :smilerolleyes: I should really stop swearing!
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Personally I don't like swearing (I never swear) or hearing other people swear. I think this is from my upbringing as my parents never swore either. I thing it sounds ignorant and that we should be able to express ourselves however strongly we feel without swearing. After all we have a whole dictionary of words to use....surely we can find something within its pages that can emote what we are trying to say without resorting to using bad language. Just my opinion
I'm not sensitive to it but I don't do it.
Honestly I've never thought why I don't do it yet, guess it's cuz of my upbringing but I've just never felt the need?! I'm able to express emotions other ways and I guess without swearing I can also not get in danger to hurt someone so I'll keep it this way.
I swear way too much. Funny thing is, I hate it when other people do. I really wanna stop but it's become something I do without really thinking, although when I'm around my parents or people I shouldn't swear in front of, I can not do it subconsciously as well.
Here's a question, and please try to look at this as objective as possible before you go ape crap crazy.

When Biggie on "This Time Around" said "and I know my n***a Mike like that" I felt it uplifted Michael since this whole nonsense about his skin color that's been going on.
It's for me deeper than just throwing around the n-word, it's more like "f**k you all, I don't care, Michael is still my n***a"
Man, I don't fucking know and sensitivity is a bitch....
why do people get offended with such silly words? have you taken the time to actually think about what these words mean? and why is it offensive?

words themselves are not offensive unless people are taught and believe that they are offensive.

we learn swearwords unconsciously as other elements of our culture and don't analyse what these words actually mean or what their etymology is lol, we only know that they have some power that affects other people's minds.

why do nonsensical words create such emotional reactions - i don't know, but maybe it has something to do with an old superstition that a spoken word has some magic power, that a single word can curse or bless people or otherwise change things around. this common belief was just a useful tool for keeping people under control and in fear, alongside with religion – interesting that religious people are the most sensitive to swearing and get deeply offended by just anything.

and the fact that majority of swearwords are related to sex/reproductive organs and that area was repressed in western culture for many centuries, also explains a lot imo. although society's view has changed people still respond within that code.

personally i don't give a damn what someone else is meaning by those words, and what their intention is, they are just meaningless to me. but i like when they're used creatively and can add some humour or emphasis to an adjective. unless it's not overused because then it becomes plainly boring.
Swearing word is a excellent way to express strong feeling..............
sometimes it hurt if you didnt control them well

but you can make it a graceful but strong way, yeah, it's so good especially on arts.

Swearing words owns lots of intelligence..........
Lol, nice thread. And i'm bored as HELLLL!

So obviously I don't normally mind swearing.^^ Though I tend to use it in moderation, and I never like to say God or Jesus' names in vain. Those I usually stray far away from, though i'm only human and sometimes it slips out...

I def. don't mind most swearing as long as it's not offending another race or religion, and not used to really put someone down. I also don't like to use it around children. I'd like to keep their minds as pure as long as I can as far as language is concerned.

But I will say that I don't like people who excessively use the words all the time. There are other words you can use, ya know. I think ppl who say f**k or b**ch way too much are just idiots. Go find another word to express your feelings in the huge vocabulary we have.
And when the words are directed at another person to degrade them is something I don't like doing. Words like b**ch(not referring to a dog), b***ard (when not referring to an illegitimate child), c**t, mother f**ker and any other one I forgot to mention are all words I don't use. But I have this theory that they really aren't any different than calling someone stupid, retarded, idiot, or a dumb ass. It would be just as hurtful to me if someone called me any of those names.

This being said, my mouth can get kind of dirty occasionally, especially when i'm a little po'd.

Here's also a good quote from John Mayer that I thought was kind of funny but only partially agree with, lol:
"The F word just really says, hey, I'm funny."